Building A Muslim Worldview Through Islamic Education in The Middle of Globalization (original) (raw)

Gagasan Islam Nusantara Sebagai Kearifan Lokal di Indonesia

Panangkaran: Jurnal Penelitian Agama dan Masyarakat, 2020

This study employs a philosophical approach to ideas and thoughts of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), one of largest Islamic mass organisation in Indonesia, in regards to the way this organisation responds to globalization, providing reference especially to their adherence and Muslim society in general. As many other Muslim organisations, NU has been struggling in to deal with globalization issues, along with its challenges, opportunities, and threats. Initiatives and efforts have been initiated by NU leaders to avoid negative impacts of globalisation for the society. In this regards, NU leaders with their discourse of Islam Nusantara are known for their thoughts and approach in maintaining religious harmony, not only among Muslims but also for Indonesian society in general. The Research focuses on three research questions; firstly, what is the main idea behind the discourse of Islam Nusantara?; secondly, what are the approach employed by NU leaders to promote the discourse of Islam Nusantara?...

Islam Indonesia : The Orientation of Islamic Studies and Contribution to Global Civilization


The world increasingly recognizes Indonesia as the largest Muslim country, and as the third largest democracy after India and the United States. Indonesia is also known as a country with a washatiyah Islamic pattern, namely Islam that is in the middle, balanced, does not stand at the extreme pole, either in understanding or applying Islam. With this position and status, it is not surprising that many people hope that Indonesia can play a more prominent important role in the international arena. Expected roles include making scientific contributions, spreading Washatiyah Islam, and empowering democracy in the Muslim world. This paper aims to illustrate the importance of promoting Indonesian Islam to global civilization. The face of Indonesian Islam offers diversity in the spirit of togetherness. This research is the study of literature by reviewing the relevant literature. Indonesian Islam has different styles and responses to Islam that develop in other regions. This difference in Indonesian Islam occurs because a particular area has culture, customs, social construction, unlike other regions.

The Concept of Islamic Education Muhammad Abduh and its Implications on Islamic Education in Indonesia


The dichotomic view that emerges in people's lives has a negative impact on Islamic education in Indonesia. Islamic education in Indonesia began to experience retardation and disintegration due to this dichotomic view. In fact, in the womb of Indonesian Islamic education there are not yet born scholars who have a deep spiritual and intellectual commitment. Therefore, this study offers the concept of Islamic education Muhammad Abduh as a solution. This study aims to elaborate on Muhammad Abduh's Islamic education concept and show the implications of Muhammad Abduh's Islamic education concept on Islamic education in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of literature study research. The data collection technique used is the documentation technique. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using content analysis. Researchers found that the concept of Muhammad Abduh's Islamic education was to educate the minds and souls of students. Impli...

Pengaruh Orientalisme: Tantangan Da'wah Bagi Perguruan Tinggi Islam di Indonesia

Jurnal Da'wah, 2022

The purpose of this study is to reveal the influence and dangers of orientalism at Islamic universities in Indonesia. Research method with qualitative approach. The research results or findings from this study are many Islamic universities in Indonesia have been infected and influenced by Orientalist understanding in understanding religion. Orientalist methodologies and scholarship have been widely used and taught in Islamic campuses without any criticism and adjustment to Islamic teachings. So that it has an impact on the understanding and perspective of students and lecturers on Islamic campuses, there are those who then think that all religions are true, it is permissible to marry between different religions, you can't be panicky about religion, question the authenticity of the Qur'an and other understandings of relativism. Of course, these kinds of ideas deviate from the teachings of Islam which is perfect from all sides. Then it becomes a challenge and obligation for Islamic universities to refer back to important concepts in every Islamic discipline and apply it in the context of contemporary sciences in response to 'scientific' approaches this modern era.

