Бугров Д.Г. Погребение женщины-"ремесленницы" из Тетюшского II могильника // Материалы краеведческих чтений, посвященных 135-летию Общества естествоиспытателей при КГУ и 110-летию со дня рождения М.Г.Худякова. - Казань: РИЦ "Школа", 2004. - С.77-92. (original) (raw)
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A. V. Mastykova, G. L. Zemtsov A «princely» female burial in the Mukhino-2 settlement from the Hunnic period in the upper reaches of the River Don Abstract. This article focuses attention on female burial № 1 discovered in the multilevel settlement of Mukhino-2 (Zadonsk District of the Lipetsk Region) on the left bank of the River Snova not far from the point where it flows into the River Don (Fig. 1). The burial from Mukhino contained a striking range of grave goods: facings made of gold leaf of various shapes and gold long beads; a metal lunular pendant, a mirror, a toilet set, tweezers and a bracelet; an iron knife faced with embossed gold leaf; glass and amber beads (Figs 3–4). A range of female jewellery of this kind complete with gold appliques would have originated from the North Pontic region. The burial numbers among the «princely» finds from the Hunnic period. The burial from the Mukhino-2 settlement can be dated to either the end of the D2 period or to the beginning of the D2/D3 period of «barbarian» European chronology, i.e. to approximately 430–450 AD. Anthropological examination of the skeletal remains has revealed that they belong to a woman aged between 20 and 29. The absence of any enamel hypolplasia of teeth shows that her childhood had been a fairly prosperous one. Atomic absorption analysis made it possible to assume that the woman had spent most of her life in rather arid landscapes. This is still the only «princely» burial from the Hunnic period which has been found in the upper reaches of the Don. It substantially changed our ideas about the spread of prestigious cultures centred on «leaders» of the Untersiebenbrunn type. Keywords: Hunnic period, Untersiebenbrunn horizon, «princely» female burial, Late Classical centres of the North Pontic zone.
The paper considers Burial 1 found at the multilayer settlement Mukhino 2 (Zadonsky District of Lipetsk Oblast) on the left bank of the river Snova not far from its infl ow into the Don. The anthropological examination of the skeleton remains has shown that they belonged to a woman 20–29 years old. The burial contains grave goods typical of those of the “barbarian” nobility of the Hun Age which implies a high social status of the buried woman. Her attire corresponds to the cultural tradition of the sedentary population of the late classical centres of the North Black Sea region. Judging from the set of grave goods, the Mukhino burial can be dated to the late period D2 – early period D2/D3 of the “barbarian” European chronology, i.e. ca. AD 430–450. The morphological characteristics of the postcranial skeleton of the buried woman are indicative of her gracility. The skeleton shows a certain similarity with Sarmatian and Alan female samples from the “elite plots” of the Klin-Yar cemetery. The isotopic and elemental analyses show that animal protein was not prevailing in the diet of the buried woman while plants of the photosynthesis type C4 (probably millet) made up a signifi cant part of it which can be interpreted as a marker of sedentary life. This suggestion can be further confi rmed by the results of the paleobotanical study of samples from the sites of the entire region. The set of markers revealed by the examination of the skeleton remains is indicative of the southern origin of the buried woman.
S. S. Zozulya, V. N. Sedykh. The history of investigation of the kurgan burial ground near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo. To the 150th anniversary of the studies at the site // Archaeological news. 39. Saint-Petersburg, 2023. P. 267–278. The history of the investigation of the burial ground near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo in Yaroslavl Oblast begins on May 25, 1972, with excavations of the Finnish researcher Johannes Reinhold Aspelin who uncovered two mounds (Fig. 1). By the 150th anniversary of the ÿrst archaeological explorations it seems necessary to sum up some results of the investigations of the necropolis. Following J. Aspelin, a search for Merya skulls was conducted in the beginning of the august of 1878 by A. I. Kelsiyev for the Anthropological Exhibition expected in Moscow. He exca-vated 34 burials (Fig. 2, 1). Fairly scarce information is available about two interments near the western edge of the cemetery excavated on August 15, 1887, by participants of the VII Archaeological Congress in Yaroslavl (Fig. 2, 2). Fourteen kurgans were explored on August 22–25 of 1900 by the prominent Yaroslavl researcher I. A. Tikhomirov (Fig. 3, 1). ¡e mounds of two burials were excavated in 1908 by I. S. Abramov (Fig. 3, 2); one burial was investigated by the lieutenant colonel I. M. Novitskiy on September 2, 1912, and two other kurgans — on May 3 of 1913 (Fig. 3, 3). ¡e last pre-war works were investigations by Ya. V. Stankevich who excavated 26 burials in 1938–1939 (Fig. 4, 1). Two stages of the explorations by an expedition headed by M. V. Fechner from the State Historical Museum (Mos-cow) came to be the most extensive works over the entire history of the studies of the necropolis: 282 mounds were excavated in 1959–1961 and still other 96 in 1974–1978 (Fig. 4, 2). In 1973, 1976 and 1984–1990, the investigations in the territory of the burial ground were conducted by an expedition of the Leningrad State University under the direction of I. V. Dubov, later under V. N. Sedykh (Fig. 5, 1, 2). In total, 17 burials had been excavated including the kurgans disturbed by tillage (Fig. 6). Thus by now we possess data on 480 kurgans investigated over the entire history of the excavations of the cem-etery near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo (Table 1). ¡e absolute majority of the mounds are localized in the plan drawn in 1959 and supplemented during the subsequent years (Fig. 7). Despite the so long history of the studies at the necropolis, the large-scale excavations of 1960–1970s, the inclusion of the site into the administrative area of the modern city of Yaroslavl and the active economic development of this territory, the burial ground near the former village of Bolshoye Timerevo still has good perspectives for archaeological exploration.
Могильник Шантимес представляет собой разновременный памятник, на погребальной пло-щадке которого визуально зафиксированы 19 сооружений, среди них выделяется гигантская четы-рехугольная каменная платформа и расположенные по ее периметру округлые жертвенники, дати-рованные финальной бронзой, а также небольшие каменные курганы раннего железного века, один из которых был исследован в 2016 г. экспедицией Сарыаркинского археологического института. Он представлял собой каменную насыпь диаметром около 4,5 м с кольцевой крепидой из крупных кам-ней. В центральной части сооружения было выявлено погребение, совершенное в грунтовой яме, на дне которой расчищен костяк женщины 18–25 лет, уложенной в вытянутом положении на спине и ориентированной головой на юго-запад. Инвентарь захоронения довольно беден: металлическая серьга из проволоки, клык животного, а также фрагменты кожаного пояска с восемью металлически-ми вставками восьмеркообразной формы, найденные в области тазовых костей. Погребальный обряд и обнаруженные вещи имеют определенные аналогии в культурах ранне-го железного века. Предварительная датировка была уточнена радиоуглеродным анализом, результа-ты которого позволяют отнести захоронение к кругу раннетасмолинских памятников (1-я половина VIII – 2-я половина VI в. до н.э.). Ключевые слова: ранний железный век, могильник, погребение, радиоуглеродное датирование.