Virtual Learning Challenges for Special-needs Students: Study in Early Elementary School Age during the Covid-19 Pandemic (original) (raw)

The Effect of Distance Learning on Learning Outcomes of Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools in the New Normal


Distance education is an organized educational process that bridges the separation between students and educators mediated by the use of technology and minimal face-to-face meetings. Distance education evolved from correspondent education to education through e-learning across time and space. Currently, in Indonesia, even in all countries in the world there is an outbreak of Covid-19 which results in learning in the field of education having to change from face-to-face learning to distance learning. The purpose of this study was to determine how the effect of distance learning for children with special needs in inclusive schools in the new era of normality. The method used in this research is qualitative research with online interview data collection techniques, documentation, and literature studies related to children with special needs during the COVID 19 pandemic. Qualitative data analysis was carried out through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, concluding, and ve...

Examining the Problems Faced by Students with Special Needs in the Distance Education Process during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Educational Process International Journal, 2021

Background/purpose-In this study, we examined the problems faced by students with special needs in the distance education process in Turkey from the perspectives of their parents and teachers. Materials/methods-We used case study in this research. Our study group consisted of seven parent-teacher pairs. We used a demographic information form and standardized interview forms. Our analysis technique was content analysis. Results-From the standardized interviews, it was determined that the developmental problems observed by parents and teachers in children were in the areas of academic, socioemotional, and language development. In contrast, instructional problems were generally related to class participation. Conclusion-As a result of the research, we have seen that children with special needs face problems in their academic, social skills, and language development. It was determined that inclusive students experienced difficulties in their usage of technology, participating in online classes, and maintaining their attention.

Distance Education for Students with Special Needs in Primary Schools in the Period of CoVid-19 Epidemic

Propósitos y Representaciones, 2020

This study aims to determine what had been done in distance learning applications to enable special education students to continue their education during the Covid-19 epidemic period and how students and their families could benefit from these applications. The research was prepared using a qualitative method and semi-structured interview questions were used to collect the data. In the research ten special education teachers affiliated to MNE (Ministry of National Education), the sample group was analyzed by using content analysis method. The research results revealed that distance education and face to face education were not provided and family education is not given importance; special education teachers expressed both positive and negative opinions about distance education practices in primary education; there is not a sufficient distance education application for students with special needs and no IEP(Individual Education Program) applications in distance education for students...

Parental Involvement of Children with Special Needs in Distance Education amid the COVID-19 pandemic: A Transcendental Phenomenology

Asia Pacific Journal of Advanced Education and Technology, 2022

This study delved into the lived experiences of parents in the involvement of students with special educational needs during distance learning amid the pandemic in the Schools Division of Valenzuela City during the school year 2020-2021. 20 selected parents participated in the face-to-face and online interviews to formulate themes on the essence of the phenomena, as well as the factors affecting the distance education of children with special educational needs. Results were based on multiple interviews wherein views regarding distance learning were adjustments and readiness, the experiences on their involvement were pedagogical, relational difficulties, and having an unstructured place at home. Furthermore, the challenges they encountered in their new role as a facilitator of learning were balancing responsibilities, establishing routines, and providing sufficient resources. Based on the themes formed from the significant statements of the participants, parents perceived that implementing distance learning amidst the Covid19 pandemic serves as a big adjustment in their role as a mother, wife, and substitute teachers to their children. They experienced difficulties in the pedagogical area which lacked knowledge in teaching strategies, and motivating the child are the things that they have to face during the new normal. In a challenging role as a facilitator of learning and household duties, parents should learn how to balance their responsibilities through time management and implementing a schedule. On the other hand, factors affecting the distance education of children with special needs were Psycho-social, psychological, emotional health, and attention.

Students with special educational needs in distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic – parents’ opinions

Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej

This article focuses on how children with special educational needs, psychological and pedagogical opinions and advice and guidance on how to work with them, and their parents are coping in a distance learning situation. Four research problems have been formulated, i.e., What changes do parents notice in the child’s motivation to learn during distance learning education? What limitations and difficulties arise with distance learning education? What are the attitudes of children during distance learning in the opinions of their parents? Do parents notice any progress in their children’s learning during distance learning education? For research on the key methods used and interview technique. The research was conducted on the basis of the opinions of parents, who during distance learning education were stronglyinvolved in the educational processes of their children, and often took on the role of a teacher. Self-study for children is limited by the challenge, cannot be met, and remote ...

