The BioValueChain model: a Norwegian model for calculating environmental impacts of biogas value chains (original) (raw)
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Evaluating biogas in Norway -bioenergy and greenhouse gas reduction potentials
The aim of the study is to evaluate the potential of greenhouse gases, and production and substitution of fossil fuel from animal manure. This paper describes a model for the prediction of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and ammonia emissions, originated from animal husbandry, were presented. The input data in the model were primarily acquired from different Norwegian governmental institutions; however, some were unavailable. The remaining data were based on personal knowledge such as manure storage conditions (i.e., storage time on Norwegian farms, temperature ranges between storage periods, loading capacity of trucks for manure transport, etc.). The model included: methane emissions from animal facilities and waste storage units, ammonia emissions from storage units, nitrous oxide from stores, transportation of manure to collaborative biogas plants, and energy production and substituted energy when biogas production was selected. The model was then used to study the reduction in GHG emiss...
Technical/economic/environmental analysis of biogas utilisation
Applied Energy, 2004
Biogas may be utilised for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) production or for transport fuel production (CH4-enriched biogas). When used to produce transport fuel either electricity is imported to power the plant or some of the biogas is used in a small CHP unit to meet electricity demand on site. The potential revenue from CH4-enriched biogas when replacing petrol is higher than that for replacing diesel (Irish prices). Transport fuel production when replacing petrol requires the least gate fee. The production of greenhouse-gas is generated with cognisance of greenhouse-gas production with the scheme not in place; landfill of the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW) (20% of biomass) with and without combustion of landfill gas is investigated. The transport scenario with importation of brown electricity generates more greenhouse-gas than petrol or diesel, when the ‘do-nothing’ case involves combustion of landfill gas. The preferred solution involves transport fuel production with the production of CHP to meet electricity demand on site. A shortfall of this solution is that only 53% of biogas is available for export.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2012
A Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) was developed to identify the unit processes in the life-cycle of biogas production and utilization offering the greatest opportunities for emission to air reduction, hence potential for environmental improvement. The systems investigated included single feedstock digestion and multiple feedstock co-digestion, small (<500 kW el) and large-scale (!500 kW el) biogas plants, and selected biogas utilization pathways and digestate management options. Analysis was performed in accordance with ISO 14040 and 14044 standards, using SimaPro 7.2 software and Ecoinvent Ò v2.1 database. The analysis is based on published data considering primarily conditions for Germany. Results indicated significant variation of emission levels for all unit processes related to biogas production and utilization. Emissions from the feedstock supply logistics were highly influenced by the origin of feedstock used. For example, the fossil fuel related carbon dioxide (CO 2,fossil) emissions associated with feedstock supply were over 50 times higher for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) compared to cattle manure. The higher value for MSW was associated with the requisite collection, transport and pretreatment, whereas only transportation was required for cattle manure. Emissions from unit processes in biogas plant operation and biogas utilization depended on combined efficiency of energy generation (electricity and thermal), potential substitution of fossil fuels with biogas and utilization of the heat byproduct of electricity generation. For example, the results indicated that upgrading of biogas to biomethane, with almost 100% conversion efficiency, caused 6 times less non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) emissions if plant heating was supplied from coupled small-scale CHP unit as opposed to heating with natural gas. Harnessing of the residual biogas from digestate storage areas was estimated to reduce methane emission by a factor up to 14. Overall, this study provides basic data required for identification and mitigation of emission 'hot-spots' in biogas production and utilization, including the evaluation of environmental and public health impacts of biogas technology options by attributional Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology.
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2019
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Energy and Economic Balance between Manure Stored and Used as a Substrate for Biogas Production
Energies, 2022
The aim of the study is to draw attention to the fact that reducing methane and nitrous oxide emissions as a result of traditional manure storage for several months in a pile is not only a non-ecological solution, but also unprofitable. A solution that combines both aspects—environmental and financial—is the use of manure as a substrate for a biogas plant, but immediately—directly after its removal from the dairy barn. As part of the case study, the energy and economic balance of a model farm with dairy farming for the scenario without biogas plant and with a biogas plant using manure as the main substrate in methane fermentation processes was also performed. Research data on the average emission of ammonia and nitrous oxide from 1 Mg of stored manure as well as the results of laboratory tests on the yield of biogas from dairy cows manure were obtained on the basis of samples taken from the farm being a case study. The use of a biogas installation would allow the emission of carbon ...
