Relationship Analysis of Eco-Control, Company Age, Company Size, Carbon Emission Disclosure, and Economic Consequences (original) (raw)

Antecedents and Consequences of Carbon Emissions’ Disclosure: Case Study of Oil, Gas and Coal Companies in Non-Annex 1 Member Countries

Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of companies that voluntarily disclose carbon emissions and to examine the economic consequences of the carbon emissions’ disclosure. Companies used in the sample are oil, gas and coal companies in non-Annex 1 member countries registered in the Osiris database. The observation period was from the commencement of the Kyoto Protocol's second commitment to date, or from 2013 to 2016. Measuring the carbon emissions’ disclosure is achieved by using a checklist developed from an information request sheet from the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project). An assessment of the extent of the disclosure is made using the content analysis method. Company characteristics are proxied with leverage, profitability and firm age, while the economic consequences are proxied by using bid-ask spreads, the trading volume and share price volatility. The data analysis method used in this research is the Partial Least Square (PLS) method using the Wa...

Investors React to Disclosure of Carbon Emissions and Environmental Performance

International Journal of Contemporary Accounting

The current industrial development makes economic activities have to utilize natural resources which causes the conversion of forest functions and the use of fossil energy. So with industrial growth, carbon and greenhouse gas emissions tend to increase as well. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of disclosure of carbon emissions and environmental performance on investor reactions. The population used is manufacturing companies in the food and beverage industry sub-sector as well as the cement sub-sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018, 2019, and 2020. The number of samples in this study was 48, using purposive sampling method and secondary data, namely annual reports. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that the disclosure of carbon emissions has no effect on investor reactions. Meanwhile, environmental performance affects the reaction of investors.

Analysis of the influence of financial, carbon, and environmental performance on carbon emission disclosure

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1359, 2024

Industrial development has a detrimental impact on the Earth's rising surface temperature, primarily due to greenhouse gas emissions. In Indonesia, the energy sector was the leading contributor to carbon emissions until 2022. This study aims to investigate the relationship between financial, carbon, and environmental performance and carbon emissions disclosure. The sample for this research was selected using a purposive sampling method, comprising 20 energy sector companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Panel data regression analysis was conducted, with carbon emissions disclosure being the dependent variable and profitability, leverage, environmental performance, company size, and carbon performance as the independent variables. The study's results indicate that financial performance, environmental performance, and company size have a significant impact on carbon emissions disclosure, while leverage and carbon performance do not have a significant effect.

Carbon Emission Disclosure and Environmental Performance Effect on Firm Value


Companies as carbon emitters must show their responsibility towards the environment by reducing carbon emissions. In order to gain legitimacy, companies need to disclose their carbon emission and have good environmental performance. These two aspects are very important because they will impact investors' perceptions and the value of the firm. This paper determines the impact of the disclosure of carbon emissions and environmental performance on firm value. The sample is seven companies on the SRI-KEHATI index from 2016-2020 (5 years). This study used quantitative methods. The secondary data is obtained from published financial reports by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (, sustainability reports, annual reports published through the company's website, and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry's Decree about the PROPER selection from ( In order to test the hypothesis, multiple linear regression is used. This study result shows that: carbon emission disclosure has no affect the firm's value. While the environmental performance positively affects the firm value, the carbon emission disclosure and environmental performance positively affects firm's value.

The Effect of Company Characteristics Towards Carbon Emission Disclosure and Its Impact on Economic Consequences in Non-Financial Registered Companies in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines Period for 2008-2017


This research was conducted to know the company's characteristics, the determining factors for the disclosure of carbon emissions, and the impact of the disclosure of carbon emissions on economic consequences. The financial result in this study is the decision-making behavior of businesses, governments, and creditors as a result of accounting reporting, in this case, environmental disclosures contained in annual reports and sustainable reports. This study's sample amounted to 45 companies registered in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines, with an observation period of 2008 to 2017. To measure the disclosure of carbon emissions by creating a checklist based on information from the CDP. Company characteristics are proxied by profitability, leverage, size, and sales growth, while economic consequences are proxied by the bid-ask spread, trading volume, and stock price volatility. The analytical method used in this study is the Partial Least Square (PLS) method usi...

