Representation of Afferent Signals from Forearm Muscle and Cutaneous Nerves in the Primary Somatosensory Cortex of the Macaque Monkey (original) (raw)
Related papers
Behavioural Brain Research, 2002
Earlier studies pointed out that in the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) the receptive fields (RF) of bilateral neurons were related exclusively to the body midline. We recently found a substantial number of neurons with bilateral RFs on hand digits, shoulders/arms or legs/feet in the caudalmost part (areas 2 and 5) of the postcentral gyrus in awake macaque monkeys. The RFs of these neurons were generally of the most complex types found in this region of the cortex, and thus they were considered to be at the highest level along the hierarchical chain of information processing. We conclude that there are two types of bilateral RFs in the postcentral gyrus, one representing the midline structures such as the intraoral cavity, chin or trunk and the other related to limb structures such as fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, legs and girdles. Functional significance of the bilateral activity could be understood in behavioral context as it is seen more extensively in the body parts where bilateral coordination is essential. # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
A redefinition of somatosensory areas in the lateral sulcus of macaque monkeys
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 1995
The present investigation was designed to determine the organization of somatosensory fields in the lateral sulcus of macaque monkeys using standard microelectrode recording techniques. Our results provide evidence for two complete representations of the body surface. We term these fields the second somatosensory area (SII) and the parietal ventral area (PV) because of their similarities in position, internal organization, and relationship to anterior parietal fields, as described for SII and PV in other mammals. Areas SII and PV are mirror-symmetrical representations of the body surface, sharing a common boundary at the representations of the digits of the hand and foot, lips, and mouth. These fields are located adjacent to the face representations of anterior parietal fields (areas 3b, 1, and 2), and are bounded ventrally and caudally by other regions of cortex in which neurons are responsive to somatic or multimodal stimulation. The finding of a double representation of the body ...
The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2003
To gain insight into how cortical fields process somatic inputs and ultimately contribute to complex abilities such as tactile object perception, we examined the pattern of connections of two areas in the lateral sulcus of macaque monkeys: the second somatosensory area (S2), and the parietal ventral area (PV). Neuroanatomical tracers were injected into electrophysiologically and/or architectonically defined locations, and labeled cell bodies were identified in cortex ipsilateral and contralateral to the injection site. Transported tracer was related to architectonically defined boundaries so that the full complement of connections of S2 and PV could be appreciated. Our results indicate that S2 is densely interconnected with the primary somatosensory area (3b), PV, and area 7b of the ipsilateral hemisphere, and with S2, 7b, and 3b in the opposite hemisphere. PV is interconnected with areas 3b and 7b, with the parietal rostroventral area, premotor cortex, posterior parietal cortex, and with the medial auditory belt areas. Contralateral connections were restricted to PV in the opposite hemisphere. These data indicate that S2 and PV have unique and overlapping patterns of connections, and that they comprise part of a network that processes both cutaneous and proprioceptive inputs necessary for tactile discrimination and recognition. Although more data are needed, these patterns of interconnections of cortical fields and thalamic nuclei suggest that the somatosensory system may not be segregated into two separate streams of information processing, as has been hypothesized for the visual system. Rather, some fields may be involved in a variety of functions that require motor and sensory integration.
Ipsilateral Input Modifies the Primary Somatosensory Cortex Response to Contralateral Skin Flutter
The Journal of Neuroscience, 2006
We recorded the optical intrinsic signal response of squirrel monkey primary somatosensory cortex (SI) to 25 Hz vibrotactile (“flutter”) stimulation applied independently to the thenar eminence on each hand and also to bilateral (simultaneous) stimulation of both thenars. The following observations were obtained in every subject (n= 5). (1) Ipsilateral stimulation was accompanied by an increase in absorbance within the SI hand region substantially smaller than the absorbance increase evoked by contralateral stimulation. (2) The absorbance increase evoked by simultaneous bilateral stimulation was smaller (by ∼30%) than that evoked by contralateral stimulation. (3) The spatiointensive pattern of the SI response to bilateral flutter was distinctly different than the pattern that accompanied contralateral flutter stimulation: with contralateral flutter, the center of the responding region of SI underwent a large increase in absorbance, whereas absorbance decreased in the surrounding reg...