Worldview Theory and its Relation to Islam and Muslim Identity

ULUM- Journal of Religious Inquiries , 2021

Since the 18th century to the present, the concept of worldview has been used in various forms by various writers and extensively in several fields of academic disciplines. The article provides a brief historical overview of its usage in the literature and demonstrates how worldview has been perceived differently over time. It presents the evolution of the concept, its essential characteristics, worldviews frameworks, Muslim worldviews, and the identity formation of young Muslims. Thus, it provides a detailed, overview of how the concept has been understood in the core disciplines, particularly in Islam and Western culture and most relevant for Muslim identity. The Worldview Theory has been popular in the West, but has not yet found a proper place in the Turkish context. This study aims to remedy the lack of the concept of worldview in the current literature. Nevertheless, exploring the Muslim identity is important. The meaning of identity is defined with Tariq Ramadan’s four foundational pillars. These four aspects provide sufficient idea of the basics of Muslim identity, individual and social, in a particular area of the world. Regarding this, religion and religious education have attempted to respond to the challenges faced by many young people seeking to find a worldview that holds the promise of a meaningful life. Thus, the religious worldview dimension of life is significant and is given special attention in this article. This paper is concerned to be one of the few attempts to discuss a need for professional care in dealing with the development of worldview and identity relations.

In Search of Islamic Definition of Worldview: Elements, and Its Characters


The discourse about worldview rapidly developed in harmony with the philosophy of science itself. The reason is that globalization has 'challenged' various nations and countries to develop science and technology; some even seem to negate others. At this stage, civilization experiences a 'clash'; namely at the level of natural outlook (clash of worldview). That is, differences in culture, nation, race and religion also confirm the definitive difference between the worldview of Islam and non-Islam. Furthermore, the true concept of the Islamic worldview can be defined based on the elements and characteristics that are fundamental to Islam philosophically. This literature research model seeks to offer efforts to define the Islamic worldview historically; that is, from the very beginning of the emergence of this concept until the 'maturity' of the concept of the Islamic worldview in the hands of Muslim scholars; and possible future developments. Data analysis is c...

Religious Education Between Minorities and Majorities: Exploring the Problems of Islamic Education in Responding to the Era of Globalization and Modernity

Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif

Religious Education Between Minorities and Majorities: Exploring the Problems of Islamic Education in Responding to the Era of Globalization and Modernity. Objectives: This study aims to explores the dynamics of Islamic Education discourse in Western and Eastern countries such as Indonesia in response to the Globalization Era and 21st Century Modernity Methods: The research uses a qualitative approach, where data collection uses literature study techniques. The data we collect from scientific research with sources from Scopus, Web of Science, and Sinta. As for data analysis using Miles and Huberman steps. Findings: The different characteristics between the West, which is dominated by empirical and secular currents of thought, and Indonesia, which is based on religious values Conclusion: Islamic religious education in the West has a secular character that is based on philosophical views of rationalism, empiricism, relativism, capitalism, humanism, and positivism, in contrast to the educational process in the East, which tends to be based on religious principles based on revelations, both the Qur'an and the Qur'an. As-Sunnah.

Proceedings International Conference on Indonesian Islam, Education and Science (Book THREE)

FTIK IAIN Salatiga, 2017

Religious discourse is one of the most important aspects to be examined in order to understand a social system where religious authorities play a very vital role. Religions have always shaped society in various ways; while at times there have been issues related to religious persecution, at other times religions have also lead to national and societal unity among people. Religious leaders, who are called as ulama in Islam, have the authority and the dominant power to articulate any religious discourse by means of texts, both in written and spoken formats for establishing a social system. There is a strong relationship between the ulama and the ummat which means the believers in an Islamic society. This relationship is often commented with other discourses such as politics, economics and other important ideas in a society. These discourses play a critical role in creating power dominance through creating an authoritarian system where the ulamas feel very convenient to give a verdict on the society regarding any political or social issues. It seems that the ulamas have unquestioned power regarding religion and they use it conveniently in order to superimpose their views even if they are partisan and parochial. Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama ( NU) are the biggest Islamic social organization not only in Indonesia but also in the world. Both Islamic organisations have shifted the socio-religious discourses in Indonesia. Muhammadiyah which is earlier established, is well known as modernist Islamic organisation that is very keen to concern on philanthropy. While NU is traditionalist Sunni Islam group and it is as the biggest Islamic social organisation in Indonesia. This organisation was established on January 31, 1926 to preserve the local culture and maintain Aswaja (Ah-al-Sunnah wal Jama’ah) in Indonesia. Abdurrahman Wahid, the grandson of NU founder Hasyim Asy'ari, inherited the leadership from his father, and was later elected Presiden of the Republic of Indonesia in 1999. The NU is visible in the form of accepted traditional culture which is as part of Indonesian culture. The conggres of NU on 1-5 August 2015 declares itself as Islam Nusantara (Archipelagic Islam). This is an ijtihad, theological judgements based on the fundementals of religion, to elevate Islam as rahmat lil ‘alamiin (blessing for the entire universe). It is a concept of Islam which teaches its adherents to live together with others. Besides, this concept is also used to decrease social tensions between Islam and local cultures that have been existed before Islam entering to the society. For Muhammadiyah, Islam is not merely teaching peace but Islam should be progressive in the peaceful coexistence. Therefore Islam is not a religion as such, it is also civilisation. The issues are strongly relevant to current situation of Mulsims in the East and West, which have similar problem called humanity crisis such as Palestine in the East and Islamophobia in the West. However, Muslims still believe that Islamic value will be an alternative value for the future civilization both in the East and West. Besides, Islamic values have proved its history as ethical basis of civilizations. The shared values and cultures have been practised by people in the East and West for long time even when state nation (nationalism) had not been established yet. People to people contact around the world had been taken place to strengthen the shared culture (values). They have similar experience how Islam to manage the country which consists of diversity in culture and at the same time how to encounter social and communal problems such as radicalism, capitalism, and globalisation.

