The-calculus: Notes on labelled semantics (original) (raw)
The π-calculus [MPW92] is a name-passing calculus that allows the description of distributed systems with a dynamically changing interconnection topology. Name communication, together with the possibility of declaring and exporting local names, gives the calculus a great expressive power. For instance, it was shown that process-passing calculi, which express mobility at higher order, can be encoded naturally in π-calculus [San93a]. Since its inception, the π-calculus has proliferated into a family of calculi differing slightly from one another either in the communication paradigm (polyadic vs monadic, asynchronous vs synchronous) or in the bisimulation semantics (labelled vs unlabelled, late vs early vs open vs barbed vs ...). These short notes present a collection of the labelled strong semantics 3 of the (synchronous monadic) π-calculus. The notes could not possibly replace any of the standard references listed in the Bibliography. They are an attempt to group together, using a uniform notation and the terminology that got assessed over the last years, a few definitions and concepts otherwise scattered throughout the π-calculus literature. I would like to thank James J. Leifer for his careful reading of the manuscript, and the helpful suggestions he provided. 3 The definition of weak late semantics requires some ingenuity. But for this case, the weak corresponding of each of the semantics we present can be easily defined by mimicking the standard CCS-like pattern.
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Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1995
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