Synopsis of Rubiaceae from the Iguaçu National Park, Paraná, Brazil (original) (raw)
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Rodriguésia, 2012
The Rubiaceae is the fourth Angiosperm family in number of species in the World and in the Neotropics. Its overwhelming diversity and presence in most biomes, and at most vegetation layers, makes this family one of the most important components of tropical vegetation. During the last two decades, family classification went through several reorganizations, mostly influenced by the advent of molecular phylogenetic studies, and many taxonomic revisions and floristic studies on Brazilian Rubiaceae have become available. In view of the considerable amount of literature that has recently been produced on Neotropical Rubiaceae, the present work has two main objectives: the first is to offer an overall view of the most recent family classification with emphasis on the genera of Rubiaceae occurring in Brazil, and to indicate particular taxa that are still in need of phylogenetic and taxonomic studies; the second objective is to present a short discussion on the state of floristic and taxonomic knowledge with respect to the various regions of Brazil, indicating the taxa and the geographic areas that need to be studied.
Brazil holds most of the Atlantic Forest Domain and is also one of the Rubiaceae diversity centers in the Neotropics. Despite the urban expansion in the state of Rio de Janeiro, large areas of continuous vegetation with high connectivity degree can still be found. Recently, new Rubiaceae species have been described in the Rio de Janeiro flora, which present small populations and very particular distribution. The current paper analyzed the similarity in the floristic composition of the Rubiaceae in eight Atlantic Forest remnants of Rio de Janeiro state protected by Conservation Units. We also surveyed and set guidelines for conservation of microendemic species. The similarity analysis were based on previously published studies in Área de Proteção Ambiental de Grumari, Área de Proteção Ambiental Palmares, Parque Estadual da Serra da Tiririca, Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, Parque Nacional de Jurubatiba, Reserva Biológica de Poço das Antas, Reserva Biológica do Tinguá and Reserva Ecológica de Macaé de Cima-using the PAST software (" Paleontological Statistics ") with Sørensen coefficient. The floristic similarity analysis revealed two groups with distinct physiographic characteristics and different vegetation types. Group A consisted in two Restinga areas, Área de Proteção Ambiental de Grumari and Parque Nacional de Jurubatiba, which showed strong bootstrap support (98 %). Group B included forest remnants with distinct phytophisiognomies or altitudes, but with moderate bootstrap support. Low similarity levels among the eight areas were found due to the habitats' heterogeneity. The current study pointed out 19 microendemic species from the Atlantic Forest, they present a single-site distribution or a distribution restricted to Mountain and Metropolitan regions of Rio de Janeiro state. Concerning the conservation status of microen-demic species, discrepancies between the Catalogue of Flora of Rio de Janeiro and the Red Book of Brazilian Flora (two of the main reference catalogs of Brazilian flora) have been identified. We have also highlighted the need for recollecting microendemic species from the Atlantic Forest, and for properly assessing the degree of threat faced by these taxons early. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (2): 655-665. Epub 2016 June 01.
Asynopsis of the Rubiaceae of the states of Mato Grosso and
Revista de Biologia Neotropical, 2007
The vegetation of the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, located in Central-Western Brazil, is undergoing rapid devastation due to escalating land use in the Cerrado Biome, and to the impact of timber companies in the Amazonian portion of Mato Grosso. Therefore, it is of extreme urgency to assess the diversity of plant and animal species present, in order to plan the appropriate measures for conservation efforts in these states. The Rubiaceae is one of the largest plant families of the area studied, and an updated list of genera and species is provided here. However, this study should be considered as a work in progress, due to the scarce knowledge of the flora of this area. An extensive study of bibliography and herbarium material provided the basic information for an updated synopsis of genera and a preliminary species list of the Rubiaceae encountered in the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, with a total of 68 genera and 269 species. A key to the genera, as well as a full description, synonymy and critical literature of each genus are provided. In addition, an extensive list of synonyms from the area studied and from most of the Neotropics, is given for each species.
A new species of Rudgea (Palicoureeae, Rubiaceae) from Espírito Santo state, Brazil
Phytotaxa, 2018
A new endemic and critically endangered species of Rudgea (Rubiaceae) from Southeastern Brazil is described and illustrated. Rudgea minutifolia Bruniera & Torres-Leite is distinguished by its small leaves, a character found in only a handful of species in this genus. The indumentum of the branches, leaves and stipules, low number of secondary veins, corniculate corolla lobes, and vinaceous to almost black mature fruits are also characteristic of this species. Discovered in a forest remnant within the Atlantic Rainforest domain in the south of Espírito Santo state, this species is found only in the municipality of Castelo, an area that has been recognized as prioritary for conservation. Besides the description, taxonomic comments, conservation status, images and illustrations are provided.
