Pre-service Teachers’ Perspectives on Teaching Scripture in Primary Religious Education (original) (raw)

eJournal of Catholic Education in Australasia


RE teachers in Catholic schools in WA are required to not only assist children in developing knowledge and understanding of the Gospel but also provide faith-related experiences (CECWA, 2017b). The development of RE knowledge and understanding occurs in the classroom during the allocated teaching time for RE. To achieve these expectations, it is imperative that teachers of RE have undertaken necessary training in this learning area. The Accreditation policy from CECWA states that teachers of RE must have a comprehensive understanding of the Catholic faith to ensure they are able to execute their role effectively within the school (CECWA, 2017a). The process includes an orientation day at the Office of Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA), a school-based induction program known as 'Faith, Story and Witness', a study component which requires the completion of three approved tertiary units (or their equivalent) and an 18 hour in-service on the methodology and pedagogy required to teach RE. For students who study at The University of Notre Dame Australia, the study component and in-service can be completed during their undergraduate degree in the form of three Theology units, two RE methods units and through the teaching of RE during their final practicum. It is within the RE methods units that pre-service teachers learn about 'why we do what we do' in a Catholic school. The Congregation for Catholic Education emphasises developing "appropriate programs so that the teachers of tomorrow will be able to carry out their task with the competence and efficacy that is expected of them" (1988, para. 97). The implementation of programs such as the CECWA (2017a) policy on Accreditation not only ensures teachers remain up-to-date with innovative and current practices in this learning area but allows them to develop confidence to implement effective strategies in RE (Ryan, 2014).

Do I know enough to teach RE? Responding to the commission on religious education’s recommendation for primary initial teacher education

Journal of Religious Education, 2020

Recommendation 6 of the Commission on Religious Education's Final Report has focused attention on teacher preparation in England for Religious Education (RE) during primary Initial Teacher Education (ITE). It recommends at least twelve hours for 'all forms of primary ITE', challenging the current provision of many primary ITE providers. Information gathered by the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE) and others demonstrates the need to improve not only the hours taught, but also the quality of provision across all training routes. Many beginner teachers lack confidence in their RE subject knowledge and fear causing offence. If RE is to play a valid part in a twentyfirst century primary curriculum, training needs to address these concerns and develop understanding of the complex knowledge the subject requires. This paper explores aspects of knowledge in RE, the importance of relating developing practical wisdom to subject knowledge and considers a project which responds directly to the Commission's report.

That Your Education May Be Complete: Implementing the Bishops' Curriculum Framework in Continuity with the Christian Teaching Tradition

While the U.S. Bishops' Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework provides robust content guidelines for a national high school Religion curriculum, its successful implementation will depend largely on concurrent development of, and training in, pedagogy suited to Christian education. This paper directs educators to existing catechetical documents that provide some general methodological guidance as well as to several time-tested pedagogical insights gleaned from the writings of ancient and modern Christian educators. The final section applies these insights from the tradition to current efforts to implement the bishops' Framework in order to provide educators with a starting point for the elaboration of pedagogical methods called for by the bishops. That Your Education May Be Complete to draw upon the pedagogical guidance of the tradition in order to ensure that implementation of the Framework results in a genuinely Catholic high school education.

Factors affecting the impact of teacher education programmes on teacher preparedness: implications for accreditation policy1

