Fatigue Performance of High-Strength Pipeline Steels and Their Welds in Hydrogen Gas Service (original) (raw)

Plasma Catalysis for NOx Reduction from Light-Duty Diesel Vehicles


• Continue exercising engine and combustion models to identify modifications to the combustion process that would mitigate losses. • Model and analyze how advanced combustion processes can be best integrated with other engine features for stretching efficiency.

A Strong Energy Portfolio for a Strong America Progress rePort for fuels technologies

Energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy will mean a stronger economy, a cleaner environment, and greater energy independence for America. Working with a wide array of state, community, industry, and university partners, the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy invests in a diverse portfolio of energy technologies. Less dependence on foreign oil, and eventual transition to an emissions-free, petroleum-free vehicle F r e e d o m C A r A n d V e h i C l e T e C h n o l o g i e s P r o g r A m

FY2003 Annual Self-Evaluation Report


This FY2003 Annual Self-Evaluation Report, a deliverable under Contract DE-AC06-76RL01830, satisfies the requirements of PNNL's Performance Evaluation and Fee Agreement and DOE Order 224.1. This year's document continues the modular design format initiated in FY2002 and responds to DOE comments and suggestions for even further clarity and coherence. Purpose of this Self-Evaluation Report This year's FY2003 Self-Evaluation Report presents a focused, quantitative, and objective approach to evaluating the performance of the Laboratory. Its purpose is to summarize Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's (PNNL) progress toward accomplishment of the Critical Outcomes, objectives, and performance indicators that were developed in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and codified in the FY2003 Performance Evaluation and Fee Agreement (PEFA). In addition, this report summarizes the adequacy of PNNL's integrated assessment processes and PNNL's strengths and opportunities for improvement, and provides a history of PNNL accomplishments and awards. This report consists of the following sections Executive Summary-This section provides an overall performance summary and individual performance summaries for each of the three Critical Outcomes. Part I-Status of Performance Against Critical Outcomes-This part of the report presents the results and analysis of progress made against the key outcomes and expectations. Modules for Objectives 1.1-1.6 are grouped by mission area; their relation to quality, relevance, research facilities, research program management, leading-edge scientific capabilities, or EMSL user program is shown in footers. All other module numbers correlate to those in the FY2003 PEFA. Part II-Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement-This portion of the report presents PNNL's analysis of its strengths and opportunities for improvement and, using our strategy mapping efforts this year, identifies the actions most critical to achieving our vision and outcomes. Part III-Adequacy of PNNL's Integrated Assessment Processes-This portion of the report describes the adequacy of PNNL's integrated assessment processes to establish compliance with key internal controls. Appendix A shows the adjectival and value ratings for all of the FY2003 Critical Outcomes, objectives and performance indicators Appendix B shows a history of PNNL's key accomplishments. Appendix C shows a history of PNNL's significant awards. Appendix D contains a list of all acronyms listed in this report. FY2003 PNNL Annual Self-Evaluation Report vi 0.1 Basis for Battelle's "Outstanding" Rating in FY2003 In FY2003, Battelle met or exceeded nearly all U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) expectations in Scientific and Technological Excellence, Management and Operations Excellence, Leadership Excellence, and other specified areas. Based on the results of this self-evaluation, we calculated an overall performance score of 3.9 out of a possible 4.0 points, which translates to an adjectival rating of "Outstanding." Critical Outcome Performance Our assessment of the Laboratory's performance against our critical outcomes is "outstanding." The basis for this assessment is provided in Part I of this report and the scoring details are provided in Appendix A. This does not mean that there is no room for improvement. Part II of this report describes the strengths and weaknesses of our management approach and, in the context of our new contract with DOE, describe important steps for improvement. FY2003 PNNL Annual Self-Evaluation Report viii Battelle's evaluation of its performance under Critical Outcome 1.0, Scientific and Technological Excellence, indicates a score of 3.98 out of 4.0, for a rating of Outstanding. Details of the evaluation are provided in Part I, Section 1 of this report. Adjectival and value ratings for Critical Outcome 1.0 and its supporting objectives and performance indicators are summarized in Appendix A, Tables A.3-A.7. Highlights of the Six Performance Objectives 1.1/1.2 Quality of Science and Technology and Relevance to DOE Mission and National Needs Our FY2003 peer reviews and customer results indicate that PNNL's scientific and technical output meet or exceeded expectations across all our mission areas. Accomplishments related to this objective reside within the modules in sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4, and are specifically called out in page footers. 1.3 Success in Constructing and Operating Research Facilities In FY2003, PNNL made important progress towards increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of its user access program. Accomplishments related to this objective reside in modules 1.1.6 and 1.1.7. 1.4 Effectiveness and Efficiency of Research Program Management PNNL continues to do an outstanding job of delivering science and technology that contributes to our customers goals and objectives in an efficient and effective manner. We deliver products on time while meeting customer expectations, and we team effectively with our customers to develop plans and alternatives for using science and technology to meet their needs. Accomplishments related to this objective reside within the modules in sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4, and are specifically called out in page footers. 1.5 Create Leading-Edge Scientific Capabilities To Support Evolving DOE Mission Needs ! Goal: BSI recruiting; targeted offers for new hire are met for key staff. Result: PNNL exceeded the number of target hires.

