Utilization of ironmaking and steelmaking slags (original) (raw)


Due to growing environmental awareness, as well as stricter regulations on managing industrial waste, the world is increasingly turning to researching properties of industrial waste and finding solutions on using its valuable component parts so that those might be used as secondary raw material in other industrial branches. Although metallurgical slag is still today considered waste and is categorized in industrial waste catalogues in most countries in the world, it is most definitely not waste, neither by its physical and chemical properties not according to data on its use as valuable material for different purposes. Moreover, since the earliest times of the discovery and development of processes of iron and other metals production, slag as by-product is used for satisfying diverse human needs, from the production of medicines and agro-technical agents to production of cement and construction elements. This paper demonstrates the possibilities of using slag as one small part of industrial waste arising from the metallurgical processes of iron and steel production. Considering the specificity of physical and chemical properties of metallurgical slags and a series of possibilities for their use in other industrial branches, this paper pays special attention to slag significant trough the history and its using in the road construction.

Production of Slag-Forming Materials in the Steelmaking Slag Reduction Process

Archives of Metallurgy and Materials

Research on the steelmaking slag reduction process in an electric arc furnace has been carried out for many years. The research objective is to implement into a commercial practice a process enabling to utilize constantly growing slag mass without producing waste. The main obstacle is the impossibility to obtain products ensuring adequate profitability of the process. Therefore a method was developed, which allows to apply the reduction process for processing of steelmaking slag into a slag-forming material, which can be used for producing refining slag in secondary steelmaking. The price of the slag-forming material should ensure adequate profitability of the process. Od wielu lat prowadzone są badania procesu redukcji żużla stalowniczego w elektrycznym piecu łukowym. Celem badań jest wdrożenie do praktyki przemysłowej procesu umożliwiającego bezodpadową utylizację stale narastającej masy żużla. Główną przeszkodą jest brak możliwości otrzymywania produktów zapewniających odpowiednią rentowność procesu. Z tego powodu opracowano metodę pozwalającą na wykorzystanie procesu redukcji do przetwarzania żużla stalowniczego w materiał żużlotwórczy, który może być stosowany do tworzenia żużla rafinacyjnego w czasie pozapiecowej rafinacji stali. Cena materiału żużlotwórczego powinna zapewniać odpowiednią rentowność procesu.

Potensi dan Karakterisasi Limbah Metalurgi “Slag Nikel Pig Iron”

Journal of Metallurgical Engineering and Processing Technology

Pertumbuhan industri pengolahan material non fero seperti nikel, alumumium maupun tembaga berkembang sangat pesat dalam dekade terakhir ini. Hal ini secara tidak langsung berdampak terhadap peningkatan limbah metalurgi hasil pengolahan material tersebut. Di Indonesia, slag pengolahan logam diantarannya slag Nikel Pig Iron (NPI) merupakan salah satu limbah yang belum digunakan secara optimal. Disisi lain slag NPI diketahui mengandung unsur-unsur seperti Pb, Zn, As, Cd dan Co yang berpotensi mencemari lingkungan dan membahayakan manusia. Upaya pemanfaatan slag NPI menjadi produk yang lebih bernilai sangat penting dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai ekonomi dari limbah metalurgi dan meminimalisir pencemaran lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan karakterisasi slag NPI yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai geopolimer. Karakterisasi dilakukan menggunakan EDS mapping dan XRD pada slg NPI dengan ukuran 200 mesh. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat fasa quartz, clinoenstatite, silimanite, calcium peroxide, olivine, forsterite, fayalite dan hypothetikal silika. Fasa tersebut terindentifikasi melalui puncak-puncak difraktogram XRD pada sudut 20-70 o. Hasil mapping mengindikasikan beberapa senyawa seperti silika, magnesium dan oksigen tersebar diarea yang sama dan merata.

Utilization of Slags from Foundry Process

Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering

The melting of steel or cast iron is one step of the foundry process. The foundry industry uses different types of furnaces, and metallurgical slags are products of the pyrometallurgical processes defecting in these furnaces. Furnace slag is a non-metallic by-product that consists primarily of silicates, alumina silicates, and calcium-alumina-silicates. As a by-product of the melting process, furnace slags vary considerably in form depending on the melted metal furnace types, and slag cooling method used. Most quantity of slags from the foundry processes are created in a cupola furnace that is used for cast iron production. An electric arc furnace is usually used for steel production, but it can be used for cast iron production as well. Universal use features an electric induction furnace. Slags from the melting processes in a foundry can be in the form of gravel, or the slag from a cupola furnace can be granulated. The utilization of slags from foundry processes is very delimited in Slovakia because of their quantity. This article deals with the possibility of using foundry slag as a binder in civil engineering. A basic property of a binder in civil engineering is its hydraulicity, which can be given by compression strength. Four metallurgical slags were tested. The values of the compressive strength of the slags were low, but addition cement to the slags resulted in a strong increase in the value of the compressive strength.

Med fužinarstvom in industrializacijo = Between Traditional Ironworking and Industrialisation

Ko zapoje kovina. Tisočletja metalurgije na Slovenskem = The Song of Metal. Millennia of Metallurgy in Slovenia, 2019

Between the second half of the 18th century and the end of the First World War, metallurgy in Slovenian territory went through numerous changes and technical innovations that left a considerable mark on metallurgical production facilities and the places in which they operated. If at the beginning of the 19th century these facilities had a rather “mediaeval” look to them, their appearance a hundred years later was considerably closer to what they looked like in the last decades of the 20th century. In comparison to previous centuries, the centre of ironmaking, at least in the technological sense, moved from Upper Carniola to Slovenian Carinthia and Styria. Upper Carniola was only able to catch up with them again towards the end of the 19th century, when ironmaking activities in the region were confined to only one settlement that, precisely in this time, underwent a transformation into a major ironmaking centre. In addition to the iron industry, other sectors worth highlighting are lead and zinc production, which experienced an expansion thanks to the lead smelters in Mežica and Litija and the zinc working plants in Celje.

Possible limits for valorisation of the slag derived from the smelting of the nickel oxides in the New Co Ferronickel, Kosovo

The smelting process of nickel oxides ores in the electric furnace is almost slag process, where about 75% of the calcin pass to slag. The designed capacity of the New Ferronickel foundry has possibility to process about 1.200.000 t ores /year, capacity production to produce 11.000 t Ni/year, and 800.000 t slag / year. Until now, about 8 million tons of slag is stored in slag landfill. The stored slag is highly prized raw material for: construction industry, cements industry (portland cement with slag as additive, metallurgical cements), refractory materials, mineral glasses, bituminized aggregates (asphalt concrete, pavement for paths, etc.). Nowadays this slag landfill is not properly treated and it is one environmental problem. The examination of the Ferronickel slag, show that in addition to numerous opportunities for their valorisation, but excite as well and the limits on the use of such slag as: balance of slag ingredients (CaO-FeO-SiO2, MgO-FeO-SiO2), structural properties o...