Optimasi Pemasaran Digital Sartika FARM Hidroponik Menggunakan Social Messaging dan Google My Business (original) (raw)

Pendampingan Pemanfaatan Digital Branding dan Digital Marketing pada We Farm Hidroponik untuk Menuju Kawasan Agroeduwisata

Jurnal Warta Pengabdian Andalas

"We Farm Hydroponics" is an agricultural business implementing a hydroponic system with the motto healthy vegetables and free of pesticides. The need for good business branding and proper digital marketing in advancing the "We Farm Hydroponic" business, especially in the field of marketing, so that it can be a solution to meet market needs and is well known by the public. The purpose of this activity is to provide assistance to partners in building business profiles/branding and digital marketing and to make "We Farm Hydroponics" a hydroponic agroeducation area in West Sumatra; assistance to partners is carried out for three months starting from October to December 2022 with the method of mentoring, coaching, and development. The activities carried out were FGDs for the development of a hydroponic We Farm business into an agrotourism area, assistance in managing the legality of the "We Farm Hydroponics" business, namely the business registration number (NIB), fostering the development of the "We Farm Hydroponics" business to become an agrotourism area through strengthening branding/business profile. Assistance in optimizing promotions through digital marketing, training in maintaining the greenhouse area "We Farm Hydroponics," and training in hydroponic vegetable nutrition to improve the quality and quantity of hydroponic vegetable crops as well as training in making healthy food products made from hydroponic vegetables (vegetable juice and smoothies). This activity impacts increasing agrotourism visits to We Farm Hydroponics and increasing insight into We Farm Hydroponics' social media.

Penerapan Digital Marketing Sebagai Media Penjualan Agribisnis Dengan Teknik Hidroponik Desa Karang Rahayu Kab Bekasi

Joong-Ki : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Digital marketing is very helpful for business people in interacting with consumers directly to producers, to meet the company's operational needs, the ease obtained from digital marketing is expected to develop the agribusiness industry located in Karang Rahayu Village of South Cikarang District of Bekasi Regency. Limited land in the middle of the city becomes a obstaclesto develop hydroponic cultivation. The lack of understanding of the people of Karang Rahayu Village regarding the opportunities of the agribusiness industry and hydroponic cultivation is the main problem that must be resolved immediately. The lack of ability to market will also have an impact on business prospects so that it is necessary to conduct Training on the Application of Digital Marketing as a Medium of Agribusiness Sales with Hydroponic Techniques in Karang Rahayu Village, Bekasi Regency. In community service in Karang Rahayu Village, South Cikarang Subdistrict, there are 4 methods used including obser...

Strategi Pemasaran Sayuran Hidroponik Shanti Bhuana

Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship

Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang mengalami peningkatan begitu pesat dalam bidang wirausaha, didukung dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan yang semakin berkembang sehingga dapat mendorong pelaku wirausaha untuk menciptakan dan membuat inovasi baru sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pemasaran yang digunakan oleh pemilik usaha sayuran hidroponik Shanti Bhuana dalam meningkatkan volume penjualan, strategi pemasaran yang digunakan yaitu strategi pemasaran 4P (product, price, promotion dan place) namun masih belum efektif selain itu juga digunakan strategi pemasaran digital berbasis media sosial dan konvensional. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pemasaran yang tepat untuk meningkatkan volume penjualan sayuran hidroponik Shanti Bhuana yaitu strategi pemasaran digital berbatas media sosial perlu dikembangkan karena dengan kemajuan teknologi saat ini tidak sedikit masya...

Optimalisasi Produksi Usahatani Sayuran Hidroponik Usaha Hydro Garden Padang

JOSETA: Journal of Socio-economics on Tropical Agriculture, 2020

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ketersediaan faktor produksi dan optimalisaasi produksi pada usaha sayuran hidroponik di Hydro Garden Padang. Penelitian menggunakan metode studi kasus, dengan respondennya adalah pemilik usaha dan tenaga kerja yang dijadikan sebagai informan kunci. Analisis data menggunakan model program linear dengan bantuan program komputer LINDO (Linier Interactive Descrete Optimizer). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Hydro Garden Padang membudidayakan lima jenis sayuran yaitu pakcoy, basil, kailan, romain dan arugula. Input-input produksi yang digunakan dalam kegiatan produksi digolongkan menjadi dua. Input produksi tetap yang digunakan memiliki umur ekonomi 5 tahun sampai 10 tahun. Sedangkan input produksi variabel tidak terdapat permasalahan dalam hal ketersediaannya sehingga proses produksi dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa keuntungan yang diperoleh pada kondisi optimal yaitu sebesar Rp 6.358.493 dengan memproduksi...

Peningkatan Nilai Bisnis Tanaman Hias Melalui Digital Marketing

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat

Digital marketing merupakan usaha mempromosikan produk menggunakan media digital sehingga dapat meningkatkan omzet penjualan. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pendampingan implementasi digital marketing proses distribusi tanaman hias sehingga dapat meningkatkan penjualan. Mitra usaha program ini adalah Kios Tanaman Hias Sekar Sejati milik Bapak Purwito. Mitra menghadapi masalah mengenai bagaimana menetapkan strategi pemasaran yang tepat agar produk tanaman hias semakin dikenal karena selama ini masih menggunakan sistem konvensional yang mana dalam penjualannya menunggu konsumen datang ke kios. Metode kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah pembuatan aplikasi sesuai kebutuhan mitra menggunakan media sosial dan transfer knowledge kepada mitra dilanjutkan pada fase pendampingan, meliputi pembuatan iklan produk, upload data produk baru, dan perawatan aplikasi media sosial. Hasil pengabdian ini mitra paham mengoperasikan media sosial serta kreatif marketing sebagai promosi produk dan ...

