Sovremennost drevnosti: Piranesi i Rim [Contemporariness of Antiquity: Piranesi's Rome] - In Russian (original) (raw)

Mozhajsky A. "Piranesi’s ''Scuola Antica Architettata all'Egiziana e Alla Greca'' as a reflection of the idealised educational space of the 2nd half of the 18th century ", St. Tikhon’s University Review IV. Iss. 57, 2020, pp. 96-107 (in Russian with English abstract).

Можайский А. Ю. “Scuola antica architettata all'Egiziana e alla Greca” Пиранези как отражение идеализированного образовательного пространства второй половины XVIII в. // Вестник ПСТГУ. Серия IV: Педагогика. Психология. 2020. Вып. 57. С. 96-107 . This article deals with Scuola antica architettata all'Egiziana e alla Greca (“Ancient school built in Egyptian and Greek styles”) by the great Giovanni Battista Piranesi. The publication of “Opere Varia II”, which contains this engraving by Piranesi, cannot be dated precisely, but it is known that it appeared after 1761, despite the fact that it bears the date of 1750. This engraving refl ects the idea of an idealised ancient school, which, due to Piranesi, formed in Europe in the second half of the 18th century. Piranesi thought of the school as an open sacred temple of science placed in the centre of an ideal city. The article also identifi es sources for the “Ancient School” of Piranesi, which are architectural and artistic traditions from Antiquity to Early Modern Time. The article reveals the social aspect of Piranesi’s work, since his “Ancient School” focuses on the ideal of access to education for wider strata of population. The influence of this engraving by Piranesi was traced in the project of Etienne-Louis Boullée in the creation of the Royal Library (1784), which was an original look at the educational space of the library and demonstrated a striking resemblance to the interior of the “Ancient School”. Echoes of Etienne-Louis Boullée’s project are visible in the implementation of Moscow underground station Biblioteka imeni Lenina (Lenin Library).

Antichnaya drevnost' i srednie veka. 46 (2018) / ed. T. Kushch

Antichnaya drevnost' i srednie veka. T. 46, 2018

The Journal publishes academic articles and reviews devoted to a wide range of issues of history, literature, culture and archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. It is addressed for scientists and teachers, graduate students and students interested in the history and culture of Ancient Rome and Byzantium and the countries of the Byzantine cultural circle.

Никоний римской эпохи/Niconion of the Roman period (in Russian)


Nikoniy is one of the two largest centers of ancient civilization in the pool of the present Dniester estuary (ancient Tiras). This monograph is devoted to the history of Nikoniy in the epoch of Roman dominion in Northern Black Sea region (I – III centuries A.D.). On the basis of analysis of archaeological materials from excavations of city and its burial ground, questions, related to chronology of Nikoniy, its urbanism type, ethnic constituent of population, are lighted up. There are examined the military-political pre-conditions of city origin, its place in the system of antiquities of North-Western Black Sea region of Roman time. This book is counted on specialists (archaeologists, historians), and also can be useful to the students of historical, historical-philological faculties of higher educational establishments.

Antichnaya drevnost' i srednie veka. 47 (2019) / ed. T. Kushch

Antichnaya drevnost' i srednie veka.T. 47, 2019

The Journal publishes academic articles and reviews devoted to a wide range of issues of history, literature, culture and archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. It is addressed for scientists and teachers, graduate students and students interested in the history and culture of Ancient Rome and Byzantium and the countries of the Byzantine cultural circle.



A. V. ZAIKOV IL POSSESSO NEL CODICE CIVILE DELL'IMPERO RUSSO E LA POSSESSIO ROMANA (RIASSUNTO) Nel suo articolo A. V. Zaikov tenta di spiegare perchè nel codice civile dell'Impero Russo il legislatore, per designare la persona avente il diritto di proprietа, usa spesso il termine «possessore» preferendolo chiaramente al termine «proprietario». Per farlo l'autore si rivolge, da un lato, all'analisi del lessico corrispondente del codice civile e della legislazione russa precedente, dall'altro, all'analisi del lessico, giuridico romano. Zaikov rileva anzitutto un uso sporadico della parola «proprietario» nel codice civile. Secondo i dati riportati, nella parte prima del X volume del codice, il vocabolo infatti risulta usato solo in sei casi. Per designare un soggetto (il titolare del diritto di proprietа) il legislatore preferisce invece usare la parola «padrone» o il termine «possessore». L'autore considera il fatto un paradosso concettuale, in quanto nelle traduzioni dal latino al russo, e dal francese al russo, i termini «proprietа» e «possesso», nonchй «proprietario» e «possessore», si distinguono nettamente e non si confondono. Nella romanistica russa si sarebbe confermata quindi la tradizione di attribuire il termine «proprietа» al dominio giuridico sulla cosa mentre il termine «possesso» alla sua detenzione qualificata. L'autore esamina inoltre la storia dell'uso del termine «possesso» nella tradizione giuridica russa a cominciare dalla seconda metа di XVIII sec., nonchй analizza i diversi significati della parola possesslo nel diritto romano. Come nota l'autore, nella legislazione russa e in Roma antica i termini chiave nell'ambito dei diritti reali non avevano un significativo prefissato e si caratterizzavano piuttosto per polisemanticitа. Nonostante questo, il concetto di possessio appare molto piщ ampio e variegato di quello sotteso al tиrmine russo «possesso». La spiegazione di ciт potrebbe essere individuata nel fatto che la dottrina romana dei diritti reali, cosм come si rileva nel Digesto di Giustiniano, era piщ articolata, raffinata e complessa di quella rappresentata nel codice civile russo. Il lessico e le concezioni giuridiche russe hanno conservato la loro originalitа nazionale in virtù del fatto che la Russia per un lungo periodo di tempo и rimasta uno Stato che non ha vissuto una recezione di diritto romano di largo respiro. Sin dai tempi di Pietro Primo, la Russia ha cominciato a vivere un processo dм attiva assimilazione della legislazione straniera. Un fenomeno che avrebbe dovuto comportare anche un'ampia applicazione "del nuovo lessico — giuridico. Tuttavia, come rileva l'autore, il processo di applicazione delle concezioni giuridiche occidentali nella vita giuridica russa и stato invece condizionato da molti altri fattori, svolgendosi spontaneamente e senza sostegno di dottrina. Il processo si sarebbe concluso, durante il periodo che va dal regno di Pietro Primo a Nicola I, con la formazione di un lessico giuridico nuovo. Nonostante tutti i tentativi diretti di unificazione di questo con i concetti giuridici europei, esso'ha continuato a conservare qualche caratteristica originale come l'uso dei terminr nell'ambito della disciplina del possesso nella legislazione russa del 18—19 sec. mostra in modo palese.

