[The importance of presenting the Russian journal archives in open scientific space] (original) (raw)

[Visibility of Russian university journals in the systems of national and international scientific and technical information]

Vestnik Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, 2024

Current limitations of access to some international journal platforms and bibliographic systems for Russian researchers result in increased role of national journals for communication and knowledge spreading both at domestic and international levels. Consequently, correct information on Russian journals indexation in various bibliographic systems including underestimated open access databases seems to be topical. The analyzed sample includes journals published by Russian universities as the less studied ones compared to serials published by research institutes. We studied journals published by three types of Russian universities, i.e. Federal, National Research and Basic. Rapid increase in the number of new journals in recent years is demonstrated caused by financial support under different programs. Indexing of journals in Web of Science, Scopus, Dimensions and Lens was studied over a period of 2018–2022. In the Dimensions and Lens we also studied the completeness of indexing as these databases index content using other approaches as compared to Web of Science and Scopus. A share of journals indexed by authoritative Russian journal lists Russian Science Citation Index and White List was revealed. The best positions were detected among journals published by National Research universities. However, Basic universities demonstrate positive growth, as well. The obtained results enabled us to conclude that journals published by Russian universities can be regarded as significant strategic information resource for representing Russian research results to international community.

[Problems of the development of Russian academic journals from authors’ perspective]

Proceedings of the 26th International Conference “Information Technologies, Computer Systems and Publications for Libraries” (LIBCOM-2022) (20–25 November 2022), 2022

The authors compare the models of publishing processes in Russian and international academic journals. It is shown that current publishing process beginning with manuscript submission and ending with publication is significantly more attractive in international journals as compared to obsolete Russian approaches. In the context of the increased significance of domestic journals in Russia, comprehension and adaptation of the best international practices are of key importance for obtaining and spreading scientific knowledge.

[Some reasons for the Russian authors transition to foreign journals]

Science Management: Theory and Practice, 2022

Aiming to increase Russian journals’ authority and enhance their readership, and consequently, journals’ rankings, detection of reasons for Russian authors’ transition to foreign journals is important. Recent studies demonstrated that up to one-third of Russian authors orients toward top-tiered foreign serials and do not intend to change their publication preferences. One of the obvious formal reasons is in quantitative indexes used in calculations in research organizations while evaluating the research capacity of their staff. However, external circumstances, as well as the risk of part or full restriction for Russian authors in some top-tiered international journals lead to obstacles to the fulfillment of previous obligations. Under such conditions increase in the reputation of Russian serials, their compliance with international publishing standards, increase in their bibliometric indexes are of high importance. The paper aims to reveal the main issues caused to force Russian authors to select foreign journals and stop collaborating with domestic serials. Analyses of those reasons are believed to help detect the main vector for the successful development of Russian academic journals.

Archives of the academy of sciences as repository of the historical memory of Russia


The paper presents a brief history and description of collections of the oldest archives formed by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) in St. Petersburg for almost 300 years of its history. Attention is focused on the main problems of the archives, which emerged after the reform of the RAS in 2013, and prospects for their solution are outlined.

Публикационная Активность Российских Ученых в Ведущих Мировых Журналах (Publication Activity of Russian Researches in Leading International Scientific Journals)

The full version is available on http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf\_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per\_id=1989392 Цель данного аналитического обзора - определение динамики и структуры публикаций российских авторов, а также определение места российской науки в глобальном научном процессе. Методы библиометрического анализа позволяют проводить количественный анализ научной кооперации, результативности и других аспектов функционирования науки. Информационная база для таких исследований -материалы баз данных научного цитирования, которые содержат библиографические описания статей, опубликованных в научных журналах (в основном англоязычных) по значительному числу областей науки. На основе этих данных рассчитываются различные показатели (общий объем и динамика числа публикаций, цитируемость, уровень соавторства, индекс специализации и другие) на разных уровнях агрегирования (отдельные исследователи, научные организации, страны и регионы мира). Результаты библиометрических исследований могут быть использованы для изучения трендов развития различных научных направлений, оценки результативности деятельности научных организаций, общей оценки научного потенциала страны (его слабых и сильных мест), выявления наиболее продуктивных ученых в разных областях науки, проведения межстрановых сравнений, изучения сетей взаимодействия научных коллективов. В статье анализируются базовые показатели публикационной активности ученых в России и ведущих странах в период 2001-2011 гг. Публикационная активность российских ученых рассматривается в контексте отдельных областей науки. Это позволит выявить области специализации отечественных научных работ. Также исследуется динамика высокоцитируемых публикаций и показателей международного научного сотрудничества российских исследователей. Для анализа публикационной активности используются материалы базы данных научного цитирования Web of Science, а также аналитического электронного ресурса Essential Science Indicators, разработанного на базе материалов Web of Science компанией Thomson Reuters. The primary aim of this research report is to analyse the dynamics and structure of the publications of Russian authors, as well as to define the place of Russian science in the global scientific process. Bibliometric analysis methods are the main methods for quantitative analysis of scientific cooperation, efficiency, and other aspects of scientific activity. The information base for this research includes materials from science citation databases containing bibliographic descriptions of the articles published in scientific journals (mainly written in English) in a significant number of fields of science. Various parameters (e.g. dynamics of the number of publications, the number of citation, the level of co-authorship, the scientific specialization index, etc.) at various levels of aggregation (e.g. individual researchers, research organizations, countries and regions of the world) can be calculated based on these data. The results of bibliometric studies can be used in a number of ways: analysis of latest trends in the development of various scientific fields; evaluation of the effectiveness of research organizations; overall assessment of the scientific potential of Russia (its strengths and weaknesses); identification the most productive scientists in various fields of science; drawing the international comparisons of publications; analysis of collaboration networks of scientific teams. The paper analyses the basic indicators of the publication activity of scientists in Russia and the leading countries over the period between 2001 and 2011. Publication activity of Russian scientists is analysed in the context of specific areas of science. This allows the identification of areas of specialization of Russian publications. The paper also examines the dynamics of highly-cited publications and the indicators of the international scientific collaboration of Russian researchers. In this paper, materials of Web of Science database were used for analysis of publication activity.

