Effect of Fiber Orientation Angle on the Energy Absorption Characteristics of Composite Tubes Effect of Fiber Orientation Angle on the Energy Absorption Characteristics of Composite Tubes (original) (raw)
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Effect of Fiber Orientation Angle on the Energy Absorption Characteristics of Composite Tubes
Engineering and Technology Journal
The purpose of the paper is to present a study of the effect of the ply orientation angle on the crushing behavior, energy absorption, specific energy absorption, and failure mode of woven glass fiber/polyester laminated composite tube. Glasspolyester tubular specimens with circular cross-sectional geometry and (+45˚/-45˚, +60°/-30°, 0°/90°) fiber orientation angles were fabricated and crushed by quasistatic test under the same condition to examine the energy absorption characteristics and to calculate the crashworthiness parameters. The loaddisplacement curves of the tested tubes were presented and described; several failure modes of the crushed tubes were observed and discussed. It has been found that the fiber orientation angle has a considerable effect on the crushing characteristic of the collapsed tubes and the failure mode, and (0°/90°) fiber orientation angle tubes exhibit the highest SEA (specific energy absorption) 33.108 kJ/kg, crush force efficiency (0.7), crush strain relation (0.81) and a load/deformation curve closer to the ideal curve than the other specimens.
The energy absorption capacity of a sequence of axially crushed composite tubes fabricated from high tow count filament glass fiber with different number of layers (4, 6, 8, and 10 layers), is to determine the viability of with considering the use of such fibers in automotive applications. To that end, glass-epoxy tubular specimens with circular cross-sectional geometry and 0/90° orientation fibers were fabricated and crushed statically to examine the energy absorption characteristics and to calculate the crushworthiness parameters. Three specimens were cut from each of these tubes. Twelve specimens were crushed statically by using INSTRON machine. In order to characterize the tubes and specimens, a number of measurements were taken. These measurements included wall thickness, cross-sectional dimensions, volume, and mass. Two important energy absorption measures were examined: the specific energy absorption (SEA) and the load ratio to the average load. The number of layers had a significant effect on the energy absorption.
This paper presents the quasi-static crushing performance of nine different geometrical shapes of small-scale composite tubes. The idea is to understand the effect of geometry, dimension and triggering mechanism on the progressive deformation of small-scale composite tubes. Different geometrical shapes of the composite tubes have been manufactured by hand lay-up technique using uni-directional E-glass fabric (with single and double plies) and polyester resin. Dedicated quasi-static tests (144 tests) have been conducted for all nine geometrical shapes with different t/D (thickness to diameter) ratios and two triggering profiles (45 ⁰ chamfering and tulip pattern with an included angle of 90 ⁰ ). From this unique study, it was found that the crushing characteristics and the corresponding energy absorption of the special geometrical shapes are better than the standard geometrical shapes such as square and hexagonal cross sections. Furthermore, the tulip triggering attributed to a lower peak crush load followed by a steady mean crush load compared to the 45 ⁰ chamfering triggering profile which resulted into a higher energy absorption in most of the geometrical shapes of the composite tubes.
Energy Systems And Crushing Behavior Of Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials
Effect of geometry on crushing behavior, energy absorption and failure mode of woven roving jute fiber/epoxy laminated composite tubes were experimentally studied. Investigations were carried out on three different geometrical types of composite tubes (circular, square and radial corrugated) subjected to axial compressive loading. It was observed in axial crushing study that the load bearing capability is significantly influenced by corrugation geometry. The influence of geometries of specimens was supported by the plotted load – displacement curves of the tests.
Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2009
The crush ing be hav ior of com pos ite tubes in ax ial im pact load ing is in ves ti gated. Tubes of cir cu lar and rect angu lar cross sec tion are sim u lated us ing an LS-DYNA soft ware. The ef fect of fi ber ori en ta tion on the en ergy ab sorbed in lam i nated com pos ite tubes is also stud ied. The re sults ob tained show that rect an gu lar tubes absorb less en ergy than cir cu lar ones, and their max i mum crush ing load is also lower. The com pos ite tubes with a [+ -q q] lay-up con fig u ra tion ab sorb a min i mum amount of en ergy at q = 15°. The sim u la tion re sults for a rect an gu lar com pos ite tube with a [+30/-30] lay-up con fig u ra tion are com pared with avail able ex per i men tal data. Cy lin dri cal com pos ite tubes fab ri cated from wo ven glass/poly es ter com pos ites with dif fer ent lay-ups were also tested us ing a drop-weight im pact tester, and very good agree ment be tween ex per i men tal and numer i cal re sults is achieved.
