Esercizio di lettura di un disegno di scenografia. I Galli Bibiena e Filippo Juvarra (original) (raw)

Gamification Urbana. Letture e riscritture ludiche degli spazi cittadini


This chapter aims at exposing some theoretical and methodological premises about the study of urban semiotics and, subsequently, at identifying and analyzing the cultural areas in which urban play appear to rise more vigorously and to assume the most interesting forms. Firstly, we will focus on the city, approached as a complex "communicative machine" with inner workings similar to a text, and thus as a construct that can be read, written and rewritten. Also the phenomenon of digitalization will be approached thoroughly in its relationships with the city and, in particular, paying attention to its consequences and effects on the urban fabric and the ways the latter is experienced. The second part of this chapter, on the other hand, will be consecrated to playfulness, analyzing the cultural context of ludification and then focusing on the the ways in which play and games can be used to stimulate new readings, writings and enunciation of the urban territory. Many forms of play, as gamification, urban and pervasive games and location based games will be also approached in the light of their relationships with the city. Finally, the last paragraph will focus on the interactions that occurs between playfulness and digital constructs when related to urban realities. In particular, thorough the analysis of phenomena as Google street view photo-bombings and the creation of artificial, digital cities in video games, we will try to shed some light on the ways play can be used on the digital versions of the cities in order to affect real-life urban areas.

Un «serissimo gioco». Trascrivere per la scena Poema a fumetti

Sinestesieonline, 2023

Studio di fattibilità d’una riduzione di Poema a fumetti a testo drammatico e sua messa in scena (2015). Parola e immagine sono in Buzzati facce di una medesima vocazione narrativa, egli ha già drammatizzato tre sue novelle e per lui teatro è fusione tra forme espressive diverse. Emularne abbandono del naturalismo, soluzioni “narrative”, aggiunta di personaggi, rottura e complicazione di finzione temporale può ben veicolare in scena il messaggio dell’opera grafico-testuale.

Dieci film. Esercizi di lettura

Le Mani, 2010

Una storia vera: guardare le stelle, riafferrare la vita di Bruno Fornara » Salvatore Giuliano: di cosa parliamo in Italia quando parliamo di cinema di Anton Giulio Mancino » Forrest Gump: il corpo, la memoria, la Storia di Claudio Bisoni » A cavallo della tigre: una commedia italiana

STEFANO CHIARENZA, Lo specchio della fantasia: immaginario urbano e realtà architettonica nei disegni dei Galli Bibiena

Città mediterranee in trasformazione. Identità e immagine del paesaggio urbano tra Sette e Novecento, edited by C. de Seta and A. Buccaro (Naples, 2014): 569-580.

The relationship between reality and representation have made the drawing one of the best sources of historical research on architecture and city. In the search for visual clues such as admissible evidence for the study of the urban history often emerge drawings that do not portray the existing or existed spaces but represent the qualities of an urban metaphysics reality, imaginary, or often foreshadowed. It is the iconography of the possible city, able to evoke not only a real space but also to direct the taste of an era. This paper presents the results of a research carried out on urban and architectural representations produced by artists of the Galli Bibiena family and built on geometric-analytical bases. Through rigorous analysis and geometric restitution of perspective it is revealed in virtual models the spirit of the eighteenth-century urban ideal, beautifully outlined in the whims and fantastic compositions of only drawn cities and architectures.

La scenografia a Napoli

Storia della musica e dello spettacolo a Napoli. Il Seicento, vol. I, Napoli, Turchini Edizioni,, 2020

Verso il dramaturg: rilevarsi nell’officina di Simona Gonella


L’articolo tratta il divenire della figura polivalente e sofisticata del dramaturg all’interno della prassi teatrale italiana. In particolare, prendendo in esame l’esempio di Simona Gonella, cerca di delineare i tratti peculiari del suo mestiere interrogandosi sui modi in cui il suo lavora influenza la creazione artistica. Attraverso l’analisi dei due ultimi lavori, Book is a Book is a Book e Macbeth, le cose nascoste, si evince quello che potrebbe essere definito come “lo sguardo del dramaturg” quale connettore delle diverse parti del lavoro del gruppo. Il lavoro è stato fatto in collaborazione con Simona Gonella, che ha concesso all’autrice dell’articolo l’intervista e i materiali utilizzati. The article deals with the becoming of the polyvalent and sophisticated figure of the dramaturg within Italian theatre practice. In particular, by examining the example of Simona Gonella, it attempts to outline the peculiar traits of her craft by questioning the ways in which her workinfluenc...