Antichnaya drevnost' i srednie veka. 48 (2020) / ed. T. Kushch

Antichnaya drevnost' i srednie veka.T. 48, 2020

The Journal publishes academic articles and reviews devoted to a wide range of issues of history, literature, culture and archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. It is addressed for scientists and teachers, graduate students and students interested in the history and culture of Ancient Rome and Byzantium and the countries of the Byzantine cultural circle.

C. Marius, C. Fimbria, Cn. Pompey and the military imperium sine magistratu in the 80s BC, in: Mnemon: Essays and publications on the History of the Ancient World, vol. 19, № 1, Sankt-Peterburg, 2019, p.113-144. [in Russian]

Г. Марий, Г. Фимбрия, Гн. Помпей и военный империй sine magistratu в 80-х гг. до н. э. // Мнемон. Вып. 19. № 1.2019. С.113-144.

The article examines the information of ancient authors about the endowment of C. Marius with the command against Mithridates in 88 BC, the status of C. Fimbria at the head of the consular army in 86-84 BC and the command of Cn. Pompeius in Sicily and Africa in 82-81 BC. None of the three commanders was invested with a military imperium when being a private person. The tribute assembly declared Marius to receive the command of the eastern army as a candidate for the consulship, but this decision was soon overturned as illegal. In order to legitimize the usurped command of the consul Flaccus’ legions, his legate Fimbria either applied to the Senate with a request to give him the consulship or invented a story about this appeal. Pompeius celebrated a triumph after his African campaign that means that he held a magistrate office. Thus, these examples do not confirm the thesis that the political crisis and the civil war caused the spread of imperia sine magistratu.

Imperium i sacerdotium v Rossii XVI v.: razmyšlenija pskovskogo starca Filofeja i afonskogo monacha Maksima Greka

Novoe prošloe/The New Past 3, pp.54–71, 2023

The article deals with the comparative analysis of notions of empire and priesthood (imperium et sacerdotium), depicted in two outstanding texts of the Russian bookishness of the 16th century — the Epistle on Skywatchers and Latins by Filofei of Pskov, addressed to d’jak M.G. Misyur-Munekhin and the Discourse on Instabilities of Maximus the Greek. The first text explains the idea of Moscow — the Third Rome and the role of the Russian tsar as “holder of the reins of the divine holy seats”. At the same time Rome’s universal mission, by Filofei of Pskov, is not based on the “unshakeability” of imperial power, but rather on doctrinal orthodoxy, guaranteed by fidelity to ecclesiastical canons. Discourse on Instabilities by Maximus the Greek develops this problem in another key. Taking his cue from the songs of Savonarola, Maximus the Greek represents his view on the purpose of power and the role of the ecclesiastical magisterium. His reflection, however, does not develop at the historical and sacramental theological level, as Filofei of Pskov does, but rather in the moral and social sphere. From this perspective, the function of the priest does not appear to be primarily sacred, but rather prophetic domain, which prompts Maximus the Greek to expound a severe criticism of the rulers. The form of the dialogue, cogent argumentation, and implicit references to themes and concepts present in modern Western thought, illustrate the development of an original reflection urging the renewal of Eastern Christian thought. Despite their different approaches, both writers come together not only in the profusion of biblical quotations but above all in the image of the widow in the desert, recalling the apocalyptic and eschatological dimension.

Antichnaya drevnost' i srednie veka. 49 (2021) / ed. T. Kushch

Antichnaya drevnost' i srednie veka, T. 49, 2021

Antichnaya drevnost' i srednie veka (ADSV) is an international peer-reviewed academic journal publishing original research articles and reviews in the field of the history, culture and archaeology of Late Antiquity, the Byzantine Empire, the Eastern Mediterranean in the Middle ages, the Northern Black sea region (ancient and medieval Crimea).