Pesticides in agriculture: agents of environmental damage and the search for sustainable agriculture (original) (raw)
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Uso De Pesticidas Na Agricultura: Impactos e Caminho a Seguir
A Dinâmica Produtiva da Agricultura Sustentável, 2019
O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. Conselho Editorial Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas APRESENTAÇÃO O livro "A Dinâmica Produtiva da Agricultura Sustentável" aborda uma publicação da Atena Editora, e apresenta, em seus 16 capítulos, trabalhos relacionados com preservação do meio ambiente e o desenvolvimento sustentável na atualidade do Brasil. Este livro dedicado ao desenvolvimento sustentável, traz uma variedade de artigos que mostram diferentes estratégias aplicadas por diversas instituições de pesquisa na procura de soluções sustentáveis frente ao estresse salino, indução de aumento de brotações em frutíferas, drones no monitoramento remoto na cafeicultura, produção de mudas, uso de biogás, optimização de adubos químicos e irrigação. São abordados temas relacionados com a produção de conhecimento na área de agronomia, robótica, geoprocessamento de dados, educação ambiental, manejo da água, entre outros. Estas aplicações e tecnologias visam contribuir no aumento do conhecimento gerado por instituições públicas e privadas no país. Aos autores dos diversos capítulos, pela dedicação e esforços sem limites, que viabilizaram esta obra que retrata os recentes avanços científicos e tecnológicos na Preservação do Meio Ambiente e o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, os agradecimentos dos Organizadores e da Atena Editora. Por fim, esperamos que este livro possa colaborar e instigar mais estudantes e pesquisadores na constante busca de novas tecnologias para a área do desenvolvimento sustentável, assim, contribuir na procura de novas pesquisas e tecnologias que possam solucionar os problemas que enfrentamos no dia a dia.
The incessant search for alternative methods aimed at an efficient control for insect pests that attack various crops, is becoming increasingly not only locally but globally. This paper presents the different types of plants used insecticide in organic agriculture in the Arroio do Meio/RS. To achieve the same, standardized questionnaires were conducted during September and October of 2009 with all producers of organic agriculture belonging to the study area and also EMATER. In these questionnaires many plant species have been identified as natural insecticides, and most of them belonging to the Asteraceae. All farmers interviewed use plant extracts, and 82% of these are growing on their property. All reported satisfactory results in the management of various insect pests of crops with the use of plant extracts in their properties.
Pesticidas aplicados na lavoura e o risco à saúde pública: uma revisão da literatura
Esta revisão mostra um breve histórico de pesticidas aplicados na agricultura brasileira e aponta algumas dificuldades do mau uso desses produtos, que podem contaminar o meio ambiente e resultar em danos à saúde dos agricultores e consumidores. Foi discutido sobre a importância da ingestão de hortaliças frente a contaminação destas por pesticidas. A ingestão de hortaliças é um hábito saudável que deve ser estimulado, mas faz-se necessário, cada vez mais, o respeito à legislação vigente e uma maciça conscientização de agricultores e consumidores sobre pesticidas.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Ensino de Química, 2021
The use of pesticides has provoked controversies, at least since the 1960s, due to consequences observed in the environment and, hence, in the health of animals and humans. Currently, in our country, these discussions have intensified in view of the debates on the PL6299 / 2002. Thus, this topic became relevant in science teaching and forscientific dissemination. This paperintendsto contribute to theseareas. Initially, itfocuseson the debate on the use of DDT, triggered with the publication, in 1962, of Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring, and analyzes some arguments raised against and in favor of the use of DDT.Next, it presentssome aspects of the current discussions about thechange in Brazilianlegislation regarding pesticides. Finally, it discussessome proposals for classroom.In short, this paperintendsto offer teachers, educators and researchers some elements that can serve as a basis for the development of activities in classroom and also in non-formal spaces, approachingsome interactionsbetween science, technology, society and environment from a case studyin History of Science.
Rural work and pesticide poisoning
Cadernos de Saúde Pública
Pesticide use is intensive in Brazilian agriculture. Population-based studies on the characteristics of pesticide use and pesticide poisoning are scarce. This study describes the profile of occupational exposure and pesticide poisoning incidence. Farm characteristics and pesticide occupational exposure were evaluated using a cross-sectional design. Among 1,379 farmers/ farm workers, annual incidence of pesticide poisoning was 2.2 episodes per 100 exposed. Based on Poisson regression, applying pesticide, reentering crop fields after spraying, and working with pesticides on more than one farm were the types of exposure that presented a positive correlation with pesticide poisoning. The results may be useful for planning activities aimed at reducing occupational pesticide poisoning among rural workers.
Pesticides are elements utilized in agriculture all around the world and its use has increased since the beginning of Industrial Revolution. Brazil is the largest consumer on the world of this substance and, in consequence, has to deal with the pollution caused by its use, aggravated by its excess of use and the utilization in cultures that does not have permission for it. National Law cover a National Environmental Policy and various legislations that creates the institute of responsibility by the utilization of pesticides in disagreement with specific rules, as well as records of this substances and forms of disposal. These responsibilities are been applied in several scopes: as Civil, Criminal and Administrative and whose objective is the inhibition of polluting ducts in relation to pesticides and for the reparation of the damage caused to the environment. However, it is quickly evolving the voting in National Congress for the approval of the bill nº 6.299 of 2002 that aims the f...
With the increasing increase in the world population there was a need for a greater supply of food for consumption. In order for farmers to have greater productivity, more profits and exports, they started to use pesticides on their plantations, making excessive use of this product. Knowing the damage that this product can cause, the objective of this work was to compare the research published to date on the possibility of the presence of pesticides in food and natural resources, in addition to their possible influences on the environment and the health of the population. The method used to develop this work was a bibliographical review on the topic of pesticides, the damage to the environment and human health due to their intensive use. The results obtained from the authors cited on the intensive use of pesticides are the risks of diseases in men such as cancer, infertility, impotence, miscarriages, among others. There is also a risk of contamination of breast milk and the birth of babies with autism. In the environment, there is contamination of soil, water, air, food and malformations and death of animals. In order to minimize the impacts of pesticides on the environment and human health, the correct use of this product is necessary, using them according to the leaflet, in the correct dosage, in addition to the correct disposal of packaging and aerial spraying at the limit according to the relevant law. This way you can have a better quality of life and thus preserve the environment for current and future generations.