Acta Botanica Brasilica
irteen species of the genus Galianthe have been recorded for state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. e species are distributed among seven biomes, one of which contains all thirteen taxa-Subtropical Seasonal Forest. Herein a new endemic species, G. riograndensis J. Florentín & E.L. Cabral, is described, illustrated and di erentiated from all other species of the genus by having 3-4 verticillate leaves and a long bi d style. In addition, the pollen grain morphology and the seed micromorphology of the new species are described and illustrated, and the conservation status assessed according to IUCN criteria. Moreover, G. chodatiana is recorded for the rst time from the state, and a lectotype for G. equisetoides is designated. Most of the species of Galianthe are described and illustrated with detailed photos of living specimens. A taxonomic key for species identi cation, as well as comments on distribution, overall phenology and habitat, are also presented. e distribution of the new species is discussed in the context of the biogeographic region of the state, and maps and a table of species by biome are also provided.
According to the ongoing treatment of the Rubiaceae for the Flora of the Guianas, this family is represented in the region (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana) by about 80 genera and 470 species. In the Guayana Shield, the Rubiaceae is the third most diversified family, with about 750 species (after the Leguminosae, with 1032 species, and the Orchidaceae, with 1020 species). In addition, it is found in practically all habits (herbs, shrubs, treelets, trees, lianas) and habitats (forests, savannas, tepuis, etc.), and is an important floristic component, both in terms of diversity and frequency. A preliminary assessment is made, in order to compare the local floristic composition with those of surrounding regions (northern South America, Amazon Basin, Central America, Antilles).
Hoehnea, 2017
Aiming to expand the regional floristic knowledge and compile species information to subsidize restoration projects, we conducted a floristic survey in native forest fragments of an area located between the Parque Nacionaldo Iguaçu and the Área de Preservação Permanente do Lago de Itaipu, in western Paraná State. We found 204 species and 51 families, being the richest Fabaceae (29 spp.), Myrtaceae (18 spp.), Solanaceae (10 spp.), Euphorbiaceae, Meliaceae and Rutaceae (nine spp. each). The zoochoric syndrome was the most common (69% of the species), followed by anemochoric (17%) and autochoric (14%). The non-pioneer species were the most frequent (64%). In general terms, these results agree qualitatively with those observed in seasonal semideciduous forests. Based on phytosociological data from other studies, we indicated 34 locally abundant species that can be used in greater proportions in restoration projects. We recorded seven species threatened and 15 exotic, of which 12 have in...
Plant Ecology and Evolution, 2018
Aim ‒ To evaluate the current distribution of the species of the genus Galianthe by track analysis, and to establish the distributional patterns based on the available tectonic information and the biogeographical regionalization of the Neotropical region. Methods ‒ A total of 2680 geographical records of 55 species were analysed, representing 100% of the species assigned to Galianthe. Individual tracks were obtained for each species by plotting localities and connecting them by minimum-spanning trees. Generalized tracks and nodes were determined from the spatial overlap among individual tracks. Individual and generalized tracks and nodes were geographically located using DIVA-GIS. Generalized tracks and nodes were superimposed on two layers, one of them with the biogeographical provinces of the Neotropical region, and the other with the distribution of Neotropical seasonally dry forests.Results ‒ Five generalized tracks and four nodes were identified, all located within the Brazilia...
Checklist of the flora of the restingas of Piauí state, Northeast Brazil
Sandy coastal plain vegetation (Restinga) is composed of communities of plants that grow on Quaternary Neosols along the entire extension of the Brazilian coast. The state of Piauí has a coastal extension of 66 km and is entirely located in the semi-arid zone of Northeastern Brazil. This study catalogued the phanerogam species found along the coast of the state of Piauí, the data of which was compiled from surveys in online databases and literature, and herbarium collections. A total of 363 species distributed among 235 genera, and 74 families were identified. The families with the greatest number of species included Fabaceae (108 species), Euphorbiaceae (19), Amaranthaceae (13), Apocynaceae (12), Cyperaceae (12), Rubiaceae (12), Bignoniaceae (11), Malvaceae (11) and Poaceae (11) and represent over 57.6% of the species collected. Approximately 87% of the species were common to other restinga areas in Northeastern Brazil, and ca. 13% were restricted to the coast of the state of Piauí.