Pemenuhan Hak Investor pada Obligasi di Pasar Modal Ditinjau dari Peraturan Pasar Modal (original) (raw)

Pemenuhan Hak Investor pada Obligasi di Pasar Modal Ditinjau dari Peraturan Pasar Modal

One of the roles of the Capital Market in Indonesia is as a vehicle for investment for the community. The public, which in this case are investors, can channel their funds to securities traded in the Capital Market, one of which is bonds with the type of medium-term bonds or MediumTerm Notes (MTN). In fact, investing in bonds in the Capital Market is not only profitable for investors, but is also faced with the risk of loss, including because of the PKPU decision filed by a third party against the issuer, which then results in the non-fulfillment of investors' rights. This study examines the fulfillment of investors' rights in investing in bonds in the Capital Market, where the fulfillment of these rights is constrained because the issuer of bonds received a PKPU decision requested by a third party. This study uses a normative juridical approach with qualitative descriptive-analytical specifications. The results show that the rights of investors in investing in MTN bonds according to the trusteeship contract as outlined in the bond issuance prospectus are to get payment of principal and bonds payable, but in fact investors do not get the right to payment of principal and interest of the 6 bonds because of the PKPU decision to issuers.