Persepsi Kaum Gay Tentang Fenomena LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual Dan Transgender) DI Kota Semarang (original) (raw)

Studi Fenomenologi Perilaku Homoseksual Di Kota Semarang

Jurnal Smart Keperawatan, 2018

Homoseksual merupakan masalah global dan modern sekarang ini, gaya hidup atau lifestyle merupakan hal yang sangat penting dan kerap menjadi ajang untuk menunjukkan identitas diri. Saat ini cukup banyak komunitas dan organisasi homoseksual baik formal maupun informal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan fenomena perilaku homoseksual di Kota Semarang.Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain penelitian fenomenologi kualitatif. Partispisan dalam penelitian ini adalah 4 orang homoseksual yang berada dalam sebuah komunitas homoseksual di kota Semarang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan partisipan berteman baik dengan siapapapun, partisipan melakukan hubungan seksual dengan berbagai cara, baik oral , bodycontact dan anal. Diharapkan untuk para homoseksual agar dapat berperilaku secara baik dalam perilaku sesksual maupaun perilaku secara umum sesuai kaidah di masyarakat agar kehadirannya dapat diterima dalam lingkungan.Kata Kunci: homoseksual; perilaku

Orientasi Seksual Komunitas Gay Muslim DI Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Fikri : Jurnal Kajian Agama, Sosial dan Budaya

This article aims to explore gay sexual orientation which is clashed with Islam and Psychology. In Islamic teachings, gay behavior that refers to acts of liwat} is an act that is forbidden. Even the death penalty is a threat to people who have a sexual orientation to the same sex. Based on this matter, this paper explores the case, where religious translations appear to meet irreconcilable needs, namely between gay and Islam. The research method used in this paper is qualitative with an approach Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The formal object used is the lens of the Vaillant version of the self-defense mechanisms theory. The results found in this study show that gays admit that their sexual orientation is a sin. They are aware of this as a whole, but none of the subjects of this study wish to leave Islam. The methods of gay in reconciling the conflict are: First, Islam is seen as a forgiving religion: Secondly, it is sinful to have sex outside marriage eit...

Fenomena Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual Dan Transgender (Solusi Dan Upaya Pencegahannya)

HUMANISMA : Journal of Gender Studies

The phenomenon of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) in millennial times is no longer considered a new thing in society. Previously these behaviors were considered strange for some people, but in an age of increasingly sophisticated technology, this has become commonplace. Today many have openly stated and identified themselves as the identity of LGBT people or as supporters of their development. This large wave of groups striving to be recognized in the eyes of the world has been carried out intensively and continuously. Indonesia as the largest Muslim cannot be separated from the influence and threat of LGBT. This study aims to explore how the phenomenon of LGBT development and illustrate how solutions and efforts to prevent it. This research was compiled using a literature review approach related to LGBT studies. The results of the excavation found that the LGBT movement is no longer just an individual movement but has entered the public sphere. To overcome this condit...


Journal of Development and Social Change

Gay is a minority group the existence of which is still unacceptable to the society. It puts the gay into a group vulnerable to violence risk. The objective of research is to study the risk and the reflexivity of violence in gay community in Surakarta. This qualitative with case study approach took place in Surakarta. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling one. The informant of research consisted of chairperson and administrators of Surakarta Gaya Mahardhika Foundation, gays becoming the victim of violence, community fellow members, and administrators of Mitra Alam Surakarta NGO. Data was collected through observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. To validate data, source triangulation was used. Technique of analyzing data used was Miles and Huberman’s interactive model of analysis with Ulrich Beck’s Risk Society theory. The result of research showed that violence risk encountered by gay in Surakarta included physical violence such as being thrown with sha...