Polymer Composites, 2019
The efficacy of woven jute-polyester (JP) composite tubes as structural energyabsorbing countermeasures has been explored in the current study. In this connection, the behaviors of 3-ply and 4-ply JP composite tubes of square and double-hat shaped sections subjected to axial quasi-static and impact loads are considered, and compared with 4-ply glass-polyester (GP) tubes of similar geometric configurations. Initially, basic mechanical characterization of JP laminates is carried out using a Universal Testing Machine, which is followed up with axial quasi-static and drop-weight impact testing of JP tubes, along with similar tests carried out on GP tubes. A thorough comparison is made between the performances including failure patterns of JP and GP components under axial loading using metrics such as peak load, mean crush load, absorbed energy, and specific energy absorption (SEA). As many structural applications involve dynamic bending loads, a comparative study is carried out between double-hat JP and GP components subjected to transverse impact loading. Based on the competitive values of mean load and SEA yielded by jutecomposite tubes in the present study for axial impact loading, and high mean load and moderate energy absorption till failure recorded by similar components under three-point impact bending, it can be concluded that JP tubes can be capable of supporting impact loads under both axial and bending modes.
The crushing response of braided and CSM glass reinforced composite tubes
Composite Structures, 2001
Results from an experimental and analytical study on the behavior of braided and continuous strand mat (CSM) glass ®ber composite tubes under quasi-static crush conditions are presented. The composite tubes have an initiator plug introduced at one open end (chamfered) while the other end is clamped. This procedure causes the tube to`¯are' outwards into fronds and results in the progressive failure of the tube in the axial and hoop directions without global tube buckling. Axial force and axial displacements are measured during these tests in order to assess energy absorption. In addition, readings from strain gages that are placed at critical locations on the tube walls are used to understand the state of strain and stress on the tube walls away from the crush end. During a crush test, the axial load ascended to a maximum value and subsequently settled to a plateau value about which the load oscillated during the progressive crushing of the tube. Oscillations remained small for CSM tubes while the braided ones had larger and more distinct periodicity. Results from an analytical model that best simulates the failure of these tubes are presented. The model is based on an axisymmetric formulation of the cylindrical shell equations in conjunction with ideas from classical fracture mechanics and continuum damage mechanics. Ó
This research was aimed to study the effect of fiber orientation and stacking sequence of hybrid tube subjected to axial impact. The specimens were composite AL/GFRP, made of circular aluminum tubes and wrapped with 1, 2 or 3 layers of E-glass/polyester. The specimens were manufactured by hand lay-up technique in vacuum bag. Different ply angles of GFRP fiber which are 0°, 45°and 90°and their combination were applied. Various stacking sequence of GFRP layers were used, forming different types of specimen. Specimens were tested using a vertical impact testing machine with a 30 kg hammer dropped from 2.43 m height to strike the specimens. The results revealed that hybrid tube of AL/GFRP can resist higher impact load than AL tube. The stacking sequence and fiber orientation were found to have influence on failure mode and hence the crashworthiness behavior of specimens. Keeping 90°of fiber ply angle in the outer layer of specimen could to provide highest maximum and also mean loads. The collapse mechanism of each tube was examined in detailed and mode of collapse was also discussed. FEA simulation by ABAQUS μ was also used for detailed investigation and compared to experiment. Good agreement was achieved.
AIMS Materials Science, 2019
Experimental studies were undertaken to investigate the effect of reinforced fibre hybridization on the crushing characteristics of quasi-static laterally compressed cylindrical composite tubes. Woven glass fibre (GF) and woven bombyx mori fibre (B.mori) were used as reinforcements and industrial epoxy was used as the matrix material to fabricate the reinforced hybrid composite specimen. Three sets of specimen were fabricated, (1) glass fibre/epoxy (2) B.mori fibre/epoxy and (3) GF/B.mori/epoxy hybrid composite, to clearly ascertain the effect of reinforced fibre hybridization. Load-displacement curves and specimen's deformation histories were used to analyze energy absorption and load carriability. The length of each specimen was 80 mm, three specimens were tested from each set and an average value recorded. Generally, the results showed that the hybrid composite tube specimen performed better when compared with the other tubes.