Experimental Brain Research, 1998
Single neuronal activities were recorded in the arm/trunk region of the postcentral gyrus in awake Japanese monkeys. A total of 1608 units were isolated from four hemispheres of two animals, and receptive fields (RFs) and submodalities were identified in 1162 units. Deep or skin submodality neurons were dominant in area 3a or area 3b, respectively. The deep/skin ratio increased as the recording site moved from area 3b to the more caudal areas. In areas 3a and 3b, neuronal RFs were almost exclusively on either the arm or trunk. In areas 2 and 5, neurons with RFs on the trunk decreased and those with RFs on the hand or covering more than one body part, etc. increased. We found a total of 107 neurons with bilateral RFs and 56 with ipsilateral RFs, while the rest (n=999) were with contralateral RFs. Bilateral or ipsilateral neurons of skin submodality (n=37) were found in areas 1, 2, and 5. Twenty six (70%) had RFs on the trunk and/or occiput, five on the forelimb, and the rest (n=6) on both the trunk and forelimb (the combined type). Among 33 skin bilateral neurons, 90% (n=30) had RFs across the midline. Bilateral or ipsilateral neurons responding to joint manipulation (n=104) were found in areas 2 and 5. Most of them were activated by manipulation of the shoulder and/or elbow (the proximal type, n=72, 69%). There were 25 neurons of the combined type (both the proximal and distal joints were effective, 24%). Bilateral or ipsilateral neurons of deep-others submodality (n=20) were found in areas 1, 2, and 5. The forelimb type (n=12, 60%) was dominant in this category. The combined-type neurons in both the skin-and joint-manipulation categories were found only or mostly in area 5. These results indicate the presence of hierarchical processing for bilateral as well as contralateral information within the arm/trunk region of the postcentral gyrus.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1995
Cortical connections between various body representations in areas 3b and 1 and lateral parietal cortex were examined in 18 macaque monkeys. We injected tracers (Fast Blue, Diamidino Yellow, Horseradish Peroxidase, and Rhodamine Dextran), alone or in combination, into closely related cutaneous responsive sites, e.g., adjacent digits. Separated patches of labeling were found across the parietal operculum and insula for all injected locations. On the basis of cytoarchitectural criteria, the labeled regions include the second somatosensory area (SII), retroinsular area (Ri) and granular insula (Ig). Assuming the connections are homotopical from physiologically identified body representations in primary somatosensory cortex, the labeling patterns in SII include complete anterior and posterior body maps. The orientation of the body is erect in the posterior and supine in the anterior SII region. Area 3b has greater density of connections with anterior SII. The maps are mirror images aligned along the distal extremities. The anterior-posterior (A-P) length of the "SII region" exceeds 7 mm; it extends in the coronal plane from the fundus of the lateral sulcus to surface cortex near the anterior tip of the intraparietal sulcus. Two additional topographically organized maps are likely in Ri. These are "worm-like'' body maps oriented along the A-P axis and joined at the head representation. Connections with the center of Ig are not somatotopically organized. The diversity of somatosensory areas in lateral parietal cortex revealed by the labeled connections was discussed in reference to prior mapping of SII in monkeys and was compared to reports of multiple areas in this region of cortex in other species. D
Sensorimotor integration in human primary and secondary somatosensory cortices
Brain Research, 1998
We measured somatosensory evoked fields (SEFs) to electric median nerve stimuli from eight healthy subjects with a whole-scalp 122-channel neuromagnetometer in two different conditions: (i) 'rest', with stimuli producing clear tactile sensation without any motor movement, and (ii) 'contraction' with exactly the same stimuli as in 'rest', but with the subjects maintaining sub-maximal isometric contraction in thenar muscles of the stimulated hand. The aim was to study the role of the primary (SI) and secondary somatosensory (SII) cortices in sensorimotor integration. The amplitude of the SI response N20m did not change with coincident isometric contraction, whereas P35m was significantly reduced. On the contrary, activation of contra- and ipsilateral SII cortices was significantly enhanced during the contraction. We suggest that isometric contraction facilitates activation of SII cortices to tactile stimuli, possibly by decreasing inhibition from the SI cortex. The enhanced SII activation may be related to tuning of SII neurons towards relevant tactile input arising from the region of the body where the muscle activation occurs.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 1999