Virtual Mode of Education and Special Needs Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic


Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic scenario, the physical and face-to face classes in different educational institutions, from foundational to tertiary level, were replaced by online classes across the world. The virtual teaching-learning sessions became the order of the day, especially in the urban areas of India, where there is an availability of robust internet connection. The online classes are being conducted not only by mainstream schools but also by special, inclusive and integrated schools. The researchers, thus, attempted to find out about the virtual mode of education, academic and nonacademic, imparted to the special needs students sitting at their homes and the various aspects associated with this mode of education. Keeping in mind the pandemic situation, the researchers conducted semi-structured telephonic interviews of the primary caregivers of 19 students with Autism Spectrum disorder, Down Syndrome, Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy and Pervasive Developmental Disorder, aged between 11and 29 years, and a 29-year-old student with Apert syndrome (who could express herself clearly), based in Kolkata and Chennai, India. Though small, the researchers believe, this study can make a significant contribution to the field of special education. They also suggest that further wider researches may be conducted with larger sample size by including rural India too so as to reveal a broader picture on this topic.

Mapping the Challenges in Distance Learning for Students with Disabilities during Covid-19 Pandemic: Survey of Special Education Teachers


The rapid spread of the Covid-19 virus has had an impact on various aspects of life, such as the economy, education, and socialisation. One of the social distancing policies in the field of education is the application of distance learning at the preschool, primary school, secondary school, special school, and college education levels. Its implementation has led to challenges for teachers, students, and parents, especially students with disabilities (SWD). The purpose of this study is to identify the challenges faced by the special education teachers (SETs) who have been providing distance learning for children with special needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study was conducted using a survey method by distributing questionnaires via Google Forms to 226 SETs in Indonesia. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics. The results show that most of the SETs (66%) stated that they had faced barriers to distance learning that came from parents, students, and other teach...

The Examination of the Opinions of Parents with Children Who Have Special Needs Regarding the Distance Education Process

International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 2021

Program. Special education in the fields of study is also phonological awareness and inclusion education. Önder Baltacı is an assistant professor in Kırşehir Ahi Evran University Guidance and Psychological Counseling Program. His areas of study are psychological counseling and guidance, but also psychological tests, technology addiction and school counseling. Ömer Faruk Akbulut is an MA student at Necmettin Erbakan University Program of Guidance and Psychological Counseling. His areas of work are basically psychological counseling and guidance, as well as technology addiction, child psychology and school counseling.

Online Learning of Students with Special Needs: Teachers' Perspectives

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education , 2022

The COVID-19 quarantine has affected educational systems in Georgia and all over the world, forcing to transform curriculum into an online format, which is a challenge for all the educational process participants. While online learning quickly became the default solution globally because of school closures, it was not the most accessible choice for the students with special needs. The aim of the research is to study the implementation of online learning of students with special needs amid the COVID-19 pandemic and investigates the challenges experienced by teachers during this period. Within the qualitative research in-depth interviews with selected practicing teachers were conducted. The vast majority of respondents are in favor of classroom lessons, as it helps the child to develop social skills, and due to the diversity of resources - motor skills, face-to-face communication, collaborative learning, physical contacts are extremely important for pupils with special educational needs. Some students do not have access to technological equipment and the Internet and were unable to use online learning platforms. Distance learning has increased the involvement of parents in the teaching process. students with disabilities need confidence in the accessibility of the online learning tools that are becoming increasingly prevalent in education not only because of COVID-19 but also more generally. Educational technologies will be more accessible if they consider the learning context, and are designed to provide a supportive environment.

Students with Special Needs in Digital Classrooms during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey

Pedagogical Research, 2021

In this study, the aim is to examine how special education provided for students within inclusive education has continued at home during the pandemic. This study has employed phenomenology as the research method because this design enables researchers to make in-depth analysis and description. Purposeful sampling method was utilized to determine the participants of the study. Research participants consists of 15 voluntary parents of students with special needs who continued their education through inclusive education conducted in general education classes. Participating parents' children were between 9-to-14 years of age and were studying at a grade between the 3 rd and 8 th grades. Research data have been collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by inductive method. research results have shown that all students, including those with special needs, have continued their schooling via distance education provided by Turkish Ministry of National Education through EBA TV and the official website of the Ministry. In addition, participants have reported that some teachers conducted online lessons and shared worksheets with all students via the WhatsApp group. However, several issues of concern have also been noted as follows: students with special needs could not follow the lessons on TV regularly, many of them did not attend online lessons, and their teachers did not give feedback about their activities. Moreover, none of the students with special needs received support education services, and there was no communication and cooperation among teachers, families, and students. Furthermore, the findings have indicated that children were unwilling and unable to adapt to distance education.