Minding the gap: Unlocking the therapeutic potential of aptamers and making up for lost time (original) (raw)

RNA Aptamer Technology

Aptamers are single stranded nucleic acids that specifically recognize and bind tightly to their cognate targets due to their stable three dimensional structures. Nucleic acid aptamers have been developed for various applications, including diagnostics, molecular imaging and biomarker discovery along with target validation, therapeutics, and drug delivery. Since its discovery in the early 1990s, aptamer technology has progressed tremendously. Automated selection procedures now allow rapid identification of DNA and RNA sequences that can target a broad range of extra and intracellular proteins with nanomolar affinities and high specificities. The unique binding properties of nucleic acids, which are amenable to various modifications, make aptamers perfectly suitable for different areas of biotechnology. RNA aptamers represent an emerging class of pharmaceuticals with great potential for targeted cancer diagnostics and therapy. Several RNA aptamers that bind cancer cell-surface antigens with high affinity and specificity have been described. However, their clinical potential has yet to be realized the demand for diagnostic assays to assist in the management of existing and emerging diseases is increasing, and aptamers could potentially fulfill molecular recognition needs in those assays. Compared with the bellwether antibody technology, aptamer research is still in its infancy, but it is progressing at a fast pace. The potential of aptamers may be realized in the near future in the form of aptamer-based diagnostic products in the market. In such products, aptamers may play a key role either in conjunction with, or in place of antibodies. It is also likely that existing diagnostic formats may change according to the need to better harness the unique features. This review summarizes aptamers as valuable tools for diagnostics, target validation, drug discovery, and even therapeutic approaches. Keywords RNA Aptamers, SELEX, RNA Therapy, Drug Delivery

Coupling Aptamers to Short Interfering RNAs as Therapeutics

Pharmaceuticals, 2011

RNA-based approaches are among the most promising strategies aimed at developing safer and more effective therapeutics. RNA therapeutics include small non-coding miRNAs, small interfering RNA, RNA aptamers and more recently, small activating RNAs. However, major barriers exist to the use of RNAs as therapeutics such as resistance to nucleases present in biological fluids, poor chemical stability, need of specific cell targeted delivery and easy entry into the cell. Such issues have been addressed by several recent reports that show the possibility of introducing chemical modifications in small RNAs to stabilize the molecular conformation and increase by several fold their integrity, while still preserving the functional activity. Further, several aptamers have been developed as excellent candidates for the specific recognition of cell surface targets. In the last few years, by taking advantage of recent advances in the small RNA field, molecular bioconjugates have been designed that permit specific targeting and may act as cargoes for cell internalization of small RNAs acting on gene expression that will be discussed in this review.

Methods for Evaluating Cell-Specific, Cell-Internalizing RNA Aptamers

Pharmaceuticals, 2013

Recent clinical trials of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) highlight the need for robust delivery technologies that will facilitate the successful application of these therapeutics to humans. Arguably, cell targeting by conjugation to cell-specific ligands provides a viable solution to this problem. Synthetic RNA ligands (aptamers) represent an emerging class of pharmaceuticals with great potential for targeted therapeutic applications. For targeted delivery of siRNAs with aptamers, the aptamer-siRNA conjugate must be taken up by cells and reach the cytoplasm. To this end, we have developed cellbased selection approaches to isolate aptamers that internalize upon binding to their cognate receptor on the cell surface. Here we describe methods to monitor for cellular uptake of aptamers. These include: (1) antibody amplification microscopy, (2) microplatebased fluorescence assay, (3) a quantitative and ultrasensitive internalization method ("QUSIM") and (4) a way to monitor for cytoplasmic delivery using the ribosome inactivating protein-based (RNA-RIP) assay. Collectively, these methods provide a toolset

Intracellular delivery of RNA-based therapeutics using aptamers

Therapeutic delivery, 2010

The clinical potential of siRNAs for silencing genes critical to disease progression is clear, but a fail-proof method for delivering siRNAs to the cytoplasm of diseased tissues or cells has yet to be identified. A variety of delivery approaches have been explored to directly or indirectly couple siRNAs to delivery vehicles. This review explores the use of synthetic single-stranded DNA and RNA aptamers as a means to deliver siRNAs, shRNAs and antisense oligonucleotides for therapeutic intervention. Topics covered include: the advantages and challenges of using aptamers as delivery tools; current aptamer-mediated siRNA delivery platforms for the treatment of cancer and HIV; and emerging methodologies for the identification of aptamers capable of internalizing into target cell types.

