Corrigendum to "Alzheimer's Disease Dementia as the Diagnosis Best Supported by the Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers: Difference in Cut-Off Levels from Thai Experience (original) (raw)
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[Alzheimer's disease--the most common cause of severe dementia]
: Subacute spongiform encephalopathy. Spongiform cerebral atrophy. Neurology, 13, 6, 455 -463. Brun A, Gottfries C G, and Roos B E (1971): Studies of the monoamine metabolism in the central nervous system in Jacob-Creutzfeldt disease. Acta Neurol. Scandinav. 47, 642 -645. Sulg I A and Brun A (1972): Spongiform encephalopathi återspeglad i EEG och patohistologi. Föredrag Medicinska Riksstämman, Hygiea. Stockholm 231. Mark J and Brun A (1973): Chromosomal deviations in Alzheimer's disease compared to those in senescence and senile dementia. Ger Clin 15, 253-258. Brun A (1973). Downs' syndrom -utvecklingsstörning och demens. Läkartidningen 80, 10, pp 936. Brun A (1974): Den presenila demensens patologi relaterad till cerebralt blodflöde. Svenska läkartidningen 71, 13, 1974: Svenska läkarsällskapets endagssymposium 73-11-07 över temat demens. Patofysiologi och klinik. 71, 1290 -1291. Brun A. and L.Gustafson (1974): Extent and severity of cerebral lesions related to clinical and regional cerebral blood flow in presenile dementia. In: PPProc of the V11th Intnl Congr of Neuropathology, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest 1974, p44. Gustafson L, D.H.Ingvar and A. Brun (1975): Clinical and neurocirculatory findings in presenile dementia related to neuropathological changes. In proc. of 2nd Intnl congr of CIANS Prague 1975. p. 371 Brun A, L Gustafson, DHI Ingvar (1974/5): Neuropathological findings related to Neuropsychiatric symptoms and regional cerebral blood flow in presenile dementia. Excerpta medica, Amsterdam, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. Pp 101-5. Brun, A. and Gustafson, L. (1976). Distribution of cerebral degeneration in Alzheimer's disease. A clinico-pathological study. Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr, 223, 15-33. Gustafson L, Brun A and Ingvar D H (1975): Clinical and neurocirculatory findings in presenile dementia related to neuropathological changes. Activ nerv Sub (Praha) 19, 2, 351 -354. Gustafson L, A Brun, DHI Ingvar (1977): Presenile dementia: Clinical symptoms, pathoanatomical findings and cerebral blood flow. Cerebral vascular disease. A Brun, E Englund (1980): degeneration av hjärnans vita substans vid demens. Riksstämman, Hygiea. P 213 Risberg J, Brun A, Johansson M and Gustafson L (1983): Differential diagnosis of dementia by rCBF and psychometric methods. J Cer Blood Flow and Metabolism, 3, 1, Raven Press, New York, 496 -497. + abstr Brun A and Dictor M (1981): Senile plaques and tangles in dialysis dementia. Acta Path. Microbiol Scand Sect A, 89, 193-198. Brun, A. and Englund, E. (1981). Regional pattern of degeneration in Alzheimer's disease: neuronal loss and histopathological grading. Histopathology, 5, 549-564. Englund E and Brun A (1981): Senile dementia -a structural basis for etiological and therapeutic considerations. Biological Psychiatry. Eds: C Perris and B Jonsson. Elsevier/North Holland Biomed Press 951 -956. Westermark P, Shirahama T, Skinner M, Brun A, Cameron R and Cohen A (1982): Immunohistochemical evidence for the lack of amyloid component in some intracrebral amyloids. Laboratory Investigation 5, 457 -460. Shirhama T, Skinner M, Westermark P, Rubinow A, Cohen A S, Brun A and Kemper T H (1982): Senile cerebral amyloid. Prealbumin as a common constituent in the neuritic plaques, in the neurofibrillary tangle and in the microangiopathic lesion. Am J Pathol 107, 41-50. Brun A (1982): Strukturellt underlag vid organisk senil demens. Symposium Sandoz: Demenstillstånd -synpunkter på etiologi och behandling, 23 -34. Brun A (1982): Alzheimer's disease and its clinical implications. In: Geriatrics. Ed: D Platt. Springer Verlag Heidelberg, NY, 343 -390. Brun A and Englund E (1982): White matter incomplete infarction in dementia. Abstract 9th Internat. Congr. Neuropath. 