Linguo-Cultural Aspect of Interrelation of Language and Culture (original) (raw)


Надмощие и приспособяване Domination and adaptation, 2017

The contemporary linguistics is in expansion nowadays, interfering all the other human sciences and expanding its importance as well as its research field. Considering and analysing the work of Ferdinand de Saussure, the point of view of Claude-Levi Strauss as well as the work of the contemporary linguists, the article suggests multidisciplinary analysis, showing a connection between a science of language, culturo logy and anthropology and refers to the sociological part in the contemporary multicultural world. The aim of this article is to establish a connection between linguistics and interdisciplin-ary adaptation of language science, which exceeds its traditional boundaries and takes its legitimate position among the cognitive sciences.

Culture and Linguistics. Relationships

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022

Annotation Culture and linguistics are, now considered as the main sources of the subject of Linguaculturology which has been appeared in the crossway of above. Currently, in the world of linguists Linguaculturology is one the most debatable and increasingly popular topics since most foreign scholars possess their own perspectives to realize the contact of language and culture and comprehend the core meaning of them. In this article, the views about this field and contact are expressed by several representatives.

Interrelation of Language and Culture

Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2016

The present article deals with the mutual influence of constituent components of language - culture interrelation. It also studies the revealing of the forms and principles of occurrence of cultural factors in the language and provides a short insight into the history and setting of the problem. The attitude of a human being towards reality phenomena as well as to the realization of time, quantity, gender, and case categories depend on the life style, daily routine, customs / traditions and mentality of the ethnos. The ways of defining common and distinguishing features of expressing the linguo- cultural factors in multi – system languages are investigated in the paper. It is stated in the research that cultural factors are reflected not only in the lexical and phraseological units of the language system, but also in its grammatical categories. Being a bearer and a transmitter of information, language is a specific means of realization of the culture.Accordinly, cultural factor...

On the Relationship between Language and Culture

Armenian Folia Anglistika, 2011

The issue of the interrelation between language and culture has always been in the center of attention of various representatives of different sciences. When the language is used in the context of communication, it gets connected with the culture by numerous bonds. The members of the society not only express their experience through the language. Rather they create it. Thus, the language expresses and embodies the cultural reality. The language of each society is, in fact, a part of its culture and reflects the important cultural features of the objects, institutions and actions of the given society. In order to understand the meaning of words, it is necessary to have social and individual perception. Thus, while investigating the interrelation between language and culture, it is necessary to take into account both psycholinguistic and ethnolinguistic approaches.

Sources of Linguocultures and Linguoculturological Field


In this article described the concept of lingvokulturema and the analysis of the definitions given to it by scientists. The linguocultural field and its units are covered.

Semântica cultural nacional através do prisma de unidades fraseológicas


The phraseological fund of language is the most valuable source of data on culture, stereotypes of national consciousness; it includes people's ideas about myths, customs, ceremonies, rituals, habits, morals, behavior. Each person belongs to the certain national culture including national traditions, language, history, literature. Economic, cultural and scientific contacts of the countries and their people increase the relevance of the topics connected with a research of cross-cultural communications, interactions and interferences of languages and cultures, studying of the language personality.Studying of how the phraseological component of language reflects the outlook characteristic of "national spirit" in the images gives a special impulse to development of phraseology. Phraseological units (PU) reproduce this outlook in processes of the speech and by that form it, becoming property of language consciousness. The addressing to PU in which figurative basis is imprin...

Udc 81’119 in Addition to the Discussion on the “Methodological Primitivism” in Linguoculturology

Background: Quite sharp accusations of “methodological primitivism” from the opponents of Linguoculturology gave us an impetus to write this article because we are directly related to the adaptation of Russian “autochthonous” linguoculturological idea in the Ukrainian linguistic space. Therefore, this research aims to find out objectivity and correctness of “anti-linguoculturologists” criticism of (1) Linguoculturology weak methodological framework and also (2) accusations that Linguoculturology provokes linguo-narcissistic / linguo-nationalistic ideas. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to find out the main contradictions in the criticism of Linguoculturology. Results: There is no obvious evidence to accuse Linguoculturology of “methodological primitivism” because it has been revealed that “anti-linguoculturological” criticism is not always based on sufficient and objective scientific grounds as it is characterized by both questionable methodological correctness and contradict...

Main concepts and features of cognitive linguistics and linguaculturology

As is known that linguistics and variety fields of it were developed in every period of developing process. Hence, we can observe that in the XVIII century, research carried out in comparative-historical aspect among cognate languages and in the last century collection of anthropocentric, functional, cognitive and dynamic paradigms occupied the position of structural paradigm. Change of researcher's interests from the object of cognition to the subject of anthropocentric paradigm, in other words, to the analysis of language from anthropological point of view is a demand of time. List of areas are developing in the anthropocentric paradigm of the modern linguistics and cognitive linguistics and linguaculturology are considered the urgent directions of it.

The Notion of Culture in Linguistic Research

Muchos trabajos en comunicación intercultural en el campo de la lingüística comparten el supuesto de que la influencia de la cultura sobre la interacción social se manifestará en los intercambios comunicativos, e igualmente que una mirada académica a esos intercambios será base suficiente para una adecuada descripción de cómo se supone que sea la comunicación intercultural. La teoría lingüística misma, careciendo de lugares para integrar a la cultura como un factor en sus conceptos, urge a los académicos a pedir prestadas operacionalizaciones de la cultura desde disciplinas vecinas, como diferentes corrientes de la psicología, sociología o antropología. Como una consecuencia, los enfoques que resultan de esta orientación transdisciplinar, comparten supuestos muy divergentes sobre cómo, en qué momento en un proceso comunicativo, y con qué efectos, la cultura afecta la interacción social. Mientras que muchas investigaciones desde tendencias similares distinguen entre los enfoques prim...

Linguistic World Picture and Its Representation Through Phraseological Units in the Aspect of Linguoculturology


In the article, the notion of linguistic world picture and its relations with other types of world picture are discussed. Linguistic picture of the world is considered as subjective model of the objective world, the system of language units used in representation of conceptual model of the world from individuals' mind. Phraseology is a huge bank of linguistic means that verbalize national linguistic world picture. In the analysis part of the article, several phraseological units with the component "fire" in English and Uzbek languages are studied from the aspect of linguoculturology.