Pandangan Mahasiswa Terhadap Hak-Hak Kaum LGBT di Indonesia


Peningkatan kesadaran mengenai isu LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, dan Transgender) di Indonesia akhir-akhir ini menimbulkan perdebatan yang kompleks dalam masyarakat. Sebagai generasi muda yang merupakan agen perubahan sosial, pandangan mahasiswa terhadap LGBT memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk

Persepsi, Sikap dan Tingkat Pengetahuan Siswa SMA 1 Padang Panjang Terhadap LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender)

Jurnal Ilmiah Manusia Dan Kesehatan

Tercapainya maturasi seksual pada usia remaja akhir menunjukan dorongan seksual yang akan menstimulus remaja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan seksual nya, bahkan dapat melakukan hal yang tidak pantas apabila tidak tercapai sehingga remaja tersebut akan mengembangkan perilaku seksual yang menyimpang. Salah satu perilaku menyimpang yang mungkin terjadi adalah perilaku LBGT (lesbian, gay, biseksual, dan transgender. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat pengetahuan dan persepsi remaja terhadap LGBT melalui penelitian deskriptif observasional dengan menggunakan desain cross-sectional. Dari hasil penelitian terdiri dari siswa laki-laki sebanyak 40% dan siswa perempuan 60%. Sebagian besar siswa sudah mendapatkan informasi tentang LGBT dan hanya 7.2% yang tidak pernah mencari/ memperoleh informasi tentang LGBT. Sebagian besar siswa mendapatkan informasi tentang LGBT ini dari media internet (75.3%). Tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa terkait LGBT sebagian besar baik siswa laki-la...

Pengaruh Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Kecemasan Kaum Homoseksual/Lesbian

JURNAL EDUKASI: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

Indonesia is the country which does uphold norms and values of its people. Homosexual/Lesbian for most of eartern people is declared as not common sexual orientation. Negative stigma from people caused social anxious for homosexual community. For minority anxiouses show up all togather with attact or negative perpective from society, the strict eastern culture with binding social norms, will give social punishment to individual deviant behaviour such as homosexialbehaviour through humiliation to isolation. This condition become the main problem for homosexual community. They feel that they as minority. Though there is a proggres of confession over homosexual community rights, research on history, sosiology, and psycology show there is hobiophobia and sxual prejudice from all over the world. Utilization of sources, demograpics, and high ducation evidently efffect the perception over minority. For professional or institution that shade homsexual, it is expected to be able to give psyc...

Gambaran Persepsi Remaja Terhadap Perilaku Lesbian, gay, Biseksual dan Transgender (LGBT) di SMAN 1 Tamansari Kabupaten Bogor


ABSTRAK : Perilaku Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender (LGBT) adalah suatu bentuk perilaku negatif, karena perilaku tersebut di pandang tidak sesuai dengan norma yang berlaku di masyarakat. Kelompok rentan terjangkitnya fenomena ini adalah dikalangan remaja. Oleh karena itu penting mengetahui persepsi remaja terhadap perilaku LGBT. Mengingat pentingnya masalah tersebut maka peneliti tertarik untuk meneliti tentang gambaran persepsi remaja terhadap perilaku LGBT. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran persepsi remaja terhadap perilaku Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender (LGBT). Design penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Cara pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan proportional random sampling dengan target 87 responden, selanjutnya pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui instrument penelitian berupa kuesioner yang berjumlah 17 pernyataan dengan menggunakan skala Likert. Penelitian ini diambil di SMAN 1 Tamansari Kabupaten Bogor. Hasil penelitian ini, didapat...

Deskripsi Perilaku Safe Sex Laki-Laki Homoseksual (Gay) di Kota Sorong

Nursing Arts

Description of the safe sex behavior of Gay Men in the city of Sorong. This study aims to describe the safe sex behavior of homosexual men (Gay) in Sorong City. This type of research is descriptive research, the number of samples is 30 respondents. The results showed the highest age group was 17-25 as many as 14 (46.7%), the highest occupation was private as many as 16 (53.3%), the highest education was high school, as many as 17 (56.7%). Safe sex behavior was 8 (26.7%) who did not change partners, 2 (6.7%) who did not have Oral Sex, 11 (36,%), 11 (36%) who used condoms. This study suggests the need for health education about safe sex to avoid the risk of HIV / AIDS transmission and the risk of other diseases in gay couples.Keywords: Safe Sex, Couples Change, Oral Sex and CondomsAbstrak: Deskripsi Perilaku safe Sex Laki-Laki Homoseksual (Gay) di Kota Sorong. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku safe sex laki-laki homoseksual (Gay) di Kota Sorong. Jenis penelitian ...