201. Brun A, L Gusrafson (1983). Down's syndrom -utvecklingsstörning och demens. Läkartidningen 80, 10, pp 936. Risberg J, Brun A, Johansson M and Gustafson L (1983): Differential diagnosis of dementia by rCBF and psychometric methods. J Cer Blood Flow and Metabolism, 3, 1, Raven Press, New York, 496 -497. Gustafson L, Brun A, Hagstadius S, Johansson M and Risberg J (1983): Evaluation of organic dementia and confusional states by rCBF, clinical and psychometric metods. Abstract: 2nd satellite symposium on: Effect of ageing on regulation of cerebral blood flow and metabolism. Eds: Sieshi and C V Loeb. European Neurology, 22, 2. S Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers, Basel. pp. Brun A (1983): Hjärnskada bakom vanliga former av demens. Forskning och Praktik, 15, 7, 103-106. Brun A (1983): An overview of light and electron microscopical changes. In: Alzheimer's disease. Ed: B Reisberg. The Free Press. New York, a division of Mac Millan Inc, 3 -47. Gustafson L, Brun A, Risberg J and Johansson M (1984): Evaluation of organic dementia by regional cerebral blood flow measurements and clinical psychometric methods. Monogr Neural Sci, 11, 111 -117. Karger, Basel. . Gustafson L, Brun A, Hagstadius S, Johansson M and Risberg J (1983): Evaluation of organic dementia and confusional states by rCBF, clinical and psychometric metods. Abstract: 2nd satellite symposium on: Effect of ageing on regulation of cerebral blood flow and metabolism. Eds: Sieshi and C V Loeb. European Neurology, 22, 2. S Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers, Basel. p 23. Brun A (1984): The neuropathological background of clinical signs and symptoms in organic dementia. 2 nd Nordic meeting in Neuropsychology. Lund Sweden. Pp 18-19. Brun A (1985): The structural development of Alzheimer's disease. Danish Medical Bulletin, 32, 1, 25 -27. Friedland R P, A Brun, T F Budinger (1985): Pathological and positron emission tomographic correlations in Alzheimer's disease. The Lancet 8422, vol. I/85, p 228. Brun A and Englund E (1985): Regional variations of cortical degeneration in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 7, 2, 167 Brun A and Englund E (1985): White matter changes in Alzheimer's presenile and senile dementia. In: Normal aging, Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. Aspects on etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment, Ed: C G Gottfries. Editions de lUniversité de Bruxelle's, 47 -50. Gustafson L, Brun A, Holmkvist-Franck A, Risberg J 1985: Regional Cerebral blood flow in degenerative frontal lobe dementia of non-Alzheimer type. Cerebr. Blood Flow Metabol. 5: 141-142. Gustafson L, A Brun, J Risberg (1985): Organic dementia: Clinical picture related to regional cerebral blood flow and neuropathologic al findings. Psychiatry vol. 2. Pp 605-611. Brun A, E Englund (1985): Alzheimer type dementia and white matter changes. Ata neurol. Scand. Vil 71. Pp 87-88. Gustafson L, A Brun, J Risberg (1985): Rating scales for diagnosis of Alzheimer´s disease and frontal lobe dementia of non-Alzheimer type. 26 Englund E, A Brun (1985): A White matter disorder common in Dementia of Alzheimer´s type. Pp 168-169. Englund E, A Brun (1985): demyelination contributes to Alzheimer´s disease. 18. Brun A, L Gustafson, E Englund (1985): Morphology of white matter, subcortical dementia in Alzheimer´s disease. Pp 79 -83. Brun A, Englund E (1986): A white matter disorder in dementia of the Alzheimer type: a pathoanatomical study. Ann Neurol 1986;19:253-262. -Brun A and Gustafson L (1990): Clinico-pathological correlates of dementia: The pathoanatomical substrate of Alzheimer's disease. Excerpta Medica. -Gustafson L, Brun A, Cronqvist S, Dalfelt G, Risberg J, Riesenfeldt W and Rosén I (1990): Regional cerebral blod flow, MRI and BEAM in Alzheimer's disease. J Cer Blood Flow Metab, 9, 1, 543. Brun A, Gustafson L, and Risberg J (1990): A review of 20 years dementia research. Psychiatric Medicine, vol 32k 7, 781 -788. Igakushoin Tokyo Japan. Brun A (1991): Trends in neuropathological enquiry into the dementias: The late life pattern. Workshop on therapeutic and epidemiological aspects. Proc. IPA workshop, Cambridge. Brun A (1991): Dementia of frontal lobe type. Elsevier Science Publishers B V. Biological Psychiatry. Volume 2. G Racagni et al, eds. Pp 126 -127. Pinheiro T, Tapper U A S, Sturesson K, Brun A (1991): Experimental investigation into sample preparation of Alzheimer tissue specimens for nuclear microprobe analysis. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 54, 186 -190. Brun A (1991): Structural and topographic aspects of degenerative dementia: aspects of degenerative dmentia. Diagnostic considerations. Internat Psychogeriatrics, vol 3, supp. Pp. 75 -83. Englund E, Brun A (1991): Neuropathology of vascular dementia. 5th Congr. Int. Psychogeriatr. Ass. (IP), Rome, Italy, August 18 -23. Brun A (1992): Alzheimer -en demenssjukdom. Vandringar med Böcker. Bibliotekstjänst, Lund. Basun H, O Almquist, K Axelman , A Brun, T A Campbell, J Collinge, C Forsell . S Froelich , L-O Wahlund, L Wetterberg, L Lannfeldt (1997). Clinical characteristics of a family with chromosome 17 -linked rapidly progressive frontotemporal dementia . Arch Neurol, 54 : 539 -544 . Liu X and A Brun (1996): Regional and laminar synaptic pathology in frontal lobe degeneration of non-Alzheimer type. Int. J. Ger. Psych.11, 47-55. Liu X, C Erikson, A Brun (1996). Cortical synaptic changes and gliosis in normal aging, Alzheimer´s disease and frontal lobe degeneration. Dementia 7, 128-134. A 136 Brun A and Passant U (1996): Frontal lobe degeneration of non-Alzheimer type. Structural changes, diagnostic criteria and relation to other fronto-temporal dementias. Acta Neurol.Scand. Suppl 168 28 -30 . A Swedish state of the art document on dementia diseases .Eds L -O Wahlund , B Winblad . Ohlsson Y. A Brun, E Englund (1996): Fundamental pathological lesions in vascular dementia . Acta Neurol Scand Suppl 168, 31-38.A Swedish state of the art document on dementia diseases. ( 1997 ): Misclassification of dementia subtype using the Hachinski ischemic score : results of a meta-analysis of patients with pathologically verified dementias . Annals New York Academy of Sciences. 490 -492....
[Alzheimer disease--soon a hundred-year-old history]
Läkartidningen, 2004
: Subacute spongiform encephalopathy. Spongiform cerebral atrophy. Neurology, 13, 6, 455 -463. Brun A, Gottfries C G, and Roos B E (1971): Studies of the monoamine metabolism in the central nervous system in Jacob-Creutzfeldt disease. Acta Neurol. Scandinav. 47, 642 -645. Sulg I A and Brun A (1972): Spongiform encephalopathi återspeglad i EEG och patohistologi. Föredrag Medicinska Riksstämman, Hygiea. Stockholm 231. Mark J and Brun A (1973): Chromosomal deviations in Alzheimer's disease compared to those in senescence and senile dementia. Ger Clin 15, 253-258. Brun A (1973). Downs' syndrom -utvecklingsstörning och demens. Läkartidningen 80, 10, pp 936. Brun A (1974): Den presenila demensens patologi relaterad till cerebralt blodflöde. Svenska läkartidningen 71, 13, 1974: Svenska läkarsällskapets endagssymposium 73-11-07 över temat demens. Patofysiologi och klinik. 71, 1290 -1291. Brun A. and L.Gustafson (1974): Extent and severity of cerebral lesions related to clinical and regional cerebral blood flow in presenile dementia. In: PPProc of the V11th Intnl Congr of Neuropathology, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest 1974, p44. Gustafson L, D.H.Ingvar and A. Brun (1975): Clinical and neurocirculatory findings in presenile dementia related to neuropathological changes. In proc. of 2nd Intnl congr of CIANS Prague 1975. p. 371 Brun A, L Gustafson, DHI Ingvar (1974/5): Neuropathological findings related to Neuropsychiatric symptoms and regional cerebral blood flow in presenile dementia. Excerpta medica, Amsterdam, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. Pp 101-5. Brun, A. and Gustafson, L. (1976). Distribution of cerebral degeneration in Alzheimer's disease. A clinico-pathological study. Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr, 223, 15-33. Gustafson L, Brun A and Ingvar D H (1975): Clinical and neurocirculatory findings in presenile dementia related to neuropathological changes. Activ nerv Sub (Praha) 19, 2, 351 -354. Gustafson L, A Brun, DHI Ingvar (1977): Presenile dementia: Clinical symptoms, pathoanatomical findings and cerebral blood flow. Cerebral vascular disease. A Brun, E Englund (1980): degeneration av hjärnans vita substans vid demens. Riksstämman, Hygiea. P 213 Risberg J, Brun A, Johansson M and Gustafson L (1983): Differential diagnosis of dementia by rCBF and psychometric methods. J Cer Blood Flow and Metabolism, 3, 1, Raven Press, New York, 496 -497. + abstr Brun A and Dictor M (1981): Senile plaques and tangles in dialysis dementia. Acta Path. Microbiol Scand Sect A, 89, 193-198. Brun, A. and Englund, E. (1981). Regional pattern of degeneration in Alzheimer's disease: neuronal loss and histopathological grading. Histopathology, 5, 549-564. Englund E and Brun A (1981): Senile dementia -a structural basis for etiological and therapeutic considerations. Biological Psychiatry. Eds: C Perris and B Jonsson. Elsevier/North Holland Biomed Press 951 -956. Westermark P, Shirahama T, Skinner M, Brun A, Cameron R and Cohen A (1982): Immunohistochemical evidence for the lack of amyloid component in some intracrebral amyloids. Laboratory Investigation 5, 457 -460. Shirhama T, Skinner M, Westermark P, Rubinow A, Cohen A S, Brun A and Kemper T H (1982): Senile cerebral amyloid. Prealbumin as a common constituent in the neuritic plaques, in the neurofibrillary tangle and in the microangiopathic lesion. Am J Pathol 107, 41-50. Brun A (1982): Strukturellt underlag vid organisk senil demens. Symposium Sandoz: Demenstillstånd -synpunkter på etiologi och behandling, 23 -34. Brun A (1982): Alzheimer's disease and its clinical implications. In: Geriatrics. Ed: D Platt. Springer Verlag Heidelberg, NY, 343 -390. Brun A and Englund E (1982): White matter incomplete infarction in dementia. Abstract 9th Internat. Congr. Neuropath. 201. Brun A, L Gusrafson (1983). Down's syndrom -utvecklingsstörning och demens. Läkartidningen 80, 10, pp 936. Risberg J, Brun A, Johansson M and Gustafson L (1983): Differential diagnosis of dementia by rCBF and psychometric methods. J Cer Blood Flow and Metabolism, 3, 1, Raven Press, New York, 496 -497. Gustafson L, Brun A, Hagstadius S, Johansson M and Risberg J (1983): Evaluation of organic dementia and confusional states by rCBF, clinical and psychometric metods. Abstract: 2nd satellite symposium on: Effect of ageing on regulation of cerebral blood flow and metabolism. Eds: Sieshi and C V Loeb. European Neurology, 22, 2. S Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers, Basel. pp. Brun A (1983): Hjärnskada bakom vanliga former av demens. Forskning och Praktik, 15, 7, 103-106. Brun A (1983): An overview of light and electron microscopical changes. In: Alzheimer's disease. Ed: B Reisberg. The Free Press. New York, a division of Mac Millan Inc, 3 -47. Gustafson L, Brun A, Risberg J and Johansson M (1984): Evaluation of organic dementia by regional cerebral blood flow measurements and clinical psychometric methods. Monogr Neural Sci, 11, 111 -117. Karger, Basel. . Gustafson L, Brun A, Hagstadius S, Johansson M and Risberg J (1983): Evaluation of organic dementia and confusional states by rCBF, clinical and psychometric metods. Abstract: 2nd satellite symposium on: Effect of ageing on regulation of cerebral blood flow and metabolism. Eds: Sieshi and C V Loeb. European Neurology, 22, 2. S Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers, Basel. p 23. Brun A (1984): The neuropathological background of clinical signs and symptoms in organic dementia. 