Analysis and Design of Indonesia's E-Id and E-Voting Integration (original) (raw)



Indonesia has been developing its electronic ID card named e-KTP (Electronic “Kartu Tanda Penduduk”) since 2006. After 3 years of development, the first trial was started on September 2009 in 6 sub-districts in Indonesia, including South Padang (Padang), West Denpasar (Denpasar), Tamalanrea (Makassar), Gondokusuman (Yogyakarta), Duku Puntang (Cirebon), and Jembrana Negara. It is planned that every Indonesia citizen will already have e-ID by the end of year 2012. If the plan is successful, then the next election in 2014 will be the first election using e-ID (e-Voting), which means, a brand new election system/procedure must be designed to maximize the use of e-ID. This book talks about how it should be implemented and how it would bring benefits for Indonesia.

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