Proceedings International Conference on Indonesian Islam, Education and Science (Book ONE)

FTIK IAIN Salatiga, 2017

Religious discourse is one of the most important aspects to be examined in order to understand a social system where religious authorities play a very vital role. Religions have always shaped society in various ways; while at times there have been issues related to religious persecution, at other times religions have also lead to national and societal unity among people. Religious leaders, who are called as ulama in Islam, have the authority and the dominant power to articulate any religious discourse by means of texts, both in written and spoken formats for establishing a social system. There is a strong relationship between the ulama and the ummat which means the believers in an Islamic society. This relationship is often commented with other discourses such as politics, economics and other important ideas in a society. These discourses play a critical role in creating power dominance through creating an authoritarian system where the ulamas feel very convenient to give a verdict on the society regarding any political or social issues. It seems that the ulamas have unquestioned power regarding religion and they use it conveniently in order to superimpose their views even if they are partisan and parochial. Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama ( NU) are the biggest Islamic social organization not only in Indonesia but also in the world. Both Islamic organisations have shifted the socio-religious discourses in Indonesia. Muhammadiyah which is earlier established, is well known as modernist Islamic organisation that is very keen to concern on philanthropy. While NU is traditionalist Sunni Islam group and it is as the biggest Islamic social organisation in Indonesia. This organisation was established on January 31, 1926 to preserve the local culture and maintain Aswaja (Ah-al-Sunnah wal Jama’ah) in Indonesia. Abdurrahman Wahid, the grandson of NU founder Hasyim Asy'ari, inherited the leadership from his father, and was later elected Presiden of the Republic of Indonesia in 1999. The NU is visible in the form of accepted traditional culture which is as part of Indonesian culture. The conggres of NU on 1-5 August 2015 declares itself as Islam Nusantara (Archipelagic Islam). This is an ijtihad, theological judgements based on the fundementals of religion, to elevate Islam as rahmat lil ‘alamiin (blessing for the entire universe). It is a concept of Islam which teaches its adherents to live together with others. Besides, this concept is also used to decrease social tensions between Islam and local cultures that have been existed before Islam entering to the society. For Muhammadiyah, Islam is not merely teaching peace but Islam should be progressive in the peaceful coexistence. Therefore Islam is not a religion as such, it is also civilisation. The issues are strongly relevant to current situation of Mulsims in the East and West, which have similar problem called humanity crisis such as Palestine in the East and Islamophobia in the West. However, Muslims still believe that Islamic value will be an alternative value for the future civilization both in the East and West. Besides, Islamic values have proved its history as ethical basis of civilizations. The shared values and cultures have been practised by people in the East and West for long time even when state nation (nationalism) had not been established yet. People to people contact around the world had been taken place to strengthen the shared culture (values). They have similar experience how Islam to manage the country which consists of diversity in culture and at the same time how to encounter social and communal problems such as radicalism, capitalism, and globalisation.