European Journal of Teacher Education, 2007

The purpose of this study was to provide guidance to policy‐makers about the standards that might be appropriate for accrediting teacher education programmes. The study was commissioned by the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT), a statutory body established in 2001 by the Victorian state government with responsibility for the registration (licensing) of teachers and the accreditation of teacher education programmes.The study investigated the characteristics of effective initial teacher education programmes, as reported by teachers who have just finished their first year of teaching. A survey instrument was distributed in 2004 to all registered teachers who had graduated from their teacher education programme in 2002, taught in 2003 and were now one month into their second year of teaching in 2004. In total, 1147 teachers returned completed questionnaires, from all universities in the state.Teachers who reported that they were well prepared to meet the demands of their first year of teaching were more likely to have completed courses that gave them deep knowledge of the content they were expected to teach, and how students learned that content, as well as skill in: diagnosing students' existing levels of understanding of the content; planning activities that would promote further development of understanding; and assessing the extent to which development had taken place. The paper concludes with implications for accreditation policy.On constate, à l'échelle internationale, un intérêt accru pour les procédures d'évaluation et d'accréditation des programmes de formation des maîtres. Le but de cette recherche est d'apporter des repères aux personnes chargées de la réglementation concernant les standards qui pourraient servir à l'accréditation de ces programmes de formation. Cette recherche est menée à la demande du Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT), une organisation chargée de l'accréditation des enseignants et des programmes de formation dans l'état de Victoria (Australie).Cette recherche porte sur les caractéristiques des programmes de formation initiale efficients, tels que les perçoivent les enseignants qui viennent de terminer leur première année d'enseignement. En 2004, un questionnaire a été distribué à tous les enseignants accrédités, sortis diplômés de leur programme de formation en 2002, ayant enseigné en 2003 et qui en étaient au premier mois de leur deuxième année d'enseignement en 2004. En tout, 1147 enseignants diplômés de toutes les universités de l'état ont répondu au questionnaire.L'analyse des réponses révèle des variations significatives concernant l'efficience des programmes. Les programmes efficients sont ceux qui donnent aux nouveaux enseignants une connaissance approfondie de ce qu'ils sont censés faire pour aider les élèves à apprendre ainsi que de la manière dont les élèves apprennent. Ces programmes donnent aux enseignant la capacité d'évaluer chez les élèves le niveau de leur compréhension du contenu enseigné. Ces programmes aident les enseignants à planifier des activités qui encouragent le développement des élèves et à mesurer l'amplitude de ce développement.Les auteurs montrent dans cette présentation comment ces résultats peuvent guider le choix des standards utilisés lors de l'accréditation des programmes de formation des maîtres.Ziel der Studie ist die Bereitstellung von Handlungsempfehlungen für politische Entscheidungsträger im Hinblick auf Standards, die zur Genehmigung von Lehramtsstudiengängen herangezogen werden können. Die Studie wurde vom Victorian Institut of Teaching (VIT) in Auftrag gegeben, welche im Jahr 2001 als eine Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts von der Regierung des Bundesstaats Victoria eingerichtet wurde und verantwortlich für die Zulassung (Lizenzierung) von Lehrern und die Genehmigung von Lehramtsstudiengängen ist.Die Studie untersuchte die Eigenschaften einer effektiven (Erst‐)Ausbildung, welche von Lehrern berichtet wurden, die gerade ihr erstes Jahr als Lehrer beendet hatten. Für die Erhebung im Jahr 2004 erhielten alle registrierten Lehrer einen Fragebogen, die ihre Ausbildung in 2002 abgeschlossen hatten, in 2003 unterrichtet hatten, und die zu dem Zeitpunkt der Erhebung den ersten Monat im zweiten Jahr als Lehrkraft absolviert hatten. Der Fragebogen wurde von 1147 Lehrern aller Universitäten im Bundesstaat ausgefüllt.Lehrer, die berichteten, auf die Anforderungen im ersten Jahr als Lehrer gut vorbereitet zu sein, besuchten Kurse und Seminare, die ihnen ein vertieftes Wissen über die zu unterrichtenden Lehrinhalte und darüber, wie Schüler diese Inhalte lernen, vermittelten. Außerdem wurden in diesen Kursen und Seminaren Fähigkeiten erlernt zur Einschätzung von bereits bei Schülern vorhandenem Verständnis der Lehrinhalte, zur Planung von Aktivitäten für die weitere Entwicklung des Verständnisses und zur Bewertung des Ausmaßes dieser Entwicklung. Die Arbeit schließt mit Implikationen für die Zulassung von Lehramtsstudiengängen.El propósito de este estudio consistió en proporcionar orientación a las instancias políticas acerca de los estándares que podrían ser apropiados para la acreditación de programas de formación de profesores. El estudio fue encargado por el Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT), una institución creada en 2001 por el gobierno del estado de Victoria con la responsabilidad de llevar a cabo el registro (licencia para enseñar) de los profesores y la acreditación de los programas de formación de profesorado.En el estudio investigamos las características de los programas eficaces de formación inicial docente, desde el punto de vista de los profesores que habían finalizado su primer año de enseñanza. En el año 2004 se distribuyó un cuestionario a todos los profesores acreditados que habían finalizado su graduación como profesores en el año 2002, y que habían enseñando en 2003 y que se encontraban en ese momento en el primer mes de su segundo año como docentes. El cuestionario lo respondieron 1147 profesores de todas las universidades del estado.Los profesores que afirmaron estar preparados para dar respuesta a las demandas de su primer año de enseñanza habían realizado cursos que les proporcionaron un conocimiento más elaborado de lo que de ellos se esperaba para que pudieran ayudar a los alumnos a aprender, asimismo conocían cómo aprenden los alumnos, así como poseían habilidades para diagnosticar los niveles previos de comprensión del contenido por parte de los alumnos, planificaban actividades que podrían promover un desarrollo de los alumnos y evaluaban en qué medida ese desarrollo tenía lugar. El artículo concluye con implicaciones para la política de acreditación.

EDUC 350: Foundations of Teaching as a Profession Monday and Wednesday 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: UH 444; CRN 30073 (Sec 1) California State University San Marcos Summer 2008


This course serves as an orientation to careers in elementary, middle and high school education. Upon completion of this course, teacher candidates should understand the nature of formalized education in the United States and be able to asses his or her interest in teaching as a career. Major topics include: • Understanding the roles of schools in society • Exploring philosophies and contemporary issues in education. • Assessing the roles of teachers in schools. • Understanding the qualifications and credentialing process for California teachers. • Understanding and appreciating the student as an individual. • Understanding factors affecting student achievement. • Understanding critical issues in curriculum and instruction. • Understanding infusion of special education in general education practices. • Understanding the laws that influence teaching responsibilities. This course is required for all credential candidates. All students must complete forty-five (45) hours of supervised fieldwork in K-12 classrooms.

Educational System Guidelines - Course-Instructor Tier - Theological Reflections

The following theological reflections are intended to aid in the continual improvement of educational systems for theistic educators, or those who seek to engage in their educational vocation from a theological perspective. Based mostly upon the western Christian religious tradition, the purpose of these theological reflections is to help develop a theology of education based on the educational system guidelines and further refine these theological claims in dialogue with this particular religious tradition. Readers from other faith traditions are encouraged to review the beliefs and practices of their own traditions for convergences or divergences with these reflections. The underlying framework for these guidelines asserts that there are at least three tiers that impact student learning and development: 1) Learners, 2) Courses-Instructors, and 3) the Educational Organization in part or as a whole. In order to improve the quality of education, we must work with each of these three tiers and a series of guidelines have therefore been developed for them. These theological reflections on the guidelines may be used for such endeavors as developing objectives for educational development interventions, conducting system-wide assessments, providing feedback to specific entities within the institution, et cetera. These reflections are intended to be used in conjunction with the other resources and reflections that have been developed for each tier.