[The state of Russian library and information sciences from the perspective of academic journals]

Bibliosphere, 2019

Scientific challenge: A study of the current state of library and information sciences via bibliometric analysis of scientific journals and their editorial board members, i. e. geographic distribution and bibliometric analysis of their scholarly output resulting in additional approaches to evaluate serials and scientific area. Purpose: Bibliometric analyses of journals and scholarly output and geographic distribution of their editorial board members being the most authoritative experts over the last 5 years; detection of large scientific centers of library and information science; detection of a core of academic journals. Originality: For the first time in Russian literature results of the analysis of editorial boards are described for additional evaluation of library and information science journals and relevant scientific areas in general. Due to a limited number of papers on analysis of editorial boards this paper can be used as methodological one as well. Findings: Analysis of geographic distribution enabled us to detect a share of foreign members of almost 25 percent. The largest groups of Russian experts are located in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, but also in two regional centers of the European part of Russia – Voronezh and Samara, while only Novosibirsk is the center of the Siberian expert group in library and information science. Experts mainly work at universities, followed by research organizations of The Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Wide range of bibliometric indices of editorial board members correlates with that of relevant journals. Some approaches of editors to enhance journal indices are detected including publication of their own high-level papers in journals which they are working for since these papers are attracting a larger amount of citations as compared with papers of other authors. Another strategy assumes that editorial board members cite their own journal in other serials. Co-citation data of analyzed journals predominantly demonstrate the absence of strong connections between journals. Conclusions: Editorial boards play a significant role in enhancing bibliometric indices of journals, and stronger integration of Russian library and information science society is necessary which may result in increasing currently low ranks of the studied journals among international serials.

Archives and science “in action” (by V. V. Charnoluskiy’s materials)

Transactions of the Kоla Science Centre. Series: Natural Sciences and Humanities

The scientist’s archive is analyzed as a history and sociology of science phenomena on the example of the Vladimir Charnoluskiy’s archive, an ethnographer, best known as a Kola Saami’ researcher. The features of archives as memorial institutions are revealed, personal and official archives are compared. The archive as a metaphor (along with others –– trace, evidence) demonstrates the social dimension of science and the formation of the image of a scientist, as well as its additions and changes. A “model” of a standardized and competitive perception of science with the corresponding “actions” of archival materials is proposed. Archival evidence can supplement or change formed views –– individual facts, the perception of the image of a scientist in terms of research subjects, explanation of the facts and theoretical problems.

Problems of Adaptation of Russian Scholarly Journals to International Publication Standards

World-Class Scientific Publication – 2017: Best Practices in Preparation and Promotion of Publications, 2017

Институт философии и права Уральского отделения РАН, г. Екатеринбург, Россия b Уральский федеральный университет, г. Екатеринбург, Россия Аннотация. В данной работе изучаются основные сложности, с которыми сталкиваются редакции российских научных журналов в процессе их интеграции в международные наукометрические базы данных (МНБД). В апреле 2017 года был проведен социологический опрос, в котором приняли участие 145 главных редакторов российских научных журналов. Опрос состоял из двух этапов: серия глубинных интервью позволила выявить основные проблемные области, анкетирование было нацелено на выявление отношения ответственных сотрудников редакций к процессу подготовки журнала к включению в МНБД. Согласно полученным результатам, подготовка российского журнала к включению в МНБД требует кардинальной перестройки всех составляющих редакционно-издательской работы. Важно отметить, что изменения касаются не только формальных, но и таких содержательных аспектов, как научное рецензирование и отбор контента. Среди основных проблем, тормозящих процесс включения в МНБД-финансирование, нехватка квалифицированных кадров, различие в этических стандартах. Результаты данного исследования могут быть полезны для редакций научных журналов, готовящихся к вступлению в МНБД. Ключевые слова: российский научный журнал, продвижение российских научных журналов в международные индексы, национальная наука, поддержка российской науки

Organization of archival affairs at research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Висвітлено сучасний стан архівної системи Національної академії наук України, зокрема проаналізовано систему архівних підрозділів, їхній статус, взаємозв'язки, функції та характерні особливості формування і складу архівних фондів. Окреслено коло фондоутворювачів та досліджено систему фондоутримувачів Архівного фонду НАН України. Відстежено динаміку змін у статусі та функціях архівних підрозділів академічних установ, визначено перелік основних проблем, що виникають у діяльності архівних підрозділів на сучасному етапі. Ключові слова: архівний підрозділ; архівний фонд; науково-дослідний інститут; Архівний фонд НАН України, статус архіву, функції архіву, Інститут архівознавства НБУВ.