2 nd Nordic meeting in Neuropsychology. Lund Sweden. Pp 18-19. Brun A (1985): The structural development of Alzheimer's disease. Danish Medical Bulletin, 32, 1, 25 -27. Friedland R P, A Brun, T F Budinger (1985): Pathological and positron emission tomographic correlations in Alzheimer's disease. The Lancet 8422, vol. I/85, p 228. Brun A and Englund E (1985): Regional variations of cortical degeneration in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 7, 2, 167 Brun A and Englund E (1985): White matter changes in Alzheimer's presenile and senile dementia. In: Normal aging, Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. Aspects on etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment, Ed: C G Gottfries. Editions de lUniversité de Bruxelle's, 47 -50. Gustafson L, Brun A, Holmkvist-Franck A, Risberg J 1985: Regional Cerebral blood flow in degenerative frontal lobe dementia of non-Alzheimer type. Cerebr. Blood Flow Metabol. 5: 141-142. Gustafson L, A Brun, J Risberg (1985): Organic dementia: Clinical picture related to regional cerebral blood flow and neuropathologic al findings. Psychiatry vol. 2. Pp 605-611. Brun A, E Englund (1985): Alzheimer type dementia and white matter changes. Ata neurol. Scand. Vil 71. Pp 87-88. Gustafson L, A Brun, J Risberg (1985): Rating scales for diagnosis of Alzheimer´s disease and frontal lobe dementia of non-Alzheimer type. 26 Englund E, A Brun (1985): A White matter disorder common in Dementia of Alzheimer´s type. Pp 168-169. Englund E, A Brun (1985): demyelination contributes to Alzheimer´s disease. 18. Brun A, L Gustafson, E Englund (1985): Morphology of white matter, subcortical dementia in Alzheimer´s disease. Pp 79 -83. Brun A, Englund E (1986): A white matter disorder in dementia of the Alzheimer type: a pathoanatomical study. Ann Neurol 1986;19:253-262. -Brun A and Gustafson L (1990): Clinico-pathological correlates of dementia: The pathoanatomical substrate of Alzheimer's disease. Excerpta Medica. -Gustafson L, Brun A, Cronqvist S, Dalfelt G, Risberg J, Riesenfeldt W and Rosén I (1990): Regional cerebral blod flow, MRI and BEAM in Alzheimer's disease. J Cer Blood Flow Metab, 9, 1, 543. Brun A, Gustafson L, and Risberg J (1990): A review of 20 years dementia research. Psychiatric Medicine, vol 32k 7, 781 -788. Igakushoin Tokyo Japan. Brun A (1991): Trends in neuropathological enquiry into the dementias: The late life pattern. Workshop on therapeutic and epidemiological aspects. Proc. IPA workshop, Cambridge. Brun A (1991): Dementia of frontal lobe type. Elsevier Science Publishers B V. Biological Psychiatry. Volume 2. G Racagni et al, eds. Pp 126 -127. Pinheiro T, Tapper U A S, Sturesson K, Brun A (1991): Experimental investigation into sample preparation of Alzheimer tissue specimens for nuclear microprobe analysis. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 54, 186 -190. Brun A (1991): Structural and topographic aspects of degenerative dementia: aspects of degenerative dmentia. Diagnostic considerations. Internat Psychogeriatrics, vol 3, supp. Pp. 75 -83. Englund E, Brun A (1991): Neuropathology of vascular dementia. 5th Congr. Int. Psychogeriatr. Ass. (IP), Rome, Italy, August 18 -23. Brun A (1992): Alzheimer -en demenssjukdom. Vandringar med Böcker. Bibliotekstjänst, Lund. Basun H, O Almquist, K Axelman , A Brun, T A Campbell, J Collinge, C Forsell . S Froelich , L-O Wahlund, L Wetterberg, L Lannfeldt (1997). Clinical characteristics of a family with chromosome 17 -linked rapidly progressive frontotemporal dementia . Arch Neurol, 54 : 539 -544 . Liu X and A Brun (1996): Regional and laminar synaptic pathology in frontal lobe degeneration of non-Alzheimer type. Int. J. Ger. Psych.11, 47-55. Liu X, C Erikson, A Brun (1996). Cortical synaptic changes and gliosis in normal aging, Alzheimer´s disease and frontal lobe degeneration. Dementia 7, 128-134. A 136 Brun A and Passant U (1996): Frontal lobe degeneration of non-Alzheimer type. Structural changes, diagnostic criteria and relation to other fronto-temporal dementias. Acta Neurol.Scand. Suppl 168 28 -30 . A Swedish state of the art document on dementia diseases .Eds L -O Wahlund , B Winblad . Ohlsson Y. A Brun, E Englund (1996): Fundamental pathological lesions in vascular dementia . Acta Neurol Scand Suppl 168, 31-38.A Swedish state of the art document on dementia diseases. ( 1997 ): Misclassification of dementia subtype using the Hachinski ischemic score : results of a meta-analysis of patients with pathologically verified dementias . Annals New York Academy of Sciences. 490 -492....
