Parion Tiyatrosu Kemik Objeleri (original) (raw)

Parion Tiyatrosu Hyposcaenium Bölümü'nden Ele Geçen Geç Roma Dönemi Sikkeleri Üzerine Değerlendirmeler


Evaluations on Late Roman Coins Recovered from the Hyposcaenium Section of the Theater in Parion The ancient city of Parion is located in the village of Kemer in the Biga district of Çanakkale, north of the Troas region. Parion has been one of the cities that the sovereign powers in the region wanted to posess for ages due to its geographical and strategic location and its important commercial port. Founded as a Greek colony in the 8th century BC, Parion became one of the most important colonial cities of the Roman Empire in Anatolia by placing Roman retired soldiers in the city at the end of the Roman Republic Period and giving the status of a Roman colony. This status of the city provided economic development and prosperity and the ancient city of Parion became one of the most Roman cities in the Northern Troas Region. After having the status of a Roman colony, Parion became a city that had a say in both regional trade and political and military fields. As a natural consequence, the excavations carried out in Parion since 2005 yielded important archaeological findings from the Roman Period. One of these archaeological findings is the collectively found 266 coin group on the ground level of the hyposcaenium to the south of the entrance of the stage building during the 2013 excavations in the theater. The emperor of 227 of the coins with higher condition could be read compared to the Late Roman coin finds found during the excavations in the city. Coins of 23 different emperors and 11 mints were dated between the Gallienus and Arcadius Periods, while the majority of the coins were beaten between 310-324 AD. Archaeological remains and finds indicate that the Roman Theater of Parion lost its function at the end of the 4th century AD. It is important that this idea is supported as the latest date of the coins is between 383-392 AD. The aim of this study was to reach new data about the structure of the hyposcaenium at the Roman Theater of Parion in which the coins where found, as well as to get new information on numismatics. Keywords: Troad, Parion, Theater, Hyposcaenium, Late Roman, Coin.

PArion Tiyatrosu Metal Eserleri

Parion antik tiyatrosunda 2006 yılında başlayan bilimsel kazı çalışmaları günümüzde de devam etmektedir. Kazı çalışmalarında ortaya çıkarılan metal eserler, tiyatronun geçirdiği evrelere ve değişikliklere açıklık getirilmesine katkıda bulunacak niteliktedir. Çalışmanın konusu 2006-2015 yılları arasında yapılan kazı çalışmalarında ortaya çıkarılan bronz, demir ve kurşun eserlerden oluşmaktadır. Metal eserler antik dönem içerisinde çok farklı işlevlere sahiptir. Özellikle tiyatroda ortaya çıkarılan, birçok farklı kullanım özelliğine sahip metal eserlerin büyük kısmı, günümüzde olduğu gibi mimari konstrüksiyonda bağlayıcı eleman olarak kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın içeriğinde 39 bronz, 17 demir ve 1 adet kurşun olmak üzere toplamda 57 eser incelenmiştir. Bronz eserler demir ve kurşun eserlere göre daha yoğun bir kullanım görmüştür. Bu durum bronzun diğer malzemeden yapılan eserlere göre daha dayanıklı olmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Tiyatroda ortaya çıkarılan çok sayıda bronz tıp aleti, tiyatronun ikinci evrede değiştirilerek gladyatör oyunlarının oynandığı bir mekân olarak kullanıldığına işaret etmektedir. Çünkü antik dönemde gladyatörlere ilk müdahale tiyatro içerisinde gerçekleştirilmektedir. Tıp aletlerinin özellikle versurae bölümünün içerisinde yer küçük bir odada ortaya çıkması, tiyatronun ikinci evresinde bu bölümün ilk tıbbi müdahale odası olarak kullanıldığı göstermektedir. Ortaya çıkarılan demir eserler ise tiyatronun ahşap konstrüksiyonunda kullanılmıştır. Ele geçen buluntuların hepsi Roma ve Bizans dönemine aittir. Bu durum tiyatronun Roma döneminden Bizans’ın içlerine kadar kesintisiz bu kullanıldığını göstermektedir.

Parion'dan Bir Grup Korinth Alabastronu

Parion'dan Bir Grup Korinth Alabastronu, Turkish Studies Historical Analysis, 2019

Parion which its establishment associated with Greek colonisation period is the one of important port cities of Ancient Troas region. Ancient city is located within borders of today’s Çanakkale City, Biga District, Kemer Village. Results of researching and excavations it is known that the city was established in 709 BC and inhabited until 12th century AD. Excavations and restorations have been implemented in various structures and areas since 2005. One of these areas of excavation is Tavşandere Necropolis where located South of Ancient city. 9 alabastra in the article which Corinth product were founded in the Krm 4 and Krm 5 from Archaic Period Crematarium of necropolis. These alabastra are divided into groups as various ornements on them: Linear ornement (belt – spot), plantal ornament (antithetic palmette), mixedcreature figures and other alabastra. Considering about all of alabastra, it is understood that secondary cremation burials were used in the process between 620 – 590 BC. Sign of burnt in vessels show that not only used for accularate of cremation but also used spreading of fragnance. Thus it is understood that vessels were thrown and broken into the crematorium. The fact that no tomb gifts were found around Archaic Period urns in necropolis shows that the ritual of put the tomb gift was only performed during cremation. Furthermore these ceramic vessels show that relationship between Parion and land mass Greek.

“Parion Tiyatrosu Su Sistemi ve Orkestra İşlevi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”

Başaran C. & Ergürer H.E. (Eds.), Parion Roma Tiyatrosu: 2006-2015 Yılı Çalışmaları, Mimarisi ve Buluntuları, Çanakkale (İÇDAŞ A.Ş. Yayınları): 65-75., 2016

Spectacles performed in the theatres of the Roman cities were of importance for the general public as well as for the benefactors of these events. Within the theatres water spectales, gladiatorial and beast combats were performed along with drama acts. For gladiatorial combats amphitheatres are known to have been built within the empire although in geographical locations such as Greece and Asia Minor where Greek influence and theatre culture had flourished before the Roman Empire’s conquest very few amphitheatres were built. Instead theatres were altered in architecture or built to be multi-functional structures of entertainment. Parion’s theatre is thought to have been built during the Flavian Period in the late 1st century AD and was altered/renovated several times during the second half of the 2nd century and the early 3rd century AD. Having water discharge related components installed in the orchestra, hyposcaeneium and the versura suggests that Parion’s theatre was used as a multi-functional theatre. A further hint of the theatre being a multi-funtional entertainment structure is the gladiatorial combat and venatio (beast combat and displays) related graffiti. This work intends to introduce the water system of the theatre of Parion and evaluate the system along with some architectural aspects of the theatre. Understanding the purpose of these water systems with regard to theatrical spectacles is another intent of this work.

Parion Güney Nekropolü'nde Ele Geçen Pişmiş Toprak Obje Üzerine Gözlemler,

Parion; one of important cities of ancient Troas Region, has been scientificly excavated with works carried out since 2005. Parion's Southern Necropolis was firstly excavated in 2004 with the rescue excavations Canakkale Archaeology Museum, and in 2005 scientific excavations began to be carried out by the team under the directorate of Prof. Dr. Cevat BAŞARAN. Up to today 216 graves were unearthed and these graves has produced important information regarding Parion's burial customs. In this work one terra cotta object which was discovered in "Sarcophagus 2" in Parion's Southern Necropolis.