Время и политические последствия появления племен позднесарматской культуры в Причерноморье (Time and political outcomes of the invasion of the tribes of the Late Sarmatian culture to the Black Sea region) // ВДИ, 2007, 4 (original) (raw)

Древние культуры Северо-Западного Причерноморья/Ancient Cultures of the North-West Black Sea Region (in Russian)

The collective monograph presents the result of one-half century of archeological research in the North-Western Pontic region. Described successively and in chronological order are the different cultures and civilizations, which existed in the region in ancient epochs: from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. This book is intended for specialists – archaeologists, historians – as well as for the wider circle of readers, who are interested in ancient history and archaeology of the south of Eastern Europe.

(2015) В.И. Мордвинцева, Сарматы, Сарматия и Северное Причерноморье // ВДИ 1, 2015, 109-135 / V. Mordvintseva, Sarmatians, Sarmatia, and the North Pontic Region. In: Vestnik drevnei istorii 1, 2015, 109-135.

On the world map compiled by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa in the 1st century BC the territory earlier known as Scythia was designated as Sarmatia. Since both peoples were practically the same from the point of view of the Greeks and Romans, the question arises why one ethnonym was substituted for the other. The name of Sarmatia appeared within an external narrative tradition, and the observer from the outside could have chosen the name of the most active part of the Barbarian population dealing with the Greco-Roman civilization as eponym of this region. It is most probable that the term “Sarmatians” was used to designate an elite group acting as a subject of international politics. This conclusion fi nds some implicit corroboration in the written and epigraphic sources.