L’Usage De La 3D En Archéologie (original) (raw)
2009, Information Technology and Egyptology in 2008
The NS/f of JD modeling in anhaeology has deueloped fron1 the strrll gh(fonwrd proNlction of images for i/lNstrafil)e pwposes into heroming on effidive tool to t1id sdmtiftc orchaeoloy,ical research. VirlNal "&oli!J o//r;ws not on!J the restoration o/ ondent slmctNres which have now disoppeond bMt al.Jo permits the testing ef new l!Jfx!lheses os to ho11,• these stmctwes worhd. A porlicNlor use within F.gyp10/ogy has heen the non-invasive st1,1dies of mNmmies with this new technol o,_f!J. However, in tiew o/ the importance ef architectural remains along the Nile val/ ry , there con be little do11bt that the most signijiconf prJtential lies in the vir11,,a/ reshJrotion ef those slnlchim. A/t JJ01, 1gh 3D images allow the p11blic to 1,1nderstand better these processes, we sho11/d never lose sight of the fact that their productirm WaJ driven by underfyiflj!, scientific goals. A 3/J techn(ll og kal platfarm spedjically far W(ltk with (Ifft architechlral heritage ha1 been created in Bordemo:; ii is espedal!J adapted far 3[) sranning, modelling, and maintaining the persistence ef JD digital data. UNE PLATE-FORME TECHNOLOGIQUE 3D L'UMR 5607 du CNRS s'est dote d'une espace architectural completant la Maison de l'Archi:ologie. Un nouveau b:itiment de pres de mille metres car ri:s, se compose de salles <(chcrcheurs ►►, d'un laboratoire de ci:ramologie, d'un es pace d'exposition et d'une Plate-forme Technologique JD du CNRS. Le concept de ce b:itiment repose sur la possibilire donnee au public de venir voir la recherche en archi:ologie ((entrain de sefain >>. L'archi:op6le n'est pas un musec mais plutc":i t une interface entre Jes citoyens et !es chercheurs.