Praktische Syllogismen bei Aristoteles (original) (raw)
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(German-language) Entry in "Handbuch Ethik": A brief introduction into the main aspects of Aristotle's moral philosophy - published in: “Aristoteles’ Ethik”, in: M. Düwell, Ch. Hübenthal, M. H. Werner (Hgg.), Handbuch Ethik, J. B. Metzler Verlag, Stuttgart/Weimar, 2002, 69-81.
Alfred von Sareshels Glossenkommentar zu den "Meteorologica" des Aristoteles
Przegląd Tomistyczny, 2021
The critical edition of Alfred of Sareshel's commentary on Aristotle's Meteorology, based on all currently known and extant manuscripts (Durham, Chapter Libr. C.III.15, fol. 11v-18r; Paris, BnF lat. 7131, fol. 82v-85r; Oxford, Bodleian Libr., Selden supra 24, fol. 84r-113r), is incomplete. The editor of the commentary, James K. Otte, omitted a series of interlinear and marginal glosses to the four books of "Meteorology" contained in their oldest and most important MS Seiden supra 24 of the Oxford Bodleian Library, including all glosses to Book IV 9-12, 385b-390b19. Otte assumed that Alfred's commentary in this manuscript is incomplete and ends in fol. 109r. In order to recover the entirety of Alfred's surviving commentary and make it available to researchers of the history of medieval philosophy and its sources, an attempt was made to record and reconstruct the glosses overlooked and omitted byJames K. Otte, which are hereby published in the form of a supplement to the critical edition of Alfred's commentary.