Monumental art as a means of constructing historical memory in Soviet Ukraine (original) (raw)
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Memory Factories: Professional Photography in Kyiv, 1850-1918
Text and Image: Essential Problems in Art History
The article deals with the early history of photographic industry in Kyiv as a complex cultural phenomenon. Special attention is focused on the portrait photography as a 'technology of memory'. It involves methods of social history of art, prosopography and visual anthropology. The study is based on the wide scope of archival documents, including the correspondence of publishing facilities inspector, who supervised the photographic activity in Kyiv from 1888 to 1909. By the early 20 th century, making, collecting, displaying and exchanging the photographic portraits became an important memorial practice for townspeople throughout the world. In the pre-WWI Kyiv dozens of ateliers produced photographic portraits in large quantities. While the urbanization and economic growth boosted migration activity and washed out traditional family and neighborhood networks, the photography provided an instrument for maintaining emotional connections between people. The author emphasizes the role of a professional photographer who acted as a maker of 'memory artifacts' for individuals and families and, therefore, established aesthetic standards for their private visual archives. It is stated that the professional photography played a noticeable role in modernization and westernization of Kyiv. With its relatively low barrier to entry, it provided a professionalization opportunity for women, representatives of the lower social classes or discriminated ethnic groups (such as Poles after the January Insurrection, and Jews). While working in a competitive environment, photographers had to adopt new technologies, improve business processes and increase their own educational level. At the same time, their artistic freedom was rather limited. The style of photographic portrait was inherited from the Eighteen and Nineteen-century academic art, so it is usually hard to distinguish photographic portraits made in Kyiv or in any other European city of that period. Body language of models, their clothing and personal adornments as well as studio decorations and accessories aimed to construct the image of successful individuals, faithful friends, closely tied family members with their own strictly defined social roles etc. The old-fashioned style of the early twentieth century portraiture shaped the visual aesthetics of photographic portrait that was noticeable enough even several decades later.
The Ukrainian Cultural Heritage in Kyiv Painting of the 1990S
Young Scientist, 2019
Національна академія образотворчого мистецтва та архітектури УКРАЇНСЬКА КУЛЬТУРНА СПАДЩИНА У КИЇВСЬКОМУ ЖИВОПИСІ 1990-Х РОКІВ Анотація. У статті окреслюються ключові напрями національної української культури, до яких зверталися київські художники наприкінці ХХ століття. На прикладі творів художників різних стильових напрямків підтверджується значний вплив культурного спадку на формування нового мистецтва. Наведені зразки дозволяють окреслити теми, до яких художники зверталися особливо часто. Це фольклор, доба Київської Русі, козацтво та українське бароко в цілому, християнські традиції православ'я, первісне мистецтво, особливо кам'яні ідоли, а також такі художні промисли, як вишивка, килимарство, гончарство. Розглянуті твори доводять, що митці різних поколінь свідомо прагнули посилити зв'язки між новим українським мистецтвом незалежної держави та культурними надбаннями попередніх віків. Ключові слова: київський живопис, національні традиції, живопис доби незалежності, київські художники.
City History, Culture, Society, 2017
The article examines the place and role of museum institutions in the legal, cultural activities of representatives of the Ukrainian national movement of the Russian Empire in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The author considers that in the absence of Ukrainian state and Russian imperial policy, which denied the existence of a separate Ukrainian people, the official, authorized institutions enabled the representatives of the Ukrainian creative intelligentsia a legitimate way to spread the idea of a "Ukrainian project" of nation-building. The author agrees that in promoting this project, Ukrainophiles actively used "invention of traditions" (by Eric Hobsbaum) - cultural practices of a ritual or symbolic nature that were intended to express community belonging and impart specific values and behaviours. In particular: life, traditional Ukrainian clothing, a celebration of anniversaries of outstanding events or anniversaries significant for the...
This study sets out the results of media effects experiment of two historical documentaries, conducted within joint research project "Broadcasting History in the Transnational Space" by the Vienna University and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv researchers' team. The main objectives of the study were to explore the impact of Holocaust and Holodomor documentaries on personal traits changing, psychological inclinations, as well as on representations of historical issues. Juergen Grimm's model "Multidimensional-Imparting-of-History" (MIH) was used for assessing imparting history. The method of modelling was the basic method used during the research. It covers empirical indices of humanitarian values, national identity as well as European and Asian identification. Total of 185 student volunteers (1st to 3rd year of studies at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) were involved in the experiment. Students watched two documentaries about two major historical tragedies of the 20th century: Holocaust (Genocide of Jews) in Europe during 1939-1945 and Holodomor (Great Artificial Famine) in Ukraine during 1932-1933. Before and after being exposed to the documentaries, students filled out a questionnaire that included social-identity, national-identity as well as psychological parts. The main finding of the experiment is the students' significant predilection to compromise and reduce conflictive and aggression traits. Under the impact of both documentaries, we observed the growth of the disposition for transnational and trans-ethnic community-building (Communi-tas Skills) and general tendency towards cosmopolitan problem-solving and commitment for universal human rights (Political Humanitas).