Salimi, Iran, Thomas Brochier, and Allan M. Smith. Neuronal activity in somatosensory cortex of monkeys using a precision grip. I. Receptive fields and discharge patterns. J. Neurophysiol. 81: 825-834, 1999. Three adolescent Macaca fascicularis monkeys weighing between 3.5 and 4 kg were trained to use a precision grip to grasp a metal tab mounted on a low friction vertical track and to lift and hold it in a 12-to 25-mm position window for 1 s. The surface texture of the metal tab in contact with the fingers and the weight of the object could be varied. The activity of 386 single cells with cutaneous receptive fields contacting the metal tab were recorded in Brodmann's areas 3b, 1, 2, 5, and 7 of the somatosensory cortex. In this first of a series of papers, we describe three types of discharge pattern, the receptive-field properties, and the anatomic distribution of the neurons. The majority of the receptive fields were cutaneous and covered less than one digit, and a 2 test did not reveal any significant differences in the Brodmann's areas representing the thumb and index finger. Two broad categories of discharge pattern cells were identified. The first category, dynamic cells, showed a brief increase in activity beginning near grip onset, which quickly subsided despite continued pressure applied to the receptive field. Some of the dynamic neurons responded to both skin indentation and release. The second category, static cells, had higher activity during the stationary holding phase of the task. These static neurons demonstrated varying degrees of sensitivity to rates of pressure change on the skin. The percentage of dynamic versus static cells was about equal for areas 3b, 2, 5, and 7. Only area 1 had a higher proportion of dynamic cells (76%). A third category was identified that contained cells with significant pregrip activity and included cortical cells with both dynamic or static discharge patterns. Cells in this category showed activity increases before movement in the absence of receptive-field stimulation, suggesting that, in addition to peripheral cutaneous input, these cells also receive strong excitation from movement-related regions of the brain. Chercheurs et l'Aide à la Recherche Center is gratefully acknowledged.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 2016
ous neurophysiological studies performed in macaque monkeys have revealed complex somatosensory responses in the secondary somatosensory area (SII), such as large receptive fields (RFs), as well as bilateral ones. However, systematic analyses of neurons with large RFs have not been performed. In the present study, we recorded single-unit activities in SII of awake macaque monkeys to investigate systematically large RFs by dividing the whole body into four body regions (head, trunk, forelimb, and hindlimb). Recorded neurons were classified into two types, according to whether the RFs were confined to one body region: single (n ϭ 817) and combined (n ϭ 282) body-region types. These two types were distinct in terms of the percentage of bilateral RFs: 55% in the single-region type and 90% in the combined type, demonstrating that two types of RF enlargement occur simultaneously in the combined type, namely, RF convergence from different body regions and RF convergence from both hemibodies. Among the combined-type RFs, two tendencies of RF convergence were found: 1) the distal parts of the limbs (i.e., hand and foot) and the mouth are interconnected, and 2) the trunk RFs extend continuously toward the distal parts of the limb and head to cover the entire body surface. Our distribution analysis on unfolded maps clarified that neurons having RFs with these two tendencies were distributed within specific subregions in SII. awake macaque monkey; secondary somatosensory area; large receptive field; single-unit recording NEW & NOTEWORTHY Receptive fields (RFs) of the secondary somatosensory cortex of Japanese monkeys were analyzed. We found large RFs, mostly bilateral ones, covering more than one body region when the entire body was divided into the four: forelimb, hindlimb, trunk, and head. Two tendencies of RF enlargement-interconnecting limb extremities and the mouth and expansion of the trunk RF toward limb extremities to cover the entire body-were found. Neurons with either tendency were distributed in a specific subregion.