Paulo Freire e Espanha influência, reuniões, tributos e mitos (original) (raw)
This text is divided into three parts. The first deals with the influence of Paulo Freire's ideas at the end of Francoist Spain, therefore, in a clandestine way, in publications that could not come to light, without suffering symbolic and physical reprisals. The second deals with the presence of Freire, personally and through works, marking Spanish education and pedagogical thought in a broad and profound way, now, no longer clandestinely, since the country had left the long-running Franco dictatorship and consolidated its democracy. In the third and last part, the text deals with the dangers and pitfalls that Freire himself feared so much that it would happen with his legacy: the orthodoxy of those who appropriate his thought, closing it to dialogue and to the contribution of those who do not belong to the “sect” then formed. To fall into this trap is to deny Freire, who, in addition to differentiating radicalism (going to the roots of problems) from sectarianism (freezing and ...