Current progress on aptamer-targeted oligonucleotide therapeutics

Therapeutic Delivery, 2013

Exploiting the power of the RNAi pathway through the use of therapeutic siRNA drugs has remarkable potential for treating a vast array of human disease conditions. However, difficulties in delivery of these and similar nucleic acid-based pharmacological agents to appropriate organs or tissues, remains a major impediment to their broad clinical application. Synthetic nucleic acid ligands (aptamers) have emerged as effective delivery vehicles for therapeutic oligonucleotides, including siRNAs. In this review, we summarize recent attractive developments in creatively employing cell-internalizing aptamers to deliver therapeutic oligonucleotides (e.g., siRNAs, miRNAs, anti-miRs and antisense oligos) to target cells. We also discuss advancements in aptamer-siRNA chimera technology, as well as, aptamer-functionalized nanoparticles for siRNA delivery. In addition, the challenges and future prospects of aptamer-targeted oligonucleotide drugs for clinical translation are further highlighted.

Cell-Specific Aptamers for Targeted Therapies

Methods in Molecular Biology, 2009

The clinical potential of siRNAs for silencing genes critical to disease progression is clear, but a fail-proof method IRU GHOLYHULQJ VL51$V WR WKH F\WRSODVP RI GLVHDVHG WLVVXHV RU FHOOV KDV \HW WR EH LGHQWLÀHG $ YDULHW\ RI GHOLYHU\ DSSURDFKHV KDYH EHHQ H[SORUHG WR GLUHFWO\ RU LQGLUHFWO\ FRXSOH VL51$V WR GHOLYHU\ YHKLFOHV 7KLV UHYLHZ H[SORUHV the use of synthetic single-stranded DNA and RNA aptamers as a means to deliver siRNAs, shRNAs and antisense ROLJRQXFOHRWLGHV IRU WKHUDSHXWLF LQWHUYHQWLRQ 7RSLFV FRYHUHG LQFOXGH WKH DGYDQWDJHV DQG FKDOOHQJHV RI XVLQJ aptamers as delivery tools; current aptamer-mediated siRNA delivery platforms for the treatment of cancer and +,9 DQG HPHUJLQJ PHWKRGRORJLHV IRU WKH LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ RI DSWDPHUV FDSDEOH RI LQWHUQDOL]LQJ LQWR WDUJHW FHOO W\SHV

AptaBlocks: Designing RNA complexes and accelerating RNA-based drug delivery systems

Nucleic acids research, 2018

RNA-based therapeutics, i.e. the utilization of synthetic RNA molecules to alter cellular functions, have the potential to address targets which are currently out of scope for traditional drug design pipelines. This potential however hinges on the ability to selectively deliver and internalize therapeutic RNAs into cells of interest. Cell internalizing RNA aptamers selected against surface receptors and discriminatively expressed on target cells hold particular promise as suitable candidates for such delivery agents. Specifically, these aptamers can be combined with a therapeutic cargo and facilitate internalization of the cargo into the cell of interest. A recently proposed method to obtain such aptamer-cargo constructs employs a double-stranded "sticky bridge" where the complementary strands constituting the bridge are conjugated with the aptamer and the cargo respectively. The design of appropriate sticky bridge sequences however has proven highly challenging given the ...

Aptamer Therapeutics in Cancer: Current and Future


Aptamer-related technologies represent a revolutionary advancement in the capacity to rapidly develop new classes of targeting ligands. Structurally distinct RNA and DNA oligonucleotides, aptamers mimic small, protein-binding molecules and exhibit high binding affinity and selectivity. Although their molecular weight is relatively small—approximately one-tenth that of monoclonal antibodies—their complex tertiary folded structures create sufficient recognition surface area for tight interaction with target molecules. Additionally, unlike antibodies, aptamers can be readily chemically synthesized and modified. In addition, aptamers’ long storage period and low immunogenicity are favorable properties for clinical utility. Due to their flexibility of chemical modification, aptamers are conjugated to other chemical entities including chemotherapeutic agents, siRNA, nanoparticles, and solid phase surfaces for therapeutic and diagnostic applications. However, as relatively small sized olig...

Cell-Specific Aptamers as Emerging Therapeutics

Journal of Nucleic Acids, 2011

Aptamers are short nucleic acids that bind to defined targets with high affinity and specificity. The first aptamers have been selected about two decades ago by anin vitroprocess named SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment). Since then, numerous aptamers with specificities for a variety of targets from small molecules to proteins or even whole cells have been selected. Their applications range from biosensing and diagnostics to therapy and target-oriented drug delivery. More recently, selections using complex targets such as live cells have become feasible. This paper summarizes progress in cell-SELEX techniques and highlights recent developments, particularly in the field of medically relevant aptamers with a focus on therapeutic and drug-delivery applications.