National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts Herald
Мета дослідження полягає у виявленні культурного значення міських фортифікаційних споруд на українських теренах, що належали Російській імперії. Методологія дослідження включає використання загальних логічних методів наукового пізнання: аналізу, синтезу, аналогії, а також спеціальних історичних дослідницьких методів: генетичного, що застосовувався для виявлення причинно-наслідкових зв'язків між подіями та явищами, і порівняльного-для з'ясування загального та особливого в історичних процесах; крім того, важливим методологічним принципом дослідження є культурна контекстуалізація фортифікаційних пам'яток, себто ставлення до них як до складника міського культурного ландшафту. Наукова новизна статті розкривається у тому, що в ній досліджено перетворення українських фортифікаційних споруд з суто військових об'єктів на історико-культурні пам'ятки. Висновок. З другої половини XVIII ст. в українських землях, які перебували у складі Російської імперії, поширилася концепція «відкритого міста», звільненого від укріплень, що призвело до знищення значної частини міських фортифікаційних споруд. Проте завдяки розвитку впродовж ХІХ ст. археологічної науки фортифікаційні пам'ятки були оцінені як важлива частина культурної спадщини та складник міського культурного ландшафту, вартий дослідження і збереження. Важливу роль у цій справі з кінця ХІХ ст. відігравали наукові товариства. Ключові слова: фортифікаційні споруди, наукові товариства, охорона історико-культурної спадщини. Иванюк Олег Леонидович, кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры истории Украины Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко; Ковалев Евгений Аркадьевич, кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры истории Украины Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко Фортификационные сооружения в культурном контексте: украинский опыт (раннее новое время и ХІХ ст.) Цель исследования заключается в выявлении культурного значения городских фортификационных сооружений, располагавшихся на украинских землях, принадлежавших Российской империи. Методология исследования включает использование общих логических методов научного познания: анализа, синтеза, аналогии, а также специальных исторических исследовательских методов: генетического, применявшегося для выявления причинно-следственных связей между событиями и явлениями, и сравнительного-для выяснения общего и особенного в исторических процессах; кроме того, важным методологическим принципом исследования является культурная контекстуализация фортификационных памятников, то есть отношение к ним как к части городского культурного ландшафта. Научная новизна статьи раскрывается в том, что в ней исследована трансформация украинских фортификационных сооружений из собственно военных объектов в историко-культурные памятники. Вывод. Со второй половины XVIII в. на Украину, входившую в состав Российской империи, распространилась концепция «открытого города», свободного от укреплений, что стало причиной уничтожения значительной части городских фортификационных сооружений. Но благодаря развитию в течение ХІХ в. археологической науки фортификационные памятники были оценены как важная часть исторического наследия и элемент городского культурного ландшафта, достойный изучения и сохранения. Важную роль в этим деле с конца ХІХ в. играли научные общества. Ключевые слова: фортификационные сооружения, научные общества, охрана историко-культурного наследия.
Images of the Past, Memorial Paradigm and “Memory's Historiography” in Modern Russia
Istoriâ, 2015
The paper analyzes the main trends and special features of theoretical and concrete historical memory studies in the current Russian historiography. The formation of the transdisciplinary memorial paradigm and history of memory in Russia is considered in the context of methodological turns and epistemological innovations of the late 20th – early 21st cc. Special attention is paid to the studies of cultural mechanisms of formation, translation and actualization of the images of the past, problems of symbolical and discourse representation of social and historical experience, historical myths of national memory and history of historical culture.