Energy and technology review, January--February 1995. State of the laboratory


This issire of Energy and Technology Review highliglirs rlie Laboraron's I994 accoiiiplisliiiieiirs in oiir mission areas and core programs-economic comnperiiiveness, narional security. lasers, energy, the environinenr. biology and bioieclinology. engineering, pliysics and space science, cheniisrry rind niarerials science, contpiirarions. and science and niarli editcarion. LLNL is a major narional resource of science arid rechnology e.rperrise. and we are coinrnined 10 applying this e.vperrise IO ineer viral narional needs.

II. E Hydrogen Fueling Systems and Infrastructure


Demonstrate the potential for an economically viable stand-alone, fully integrated hydrogen (H 2 ) fueling station based upon the reforming of natural gas by striving to: • Develop a cost-effective solution to the reforming of natural gas to produce a reformate stream; • Develop an efficient, cost-effective means to purify the hydrogen-rich reformate to pure hydrogen employing pressure swing adsorption (PSA) technology; • Develop an optimum system to compress, store, meter, and dispense hydrogen into vehicles; • Efficiently integrate the process steps mentioned above into a safe, user-friendly, cost-effective fueling station; • Demonstrate the operation of the fueling station at Penn State University; • Maintain safety as the top priority in the fueling station design and operation; and • Obtain adequate operational data to provide the basis for future commercial H 2 fueling stations.

Roll-to-Roll Advanced Materials Manufacturing DOE Laboratory Collaboration - FY2018 Final Report

3 titled "Roll-to-Roll Processing" with a proposal "Early-stage advanced national multi-laboratory roll-to-roll research and development collaboration with industrial Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) collaboration". Over 50 white papers were solicited from multiple national laboratories, including the four Consortium laboratories, and five were selected for including in the proposal to the Lab Call. One paper from Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, NM was selected, so SNL was added to the multilaboratory collaboration. The R2R AMM DOE Laboratory Collaboration (i.e. R2R Collaboration) proposal was accepted for funding in FY 2019 through FY 2021 contingent on annual budget authorizations. This R2R Collaboration's goal is to advance our understanding of R2R processing for high-throughput advanced manufacturing through an early-stage research approach to enable new devices and lower the cost of existing processing routes for competitive U.S. manufacturing. The projects directly address the AMO's Multi-Year Program Plan challenges for the use of multilayer coating technologies applicable to flexible and integrated electronics, separation membranes, photovoltaics (PV), and selective barrier materials addressing both of the AMO identified targets of technologies with a 10x production capacity increase and in-line instrumentation tools to evaluate the performance and functionality. Working with industry partners through CRADA projects, the R2R Collaboration is addressing challenges and barriers for continuous R2R processing, registration and alignment, scalability, materials compatibility and defects, stoichiometry control and the availability of materials data for R2R processing. The R2R Collaboration targets the development of technologies that reduce the cost per manufactured throughput of continuous R2R manufacturing processes, and the development of in-line instrumentation tools that will evaluate the quality of single and multilayer materials on process weblines. The FY 2019 core program consisted of a broad range of research task areas focused on colloidal chemistry and slurry formulation, novel R2R deposition systems based on electrospinning (ES) technology, in-line realtime non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and advanced in-situ testing capabilities, physics and methodologies for multilayer coatings, ink formulations and rheology, modeling and simulation of drying and curing processes, and continuum-scale models for the capillary hydrodynamics of coating deposition. Three CRADA projects that were initiated in FY 2018 continued into FY 2019 with one completing in May 2019. The primary applications of the research in the CRADA projects include freeze casting studies, advanced separator for flexible solid-state lithium ion batteries, diffractive multiplexing laser patterning of flexible organic PV modules, and electrodes for low-cost hydrogen production. The Collaboration laboratories have unique assets that complement each other for the research, development, testing and evaluation of these energy saving technologies. These include the following infrastructure, testing, operations, characterization, and analysis capabilities: Preface The following report provides a description of the program structure and technical accomplishments made during FY 2019 to overcome challenges for expanding use of R2R technologies and processes for clean energy applications. Areas of interest encompass colloidal chemistry, surfactant research, slurry processing, and drying and curing; novel R2R deposition using ES; methodologies for ink formulations, multilayer coatings, rheology and deposition; fabrication and in situ characterization of prototype components and devices; and inline real-time NDE. The particle-and continuum-scale modeling and simulations for these layered materials, energy storage technologies and continuous manufacturing processes being developed will allow for improvements and advances in R2R manufacturing applications, particularly for design and scale-up. This report documents the research conducted by five DOE national laboratories as a collaborative group with participation from industry partnerships. The approach is to develop advanced and novel materials, methods and techniques for multilayer coatings and depositions that can be used for R2R processes that are applicable to enhancing the performance of renewable energy technologies and systems. This effort supports building the foundation of technologies, processes and a U.S. manufacturing base that will enable an order of magnitude in shorter process development cycles with the pathway for initial commercialization within months instead of years. v Acknowledgements First and foremost, the following scientists, investigators and technical support who are working diligently to realize their innovative ideas and technological developments in R2R processing and their desire to deploy them broadly for energy storage applications are acknowledged for their contributions: