Forestación de isletas de dragado utilizando dos especies de mangles, en una laguna costera del Golfo de California, México (original) (raw)

Forestación de isletas artificiales utilizando dos especies de mangles, en una laguna costera del Golfo de California, México

Botanical Sciences, 2015

El propósito del presente estudio fue generar información en torno a la posibilidad de estabilizar isletas de dragado mediante la plantación de halófitas, particularmente con la creación de nuevas áreas de manglar. Para esto, fue construido un vivero para producir plantas de Avicennia germinans y Rhizophora mangle, a la vez que se obtuvieron individuos del medio natural para ambas especies. Para su plantación se consideró el intervalo de mareas, áreas de baja energía, salinidad, zonación de cada especie y un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar. Los resultados indicaron una mayor supervivencia y crecimiento de las plantas de vivero que las extraídas del medio natural. La supervivencia de plantas de A. germinans (78% con contenedor, 72% sin contenedor, 34% medio natural) fue mayor que la de R. mangle (43% con contenedor, 34% sin contenedor, 2% medio natural). De igual manera, el crecimiento en altura de las plantas de A. germinans, tanto de las producidas en vivero (3.2 c...

Complejidad ambiental de una laguna costera de un ecosistema de manglar

ecosistemas, 2023

Laguna Pampa El Cabildo es una laguna costera dentro de un ecosistema de manglar y que forma parte del área natural protegida El Cabildo Amatal, por lo que su conservación debe ser una prioridad para los tres niveles de gobierno y para la sociedad. El objetivo se centró en la propuesta de construcción de un índice de complejidad ambiental de la laguna de estudio, empleando algunas variables ambientales, a partir de la estadística inferencial (p<0.05), un índice de construcción sencilla y de fácil entendimiento. Bimensualmente, durante la marea alta diurna (MAD) y marea alta nocturna (MAN), se realizaron mediciones por cuadruplicado de temperatura (°C), salinidad, oxígeno disuelto (mg/L), pH y turbidez (UNT) en 11 sitios (S) de muestreo. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables analizadas (promedio, desviación estándar, valor mínimo y valor máximo), se exploraron similitudes espacio-temporales (análisis de conglomerados) y se propuso un índice de complejidad ambiental (ICAM), teniendo como base el análisis de varianza, con niveles que van de un sistema muy heterogéneo/complejo a un sistema homogéneo/no complejo. Se registró una amplia variación promedio de los factores analizados entre meses y una menor variación entre sitios. El análisis de similitud destacó, en cuatro de las cinco variables analizadas, similitudes en los S1 y S2, sugiriendo esta área como una unidad ambiental distinta al resto de la laguna. Los ICAM calculados describen una laguna temporalmente compleja (0.25 y 0.35) y espacialmente poco compleja (0.69 y 0.79) tanto en MAD como en MAN respectivamente. Se sugiere considerar las unidades ambientales y los niveles de complejidad identificadas en este estudio, en decisiones de conservación de la laguna.

Distribución del manglar en cuatro sistemas lagunares en la costa de Chiapas, México

Botanical Sciences

Mangrove plant group distribution was stuclied along the Chiapas Coast by means of 177, 10 m x 10 m quadrats taken in 16 sites in the four most important lagoon systems. To classify the quadrats by importance values permited us to distinguish eight mangrove groups. Around 73% of the total variance of the quantitative data was accounted by the first two principal axes in the ordination of quadrats. The first axis was significantly associated to the field salinity (r=-0.76, g. l.=15, p<0.001), which decreases from NW to SE as a consequence of the amount of water continental runoff. Finally, it was found that the height of Laguncularia racemosa (r=0.56, g. l. =60, p=0.0001) and Rhizophora mangle (r=0.59 , g. l. =124, p=0.0001) , but Avicennia germinans (r=0.24, g. l.=47, p=0.09), were inversely related with salinity concentration and with the contribution of freshwater from the drainage systems corresponding to each coastal lagoon system.

Producción espacial y temporal de hojarasca del manglar en la laguna Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, México

Spatial and temporal mangrove litter production in Barra de Navidad lagoon, Jalisco, México. Barra de Navidad lagoon is a coastal wetland of international importance (Ramsar site) and it is included among the 81 Mexican mangrove priority sites. One of the most valued characteristics of this lagoon is the presence of mangrove forest in a good conservation state. The goal of our research was the measurement of mangrove litter production and environmental factors influencing its dynamics. The mangrove area was divided into seven zones and litterfall was monthly sampled from November 2011 to October 2012 using 0.25 m 2 square collectors made with mosquito mesh (1 mm) and positioned at 1.3 m above the ground. Abiotic variables of the interstitial water were measured simultaneously at each zone in permanent plots using a multi-parameter probe, YSI-556-M. Total mean value of litterfall production, weighted by zone surface, was 19.12 ± 1.23 gPS/m 2 .mo (2.29 t/ha.year). This low productivity is a consequence of the region’s dry climate and low tide range. The species Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa produced more than 80 % of total litterfall, while Rhizophora mangle contributed only 16 % and Conocarpus erectus < 4 %. A significant correlation between litterfall production and abiotic variables was found (e.g. salinity and interstitial water depth). We concluded that there are significant spatial variations in soil abiotic variables which are correlated with differences in mangrove species composition, and produce, together with the life cycles stages of those species, significant variations in the quantity and composition of litterfall. Future research will be focused on quantifying spatial variations in forest structure and their relationship with litterfall production. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (1): 259-273. Epub 2016 March 01.

Aspectos Ecológicos De Los Manglares Y Su Potencial Como Fitorremediadores En El Golfo De México


The purpose of this research was to establish the decontamination capacity of the mangroves species in the San Andres, del Carpintero, La Costa, Garrapatas and Pueblo Viejo lagoons in Tampico, Tamaulipas. The mangrove's species dynamics and indexes such as of Shannon´s diversity, Sörensen´s affinity, forestry production, explotation and the content of some heavy metals were determined at each site. The dominant species were Rhizophora mangle (3-13 m), Laguncularia racemosa (6-8 m), Avicenia germinans (6-13 m) and Conocarpus erectus (>2m). L. racemosa was the most exploited specie, with the highest dominance, density, and an importance value of 71.2%;. The heavy metals of the sediments were: Cd (2.82), Pb (28.57), and Cr (40.27 ppm). The lead content in leafs and branches (dry basis) of L. racemosa was 5.77 and 3.72 ppm respectively. These results indicate that we could use the mangrove as bioremedial agents to reduce the contaminants originated from the discharges of industrial water which are fixed in the woody portions.

Producción de hojarasca y atributos estructurales del manglar en la Laguna Mecoacán, Golfo de México

Revista de Biología Tropical, 2017

Structural attributes, productivity (leaf litter) and mangrove phenology in Mecoacán Lagoon, Gulf of Mexico. Mangrove forests are distributed along the topographical gradients of coastal areas, where variations in salinity and flooding influence the composition and primary production of these forests. This study evaluated the structural attributes and production of leaf litter of mangrove species in Mecoacán Lagoon. We established six monitoring sites and studied the floristic composition, diameter at breast height (DBH), and density of adult, juvenile and recruited trees, as well as seedling density; additionally, the basal area, importance value index (IVI), and coverage were also calculated. Monthly samples (from November 2014 to October 2015) of the leaf litter production of different mangrove species, were collected using litter traps, and the physicalchemical parameters of surface, interstitial, and subterranean water were determined using piezometers. The study sites were classified into two physiognomic types: fringe (Boca, Aspoquero, Arrastradero, and Pajaral) and basin (Cerros and Mojarrero). The average density of mangrove trees was 2 870 trees. ha-1. The highest basal area was found in Pajaral (41.7 m 2. ha-1). Avicennia germinans presented the highest IVI value in all sites. An average coverage of 17.5 m 2 was recorded. The species were zoned with respect to interstitial salinity levels. A. germinans had a greater density in areas with high salinity (hypersaline) and Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora mangle in areas of lower salinity. The leaf litter production was 5.15 ton. ha-1. year-1 and showed a positive correlation with rainfall and a highly negative correlation with salinity level as well as with interstitial and subterranean oxidation redox potential (ORP). The results indicated that variability in the composition, structure, and production of leaf litter in Laguna Mecoacán is locally determined by the species capacity to adapt to environmental conditions (rainfall, salinity, redox potential). Several recommendations include the establishment of the sites evaluated in this study, as permanent monitoring areas and to estimate the above and belowground biomass, in order to understand the nutrient dynamics, as mangroves provide sources of energy both in situ and that may be exported to neighboring areas.