Determinants and prevalence of burnout in emergency nurses: A systematic review of 25 years of research (original) (raw)



OBJECTIVES: To assess the burnout among nurses working in emergency rooms of public sector hospitals and contributing factors to burnout among them. METHODOLOGY: The study included nurses (N=130) having experience of two or more years in emergency rooms, in public sector hospitals of Rawalpindi/Islamabad and Lahore. Data was collected with the help of a self-structured questionnaire. Questionnaire was validated by sample pilot study of 20 nurses and with consultancy of statistician. RESULTS: The study revealed that out of 130 participant nurses, 126 (92.92%) were found to be suffering from burnout. Among them 86 (66.15%) had mild burnout and 40 (30.76%) were with moderate burnout. Among contributory factors of burnout, work related burnout was significantly higher as compared to personal and client related burnout. CONCLUSION: Nurses working in emergency rooms showed positive results of having burnout especially work related.

Prevalence of burnout syndrome among nurses in urgency and emergency hospital system

Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online, 2014

Objetivo: investigar a prevalência de Burnout entre enfermeiros de hospitais de urgência e emergência no Estado da Paraíba. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, transversal, quantitativa realizada em seis hospitais especializados no atendimento às urgências e emergências no estado. A amostra foi constituída por 110 enfermeiros. Utilizou-se como instrumento o Maslach Burnout Inventory. Os dados foram analisados com o auxílio do SPSS-Statistical Package for the Social Sciences na versão 18.0. Resultados: os resultados apontaram 65,3% de jovens (20 – 30 anos), 54,5% em situação de múltiplo emprego, 49,1% com carga horaria semanal de trabalho de 20 a 44 horas, 82,7% com prevalência de Burnout, sendo 59,1% em nível moderado e 23,6% em nível grave. Conclusão: conclui-se que os enfermeiros apresentaram expressivo nível de adoecimento em virtude do contato diuturno com elementos estressores do trabalho.

Situational Factors Associated With Burnout Among Emergency Department Nurses

Workplace health & safety, 2017

Emergency departments are high-stress environments for patients and clinicians. As part of the clinical team, nurses experience this stress daily and are subject to high levels of burnout, which has been shown to lead to hypertension, depression, and anxiety. Presence of these diseases may also contribute to burnout, creating a cycle of stress and illness. This prospective qualitative study used a phenomenological approach to better understand factors associated with burnout among emergency department nurses. Burnout manifests itself in multiple modes, can affect nurses' decisions to leave the profession, and must be addressed to mitigate the phenomenon.

Prevalence of burnout syndrome among nursing professionals in an emergency room and in an intensive care unit

Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria

Objective: To identify the presence of burnout syndrome among nursing professionals in the emergency room and intensive care unit for adults of the University Hospital of Maringá. Methods: This is an exploratory and descriptive research study with a quantitative approach. It was developed by applying a questionnaire containing 22 questions from the Maslach Burnout Inventory instrument, which identifies the symptomatology dimensions of the burnout syndrome. Data analysis of the Maslach Burnout Inventory instrument was performed by adding up each dimension (Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization and Professional Fulfillment) of each questionnaire separately, according to the nursing professional's answers to each question. The values obtained were compared to the reference values of the Nucleus for Advanced Studies on Burnout Syndrome. Results: It was found that 31.36% of the nursing professionals at the University Hospital of Maringá emergency room had high Emotional Exhaustion,...

Job Burnout Rate and Related Demographic Factors in Nursing Personnel Employed in Emergency Departments of Chosen Educational Hospitals by Kermanshah University of Medical Science in 2012


Job burnout is a very common phenomenon in the helping professions including nursing. Since this syndrome can cause physical and psychological damage, reduces the job efficiency and motivation of the individual which leads to a sharp drop in the quantity and quality of caring services, current research was performed in order to better understand of burnout dimensions and its related factors in employed nurses in emergency, who are faced with a variety of occupational stress. This study was an analytical cross-sectional and its study population was from all nurses working in the emergency section of the 4 hospitals of Kermanshah University of Medical Science. The study sample included 120 nurses and nursing assistants who were studied using available sampling method. To collect data, a demographic information questionnaire and a job burnout questionnaire of “Maslach” were used. After data extraction, it was statistically evaluated using SPSS 22 software. 103 individuals completed the...

Burnout syndrome in emergency room nursing professionals

Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online, 2020

Objetivo: verificar o escore para a classificacao da Sindrome de Burnout . Metodo: trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, transversal, com 36 enfermeiros e tecnicos de enfermagem do pronto-socorro de um hospital publico de ensino. Coletaram-se os dados por meio do instrumento Maslach Burnout Inventory, que foram tabulados, e se realizou a analise estatistica simples pelo software IBM SPSS Statistic® . Resultados: informa-se que 72,2% eram tecnicos de enfermagem; 69,4%, do sexo feminino, com idade media 37 DP ± 8,76. Nota-se que, na classificacao para os dominios de Sindrome de Burnout , 55,6% apresentaram moderada a alta exaustao emocional; 66,7%, moderada a alta despersonalizacao e 63,9%, baixa realizacao emocional. Ressalta-se que 13,9% apresentaram Sindrome de Burnout . Relata-se que, do total de enfermeiros, 90% apresentaram escores de exaustao emocional moderada a alta, enquanto os tecnicos de enfermagem foram 42,3%. Conclusao : conclui-se que nao houve associacao sign...