Factors That Can Be Predictors of Carbon Emissions Disclosure

Jurnal Akuntansi - Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara, 2021

This research is to analyze the role of ISO 14001, performance environment index PROPER, environmental committee, and foreign diversity to carbon emissions disclosure in the plantation company that registered at the Indonesian stock exchange of 2013 to 2019. The data used was 77 companies. The testing of hypotheses uses multiple linear regression with a minimal significance of 5%. this research proves that there is four a variable that has a significant result on the disclosure of the carbon emission in plantation company that is ISO 14001, performance environment index PROPER, environmental committee and Foreign diversity. Three variables have no effect on the disclosure of carbon emissions that is age company, leverage, and return of equity. This research can be used stakeholder to see the company's responsibilities through their environment to ensure there is no risk in the company's future performance before reaching their investment decision.

The Relevance to Investors of Greenhouse Gas Emission Disclosures

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2012

This study finds that investors price firms' greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as a negative component of equity value, and this valuation discount does not differ between firms that voluntarily disclose to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and non-disclosing firms. We derive the GHG emissions for non-disclosers from an estimation model that incorporates firm characteristics and industry. The finding that investors view CDP amounts and estimates of emissions as equally value-relevant suggests that equity values reflect GHG information from channels other than the CDP. An event study of investors' response to emission-related information in firms' 8-K filings further supports this finding. Economically, our results suggest that, for the median S&P 500 firm, GHG emissions impose a marketimplied equity discount of $79 per ton, representing about one-half of 1 percent of market capitalization.

Factors which Affecting the Disclosure of Carbon Emissions


This study aims to analyze the effect of corporate governance, capital expenditure, profitability, firm size and CSR on carbon emissions disclosure. This study collects secondary data which are reported in their Annual Report and Sustainability Report from 2017-2021. Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression. The results of the study prove that corporate governance variable has a negative effect on carbon emissions disclosure. However, four other independent variables, namely capital expenditure, profitability, firm size and CSR have positive effects on carbon emissions disclosure.


Increasing pressure on economic actors has produced a degree of standardization and commensuration of carbon emissions reporting and an increasing amount of comparable data is in the public domain. We have recently developed a method for interpreting this data-set to produce a league table of sustainability performance: actors are ranked according to a Performance Score comparing actual performance to the ideal direction of change of the underlying (environmental and economic) parameters, allowing direct and meaningful comparison between actors of quite different natures. The league table is applied to investigate links between emissions performance and both financial performance and the quality of voluntary disclosure of carbon performance data. Using emissions data for FTSE350 companies – publically available via the Carbon Disclosure Project – we analyze correlations between company league table performance and, on the one hand, relative share price movement and, on the other, position in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index. We have found no detectable indication of a link between carbon emissions performance (as measured by position in the league table) and either the quality of carbon disclosure or the financial performance of a company. The lack of linkage between carbon performance and either disclosure of share price may be due to a number of reasons: paucity of data/small effect sizes (it may be too early to see the effects); immaturely established causal mechanisms (it may be too early for the effects to manifest); share price and disclosure are not strongly related to emissions performance.

The Effect of Carbon Emission Disclosure on Firm Value: Environmental Performance and Industrial Type

Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021

This research aims to examine the effect of carbon emission disclosure on firm value and to reveal environmental performance and industrial type as the moderating variables. This study used 82 samples of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and receiving awards in the Indonesian Sustainability Reporting Award (ISRA) in 2014-2018. This study used a multiple linear regression analysis to test the hypotheses. The results showed that carbon emission disclosure had a positive and significant effect on firm value as carbon emission disclosure is a form of corporate concern on environment positively responded by the market and becomes the basis for investors to make their considerations in assessing the company sustainability. Besides, environmental performance and industrial type can strengthen the influence relationship of carbon emission disclosure on firm value since environmental performance was assessed based on ISO 14001 certification ensuring that the company has ...