The Ground-based Calibration of SWS (original) (raw)


We present a summary of all ground based SWS instrument tests and calibrations together with a description of test equipment and environment. The contents and results of the SWS ground calibration are discussed and their value for the in-flight calibration of SWS is demonstrated.

Topics in SWS Data Analysis and Calibrations (Invited Paper)

An overview of the current status of the SWS instrument and its calibration is given. Guidance is given to observers concerning data reduction, what instrumental artifacts may contaminate their data and where further information may be obtained from.

In-Flight Instrument Calibration and Performance Verification

ISSI Scientific …, 2007

In-flight calibrations are an essential component of any experiment plan for space-based instruments. These calibrations are necessary not only to verify instrument response and correct for instrument degradation, but also to identify unforeseen changes in ...


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