Burnout syndrome in nursing professionals from urgency and emergency services

Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online, 2015

Objetivo: Analisar como os estudos científicos descrevem a síndrome de Burnout em profissionais de enfermagem de serviços de urgência e emergência. Métodos: Revisão integrativa de literatura realizada através das bases de dados BDENF, IBECS, LILACS, MEDLINE e SciELO, por meio dos descritores: esgotamento profissional and enfermagem. Das 3087 publicações selecionadas pelos descritores, apenas 11 artigos atenderam os critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Resultados: Dentre os artigos selecionados, 07 tratavam do estresse; 04 falavam da qualidade de vida e lazer; 01 abordava sobre os sintomas somáticos associados ao Burnout e 03 detalhavam sobre a síndrome de Burnout, abordando os fatores preditores e as dimensões sintomatológicas de acordo com o Maslach Burnout Inventory. Conclusão: Esse estudo é importante para que população, profissionais e gestores adquiram conhecimento acerca da síndrome, podendo contribuir para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de enfrentamento, que irão minimizar os ...

Burnout among nurses working in critical care settings.pdf

Background: Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Emergency Department are more stressful areas therefore nurses in those areas are prone to high level of burnout than others. In Rwanda, studies on burnout among nurses are limited and there is no research targeting specifically nurses working in ICU and Emergency Department. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the level of burnout among nurses working in ICU and Emergency Department in a selected referral hospital of Kigali. Methods: A quantitative approach was adopted. The descriptive cross-sectional design was used. Sixty nurses were involved in the study and they were selected using a total population sampling strategy. A self-administered questionnaire and Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Service Survey were used to collect data. Data were analysed using SPSS version 21.0. Results: The study found high level of burnout among 61.7% of the participants under study. High workload and intention to leave were associated with burnout (P<0.05). Burnout was measured by high Emotional Exhaustion (EE) 29 (48.3%), high Depersonalization (DP) 15 (25%) and low Personal Accomplishment (PA) 30 (50%). Conclusions: The high level of burnout identified among ICU and emergency department nurses is mainly associated with high workload and intention to leave the work within the next 12 months.

The Impact of Burnout Syndrome on Job Satisfaction among Emergency Department Nurses of Emergency Clinical County Hospital “Sfântul Apostol Andrei” of Galati, Romania


Background and Objectives: Burnout syndrome is caused by a number of factors, including personal, organizational, and professional problems. Data from the literature reported a strong relationship between burnout syndrome and job satisfaction among emergency medical personnel. Materials and Methods: We studied a sample of 80 nurses working in the Emergency Department of Emergency Clinical County Hospital “Sfântul Apostol Andrei” of Galati Romania. Participants signed an informed consent and then completed a socio-demographic questionnaire and the MBI-HSS (Maslach Burnout Inventory–Human Services Survey) questionnaire to assess the level of burnout and JSS (Job Satisfaction Survey) to assess the level of professional satisfaction. The aim of this study was to measure the levels of burnout and satisfaction among nurses in the Emergency Department as well as the relationship between these two variables and a group of selected socio-demographic characteristics. Results: This study found...

Burnout and Empathic Tendency Levels in Emergency Nurses

Eurasian journal of emergency medicine, 2017

In the healthcare system, burnout is a frequent problem in professions, particularly in nursing, where services are directly provided to individuals. Burnout has a personal nature, but it can lead to the loss of professional productivity, challenges in under taking professional responsibilities, and loss of institutional efficiency (1-4). Maslach defined burnout "as a syndrome seen in individuals who are exposed to intense emotional demands due to their occupation and are asked to work face-to-face with other individuals, which is caused by fatigue, long-term exhaustion, hopelessness, and desperate feelings being reflected out with negative behaviors shown toward occupation, life, and other people" (5). Emergency services in Turkey have very stressful and exhausting environments because simultaneous care is provided to patients with various health problems and critical decisions need to be made in a short time (2). Compared with other clinics of hospitals, emergency services are very crowded places where unplanned visits need to be made and various duties ranging from non-emergency procedures to resuscitation are performed (6). Additional factors such as the excessive number of patients, limited number of nurses, long working hours, shift work, provision of care for patients in need of extensive and immediate care, emotional stress linked to working conditions, insufficient wages, lack of appreciation by executives, and lack of support from colleagues may lead to exhaustion in emergency healthcare professionals, particularly in nurses (7-10).Accordingly, previous studies have reported that emergency nurses are more likely to experience burnout due to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and job-related stress because they face more challenging and life-threatening situations than nurses working in other services (1,9, 11,12). Work-related burnout may negatively affect nurses' understanding of and communication with patients and relatives, which in turn may result in not being fully able to meet patients' needs. Ultimately,