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, 2021
Background: The present systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy summarizes the last three decades in advances on diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in developed and developing countries. Objective: To determine the accuracy of biomarkers in diagnostic tools in AD, for example, cerebrospinal fluid, positron emission tomography (PET), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), etc. Methods: The authors searched PubMed for published studies from 1990 to April 2020 on AD diagnostic biomarkers. 84 published studies were pooled and analyzed in this meta-analysis and diagnostic accuracy was compared by summary receiver operating characteristic statistics. Results: Overall, 84 studies met the criteria and were included in a meta-analysis. For EEG, the sensitivity ranged from 67 to 98%, with a median of 80%, 95% CI [75, 91], tau-PET diagnosis sensitivity ranged from 76 to 97%, with a median of 94%, 95% CI [76, 97]; and MRI sensitivity ranged from 41 to 99%, with a media...
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ment (SCI), amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and non-amnestic MCI. Methods: Data from 16 centers across Europe were analyzed. Results: A north-south gradient in APOE 4 prevalence existed in the total sample (62.7% for APOE 4 carriers in the northern region, 42.1% in the middle region, and 31.5% in the southern region) and in subjects with SCI and amnestic MCI separately. Only in Middle Europe was the APOE 4 allele significantly associated with poor performance on tests of delayed recall and learning, as well as with the amnestic subtype of MCI. Conclusion: The APOE 4 allele frequencies in subjects with SCI and amnestic MCI have a north-south gradient. The relation between the APOE 4 allele and cognition is region dependent.
Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, 2012
The neuropathological examination is considered to provide the gold standard for Alzheimer disease (AD). To determine the accuracy of currently employed clinical diagnostic methods, clinical and neuropathological data from the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center (NACC), which gathers information from the network of National Institute on Aging (NIA)-sponsored Alzheimer's Disease Centers (ADCs), were collected as part of the NACC Uniform Data Set (UDS) between 2005 and 2010. A database search initially included all 1198 subjects with at least one UDS clinical assessment and who had died and been autopsied; 279 were excluded as being not demented or because critical data fields were missing. The final subject number was 919. Sensitivity and specificity were determined based on "probable" and "possible" AD levels of clinical confidence and 4 levels of neuropathological confidence based on varying neuritic plaque densities and Braak neurofibrillary stages. Sensitivity ranged from 70.9% to 87.3%; specificity ranged from 44.3% to 70.8%. Sensitivity was generally increased with more permissive clinical criteria and specificity was increased with more restrictive criteria, whereas the opposite was true for neuropathological criteria. When a clinical diagnosis was not confirmed by minimum levels of AD histopathology, the most frequent primary neuropathological diagnoses were tangle-only dementia or argyrophilic grain disease, frontotemporal lobar degeneration, cerebrovascular disease, Lewy body disease and hippocampal sclerosis. When dementia was not clinically diagnosed as AD, 39% of these cases met or exceeded minimum threshold levels of AD histopathology. Neurologists of the NIA-ADCs had higher predictive accuracy when they diagnosed AD in demented subjects than when they diagnosed dementing diseases other than AD. The misdiagnosis rate should be considered when estimating subject numbers for AD studies, including clinical trials and epidemiological studies.