Moral distress in everyday nursing- hidden traces of power and resistance2013 (original) (raw)
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Moral distress in everyday nursing: hidden traces of power and resistance
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2013
Objective: To know the strategies of resistance adopted by nursing staff, facing situations of moral distress, from an ethical perspective. Method: The authors conducted qualitative research through semi-structured interviews, with fifteen nursing staff members of a university hospital in the extreme south of Brazil, using textual discourse analysis and the theoretical reference of Foucault. Results: Two categories were constructed: denial of oneself and the other -in which one perceives that the nursing staff can perform actions that are governed predominantly by immobility and conformism, avoiding confrontations with whoever represents power in situations that provoke moral distress in them; possibility to care for oneself and for the other -in which nursing workers in situations that provoke moral distress for them exercise power and endurance.
Sufrimiento moral en el cotidiano de la enfermería: huellas ocultas de poder y resistencia
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem, 2013
Objective: To know the strategies of resistance adopted by nursing staff, facing situations of moral distress, from an ethical perspective. Method: The authors conducted qualitative research through semi-structured interviews, with fifteen nursing staff members of a university hospital in the extreme south of Brazil, using textual discourse analysis and the theoretical reference of Foucault. Results: Two categories were constructed: denial of oneself and the other-in which one perceives that the nursing staff can perform actions that are governed predominantly by immobility and conformism, avoiding confrontations with whoever represents power in situations that provoke moral distress in them; possibility to care for oneself and for the other-in which nursing workers in situations that provoke moral distress for them exercise power and endurance. Conclusion: it was perceived that some professionals seem to use ethical coping strategies, in order to ensure and preserve their professional values. However, often the choice of some nursing professionals may be to relapse into immobility and the absence of building strategies of endurance. This situation may represent their reduced exercise of power and insufficient resistance in the face of ethical problems, contributing to the intensification of their invisibility in the area of health.
Nursing ethics and its relation with power and work organization
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2007
Lunardi VL, Lunardi Filho WD, Silveira RS, Silva MRS, Svaldi JSD, Bulhosa MS. Nursing ethics and its relation with power and work organization. Rev Latino-am Enfermagem 2007 maio-junho; 15(3):493-7. Difficulties faced in the nursing routine, mainly in hospitals, have been reported without the resulting ethical implications to workers and especially to clients, been sufficiently questioned. The work organization can be the main source of suffering to nursing workers, related to the exercise of power of different actors involved in the health institutions, which can potentially cause multiple problems and distress of ethical order. This study aims to make a critical reflection about some relations between the nursing work organization, power relations and its ethical dimension. Strategies for an ethical performance of nurses and other nursing professionals in the organization of work in the healthcare institutions point to the need of these professionals exercise power in an ethical way.
Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem, 2019
Objective: to know the situations found in the work of nurses working in maternity hospitals and obstetric centers that can lead to moral suffering. Method: qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study, developed with 14 nurses working in bstetric centers and maternities of two hospitals in southern Brazil. Data were collected from October 2015 to January 2016, through a semi-structured interview, analyzed based on Content Analysis. Results: there was an occurrence of moral distress related to the activities that supplanted nurses’ execution capacity, leading them to prioritize administrative and managerial activities, for which they are charged by the institutions, failing to participate directly in the care, an aspect enhanced by the quantitative nursing professionals. Asymmetric relations of power and conflicting interactions compose an atmosphere of toleration for the autonomy of the nurses, preventing them from acting in harmony with their knowledge and moral values. The frui...
Moral distress in nursing personnel
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 2013
Objective: to analyze the frequency and intensity of moral distress experienced by nursing personnel in southern Brazil, covering elements of their professional practice. Method: a survey was undertaken in two hospitals in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with 247 nurses. Data was collected by means of the adapted Moral Distress Scale. Results: the perception of situations that lead to moral distress is enhanced in nurses and in nursing staff working in institutions with greater openness to dialogue, which hold team meetings, with fewer working hours and a greater ratio of professionals to patients. Conclusion: understanding moral distress allows us to go beyond solving the problems of the workers themselves, enabling the development of an ethics of active individuals and wide opportunities, defined mainly by the relationship with oneself. Objetivo: analisar a frequência e a intensidade de sofrimento moral vivenciado por trabalhadores de enfermagem do Sul do Brasil, contemplando elementos do seu cotidiano profissional. Método: survey realizado em dois hospitais do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, com 247 profissionais de enfermagem. A coleta dos dados ocorreu mediante aplicação da adaptação do Moral Distress Scale. Resultados: a percepção de situações que conduzem ao sofrimento moral é intensificada em enfermeiros e em trabalhadores de enfermagem que atuam em instituições com maior abertura ao diálogo, realizam reuniões de equipe e têm menores jornadas de trabalho. Essa percepção também é intensificada quando se observa maior relação no número de profissionais por pacientes. Conclusão: compreender o sofrimento moral permite ir além da resolução dos problemas dos próprios trabalhadores, possibilitando a elaboração de uma ética de sujeitos ativos e de amplas possibilidades, definidas principalmente pelas relações consigo mesmos. Descritores: Enfermagem; Ética de Enfermagem; Esgotamento Profissional.
Moral distress: challenges for an autonomous nursing professional practice
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 2013
Constantly experiencing limiting situations that hinder a professional practice coherent with its principles - of autonomy and advocacy of users' interests -, and often conditioned to experience moral distress, the nursing profession plays a prominent role in the current health model because it has the characteristic of managing the care rendered to users in a perspective of social inclusion, both in the basic health network and in hospitals. Aiming at carrying out a reflection on the nursing practice and the difficulties present in its work routine, and considering its characteristics as a profession, this article sought to make a reflection between the practice of nursing and the numerous moral challenges imposed by the routine, resulting, in many cases, in a value crisis that can reverberate directly on the quality of the service rendered, and in abandonment of the ideals of advocacy for users.
The ethical dilemmas experienced by nurses: an approach from the philosophy of Max Scheler
Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line, 2009
The ethical dilemmas experienced by nurses… Rev Enferm UFPE On Line. 2009 out/dez;3(4):470-73 470 ABSTRACT Objective: this study intends reflect philosophically about the ethical dilemmas experienced by nurses from the Intensive Care Center at University Hospital Antonio Pedro, from the Theory of Value of Max Scheler. Methods: this is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The population shall be defined by the technique of saturation, consisting of nurses of the sector, to be interviewed after the signing of the Free Informed Consent forms, if they wish participate spontaneously
Moral distress- challenges for an autonomous nursing professional practice2013
O profissional de enfermagem apresenta um papel de destaque no atual modelo de saúde. Tem em como característica gerenciar os cuidados prestados aos usuários em uma perspectiva de inclusão social, tanto na rede básica, quanto nas instituições hospitalares. Entretanto, enfrenta constantemente limitações que dificultam o exercício profissional coerente com princípios de autonomia e advocacia pelos interesses dos usuários, o que muitas vezes o leva vivenciar o sofrimento moral. Com o objetivo de realizar uma reflexão sobre a prática de enfermagem e as dificuldades existentes no seu cotidiano de trabalho da enfermagem, considerando suas características como profissão, o presente artigo buscou realizar uma reflexão entre o fazer da enfermagem e os inúmeros desafios morais impostos pelo cotidiano, resultando, em muitos casos, em uma crise de valores que pode repercutir diretamente na qualidade do atendimento prestado e no abandono dos ideais de advocacia pelos usuários. dEScRitoRES Enfermagem Prática profissional Ética em enfermagem Estresse psicológico Advocacia em saúde