А.З. Бейсенов, В.В. Варфоломеев, А. Касеналин. Monuments Begazy-Dandybay culture Central Kazakhstan
The outstanding scientist of Kazakhstan in XX c. Alikey Margulan contributed a lot to the discovery and studies of Begazy-Dandybay culture in Central Kazakhstan. Central Kazakhstan Archaeological Expedition of the Science Academy of Kazakhstan was organized by him. Since 1946 the expedition carried out its long-term field studies in the territory of the region. Such archaeologists as Abdulmanap Orazbayev, Kemal Akishev, Mir Kadyrbayev and others joined the expedition. Due to the efforts made by these people numerous bright monuments have been investigated in the steppes of Central Kazakhstan. The discovery of Begazy-Dandybay culture is one of the important results of this work. Since the mid-1970s. Margulan began his research in Central Kazakhstan Karaganda archaeological center, which located in the building of Karaganda State University. One of the important results of this research is the opening of settlements of Kent proto-type. Currently, basic researches are carried out by experts from A. Margulan Institute of Archaeology (Almaty) and Karaganda State University. On the territory of Central Kazakhstan numerous burials of Begazy-Dandybay culture are known. More than 130 burials from more than 30 cemeteries were studied. Based on the size and characteristics of the construction the burials are divided into two main groups. The first group is the most numerous and combines small burials. These are the graves of the ordinary population. Often these are small stone boxes, enclosed by square or circular fence. The second group comprises large burial structures, where the representatives of ruling elite were buried. We know 18 such monuments, they are called mausoleums. These mausoleums can be met in cemeteries Begazy, Dandybay, Sangyru-1, Bugyly-3, Aibas-Darasy and others. Numerous imported vessels were found in mausoleums. Different weapons and jewelery were revealed as well. The tombs are located in places where there are deposits of copper ore. Perhaps, one of the sources of clan leaders’ wealth was control over the extracted ore and metal distribution. Begazy-Dandybay culture can be characterized by menhirs set in the vicinities of the large mounds. A. Margulan found about 100 menhirs, most of which could be preserved. The settlements are an important category of monuments of Begazy-Dandybay culture. At least 48 settlements of this culture are now known in Central Kazakhstan. Archaeological excavations were carried out on majority of them. The most numerous group No.1 can be represented by settlements the area of which is about 0,5 hectares. Settlements of the group No.II are characterized by their larger sizes, their area is 7–20 thousands m2, which hosted from 10 to 30 buildings. Qualitatively different settlements are proto-urban settlements, which have from 40 to 100 buildings and their area is Arman Z. Beisenov, Victor V. Varfolomeev, Aibar Kassenalin BEgAZy-DAnDyBAy MonuMEnts In CEntrAl KAZAKhstAn ABstrACt 188 from 3 to 30 hectares (Myrzhyk, Bugyly I, Shortandybulak, Kent). Conventionally, they are called settlements of Kent type. In addition to the size, number of buildings, presence of industrial metals Kent settlement blocks have a high density of findings made of bronze, bone, stone, ceramics. In this respect, the materials of the Kent settlement are important. Only in the excavation area No.6 with the area of 612 m2 7012 artifacts were found. These are 59 bronze items, 208 objects of bone and horn, 6 ceramics and 158 stone objects. The rest 6582 are presented by fragments of pottery vessels. Three imported chronological groups of pottery and small complex ceramic fragments are allocated. The cultural layer of the excavation in the excavation No.6 is the second half XIV–XI cc. BC. Two categories of dishes were distinguished in the monuments of Begazy-Dandybay culture: substrate and superstrate. Substrate type includes dishes of the group I. In another way, this is type of Sargary dishes. People of Begazy-Dandybay culture used them daily. On the basis of the three chronological subgroups of ceramics three stages in the history of Begazy- Dandybay culture were allocated: early, middle – Kent, and later – Dongal. In addition to this, local ceramics in large settlements and cemeteries of the ruling elite includes superstrate, i. e. imported kitchenware. In the category of imported pottery prevail dishes originating from the territory of Andronov cultures of West Siberia (groups IV–IX). A very small number of dishes similar to ceramic of Central Asian cultures of Namazga VI time (Group II and III) was revealed. Archaeological materials characterize Begazy-Dandybay culture as an association with a highly developed economy based on cattle breeding, industry, exchange of goods. Judging from the available materials rather strong connections were primarily developed with the agricultural centers of Central Asia, tribes of Western Siberia, Southern Ural. It is a society for the conditions of arid steppes which was highly developed socially. The processes of class formation and the formation of an early form of statehood took place in the society. Begazy-Dandybay culture was the forerunner of culture of the early Iron Age. It has influenced the process of development of many cultures of the early Saka era in the regions of Kazakhstan. On the basis of complex materials the date of Begazy-Dandybay culture in the second half of the II millennium BC – X cc. BC was justified.
History of the Russian province in the memorial culture: political construction
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Istoriya, 2017
Представляется взгляд на практики работы с культурной памятью в современной российской провинции. В условиях постепенного ухудшения социально-экономической конъюнктуры именно провинция оказывается наиболее уязвимым пространством с точки зрения социальной и политической стабильности. Провинциальные политические элиты начинают испытывать дефицит смыслов, что в итоге сказывается на их легитимности. Отсюда кажется объяснимой попытка обращения власти к нарративам, позволяющим обеспечить широкий общественный консенсус. Подобные нарративы присутствуют в истории России и СССР, что моментально способствует их актуализации в новых практиках коммеморации. Автор убеждён, что правильно сконструированное мемориальное пространство может наделить правящую элиту дополнительными возможностями для политической легитимации. Ключевые слова: власть; культурная память; культура; легитимация; провинция.