Perbandingan Pemasaran Produk Sambal Hj. Ani Secara Digital Menggunakan Platform Marketplace Dan Media Sosial


The research aims to compare the marketing of Sambal Hj.Ani products using marketplace and social media platforms. The research was conducted from December 2021 to April 2022. The data used was digital marketing data for Sambal Hj.Ani obtained through interviews with Sambal Hj.Ani business owners and distributing questionnaires using the Google form to 15 consumers. Analysis of the research data was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. The results of research on differences in the marketing of Sambal Hj.Ani products on the marketplace platform have various variations with different wholesale prices and COD payments are available, users can find special prices and coupons, also offer cashback, postage discounts, and vouchers. Compared to marketplaces, social media platforms only offer sambal roa, cakalang chili and squid sambal products at fixed prices but there is no choice of COD payment methods. Sambal Hj.Ani's social media provides more precise, fast and expressiv...

Manajemen Pemasaran Sayuran Hidroponik di Desa Sidodadi Kecamatan Garum Kabupaten Blitar

ETHOS: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021

Abstract. Sidodadi Village, Garum District is a fertile area that located 18 KM from the city. The majority of its residents work as farm laborers and sand miners. Almost all residents have yards that are left without any productive use. Natural conditions are still full of trees also cause the leaf litter that less conditioned. This is the idea for us to introduce an innovation in terms of land use and neglected organic waste, that is Hydroponic. The output of this activity is expected to be an additional economic source for local residents. In addition, it is also to make new job opportunities for local youth. The methods used are Explorative Survey, SWOT Analysis, Micro Teaching, Focus Discussing Group, Participatory Rural Appraisal and e-Mentoring. In its implementation, youth organizations is very enthusiastic. So the assistance and implementation process can run well and smoothly. The enthusiasm of the team and youth organizations in this activity succeeded in establishing two...

Hubungan Marketing MIX Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Sayuran Hidroponik DI Crispy Farm Kecamatan Banyumanik Kabupaten Semarang

Agritech: Jurnal Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, 2019

In modern society a healthy lifestyle is one measure of quality standards. A healthy lifestyle can be started by consuming organic vegetables. Crispy Farm is a place for cultivating organic vegetables with Hydroponic techniques, by means of hydroponic aquaculture which is currently increasingly being applied among homes. Organic vegetables are vegetables that are produced from natural ingredients without using synthetic chemicals. This study aims to analyze the effect of marketing mix which includes: prices, products, promotions and distribution on consumer decisions to buy Hydroponic vegetables at Crispy Farm. This research uses quantitative methods, with data collection techniques using primary data and secondary data. The research area was established in Banyumanik District, namely Jl. Tejosari, Gedawang Village, Banyumanik District, Semarang Regency, Central Java. The research was conducted from October to December 2018. The results showed that the factors that had a significant...

Pengembangan Model Usaha Tanaman Hidroponik Melalui Pemanfaatan Teknologi Tepat Guna Berbasis Media Informasi Pada Komunitas UMKM Pertanian Perkotaan

Engagement : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

The need for appropriate technology by the Indonesian people is unavoidable because of the availability of urban land which is increasingly limited. Consequently, the community is demanded to be creative. This study aims to develop a hydroponic plant business model through the use of information-based appropriate technology. The assisted subjects in the study were urban agricultural UMKM communities incorporated in the SERPIS KRPL in Wonocolo, Jemur Wonosari, City of Surabaya. By using the ADDIE method, model development was carried out for the community in the form of appropriate technology application through a series of systematic activities and can be measured quantitatively. Data instruments were used to determine the level of effectiveness, efficiency, and attractiveness of the products produced. The content expert validation test got a score of 81.29%, in testing the media and design expert validation got a score of 96.43%, while the individual trial scored 81.67%. The resul...

Analisis Saluran dan Efisiensi Pemasaran Sayuran Hidroponik di KUTP Hidrotani Sejahtera Desa Suka Maju Kecamatan Sunggal Kabupaten Deli Serdang

Jurnal Agriuma, 2021

The purposes of this study are to determine the hydroponic vegetable marketing channels and efficiency level of hydroponic vegetables’ marketing channels in KUTP Hidrotani Sejahtera Suka Maju Village, Sunggal District, Deli Serdang Regency. The research method used in this study was purposive sampling method. The sample of this research were 28 samples. Based on the survey conducted there were 2 modern markets as retailer, Brastagi Supermarket and Transmart Carrefour which sell hydroponic vegetables. Twenty-five customers were taken as samples. The method used was snowball sampling and Microsoft Excel calculation methods. Data used were primary and secondary data. The study was conducted in May 2019. The results showed that the marketing channel for hydroponic vegetable in KUTP Hidrotani Sejahtera began from producers to retailers then last to consumers. The hydroponic vegetable marketing channel at the level of the marketing agency was an efficient with efficient level of 0.15%.