Revision of the Norwegian model for estimating methane emission from manure management
The goal of this paper is to revise the factors used by Statistics Norway (SSB) to predict the methane emission from manure management under Norwegian conditions. The Tier 2 IPCC model for calculating methane emission from manure management includes evaluations of volatile solids produced per animal, biogas potential, factors related to the amount of the potential that will be utilized, and also the type of manure management. We have conducted research on biogas potentials for dairy cows, pig, and horses. The potential were estimated at 230 (average of 5 cows), 291, and 261 (ml/g VS) for dairy cows, pigs, and horses respectively. Based on available literature we suggest using 230 and 300 (ml/g VS) for dairy cows and pigs respectively. For horses we suggest that the default value of IPCC is used due to the limited number of studies supporting our findings. Estimation of volatile solids from estimations of the production of dry matter per animal are proposed. Utilization factors (so called MCF) were evaluated according to projects that were carried out in Sweden, and in this paper we propose factors for Norway based on these figures. These factors are also suggested by Statistics Sweden. The biggest difference is MCF factors for liquid manure (3.5% instead of 8% in earlier calculations). We also suggest that information on manure management systems should be used in the calculations, while the calculation method for volatile solids should be based on the estimation method of dry matter production per animal proposed by the Department of husbandry and aquaculture, Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Sammendrag Det internasjonale klimapanelet (IPCC) har lagd modeller for beregning av metanutslipp fra gjødselhandtering. Modellene fra IPCC blir brukt til å beregne og rapportere utslippene årlig til United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Målet med rapporten er å foreslå endringer av faktorer brukt i de norske beregningene. Dels er forslaget basert på egne målinger av potensielt utslipp, såkalt MCF-faktor (storfe, gris, hest), dels på litteraturvurderinger (resten av dyr). Potensielt utslipp ble beregnet til 230 (gjennomsnitt av 5 kyr), 291 for grisegjødsel og 261 (ml/g VS) for hestegjødsel. sammen med vurdering av tilgjegelig litteratur foreslår vi 230 og 300 (ml/g VS) henholdvis for kugjødsel og grisegjødsel. Metanproduksjon avhenger av gjødselproduksjonen fra dyrene, og man forslår å basere dette på modeller fra Institutt for Akvakultur og Husdyrfag (UMB). Utslippetsmodellen inneholder en faktor for hvor stor andel av potensiell produksjon som blir metanutslipp. Rapporten foreslår å bruke tall fra Sverige i stedet for «default»-verdiene fra IPCC. Den største forskjellen er MCF for bløtgjødsel (3,5 % i stedet for 8 % i tidligere beregninger). Dette vil bety reduserte utslipp. Videre foreslå vi at man bruker statistikk som SSB har over husdyrgjødselsystemer (manure management).
Sciences (SLU) was commissioned by the Swedish Ministry of Agriculture to 'calculate greenhouse gas emissions within the framework of the EU sustainability criteria for biofuels'. The task was to calculate the greenhouse gas impact of biofuels and other bioliquids, as well as biogas produced with liquid and solid manure as raw material. It was to be calculated in accordance with Article 19 in the directive for environmental sustainability criteria for biofuels (2009/28/EC). See Annex 1 for a complete task description. On
Agricultural biogas plants - energy balance
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture could be reduced by producing biogas from animal manure. Biogas production would reduce methane emissions from stored manure and provide climate-neutral methane gas, which could be used for energy purposes, improving the GHG balance. One problem for farmers could be the investment costs for biogas plants, which are currently high. This study compared energy production in two dairy manure-based, farm-scale biogas plants in Norway and the energy consumption in producing this energy. The results for the plants, which had no heat exchanger and minimal insulation on the biogas reactor, clearly demonstrated the necessity of using a co-substrate with dairy manure. Using only manure during January at the Åna plant, SW Norway, resulted in only 10% net energy production. The best result obtained when using co-substrate was 73% (fish ensilage; October). Maximum biogas yield of 0.355 m3 CH4/kg VS was recorded by having 31% of total VS provided by ...
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 2020
Current food production practices tend to damage and deplete soil, diminish biodiversity, and degrade water supplies. For agriculture to become environmentally sustainable and simultaneously increase food output for a growing world population, fundamental changes in agricultural production systems are required. Renewable energy can reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) but we also need simple, low‐cost approaches to remove atmospheric carbon and sequester it in stable forms. Recycling of digestate from the anaerobic digestion of agricultural and waste materials to soils can sequester atmospheric carbon and provide many other economic, social and environmental benefits. Biogasdoneright™ (BDR) is a set of practices that link biogas production with sustainable agriculture. The BDR approach to sustainable agriculture is being implemented on a large scale in Italy. In this paper, we examine the potential impact of implementing BDR in selected other countries. The biomethane potential in these c...