In-Patient Perceptions, Needs, Expectations and Satisfaction within Tertiary Care Settings (original) (raw)
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Main aim of this study is to identify barriers and critical success factors, which are affecting the level of patients' satisfaction. Previous studies show that the Perception of the quality of care and patients' satisfaction has the associations and there are bareirers which are affecting level of satisfaction. The patients were selected randomly and a questionnaire was used to evaluate the health care services provided like:diagnosis services, food services, and billing department services, emergency services, pharmacy services, physical appearance and layout of the hospital. This study concludes that the majority of the patients are satisfied with the services provided by the in-patient department of Aga khan hospital. The strengths of the organization as highlighted by patients must be continuing, on the other hand, some services need more focus, while planning and managing the health care system, like pharmacy and billing department services. The study recommends that the hospital must improve its billing system and should give discount on medicines as well.
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Healthline, Journal of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, 2013
Background: Patients satisfaction is an important component of the health care industry in this competitive modern era. The concept of patient satisfaction is also rapidly changing and the hospitals are using variety of techniques to improve patient care and organizational efficiency. Study Design: The study design was cross-sectional. Methodology: A total of 422 Patients, attending the Out Patient Department of GSMCH, Banur were randomly selected and a questionnaire was developed to evaluate patient satisfaction about the outpatient department services, logistic arrangement in the outpatient departments, perception about the performance of staff, behavior of staff, support service and any other suggestions of patients. Results: 80% patients expected the physicians to discuss their problems with them,100% patients expected to be physically examined.76% respondents expected their physician to be specialist, whereas 09% respondents said that they were unable to judge a physicians clinical competence. Technically competent doctor was rated as the most important attribute of the treating physician for patient satisfaction. Conclusions:In this study, it is found that majority of the patients are satisfied with the services provided. They were satisfied with the guidance, logistic arrangements, support services, nursing care, Doctors consultation etc. and satisfaction is the desired outcome of every hospital.
Patient satisfaction is the critical issue for healthcare providers. Health care organizations are working in a competitive environment. In these days hospital needs to enhance the level of satisfaction if they want to remain in the competition with other hospitals. Patient satisfaction is basically satisfying patients' expectations and understanding their needs. Patients' feedback can affect the overall quality, to improve organizational learning and development agenda and provide an opportunity. The aim of this study was to determine the patient satisfaction at Private hospital of Karachi for the in-patient departments. This study concludes that the majority of the patients are satisfied with the services provided by the in-patient departments of selected Private hospitals of Karachi. Specially, the patients and their attendants' are very much satisfied from Patient ward services, Laboratories services, food services, reception staff services, welfare services & healthcare services provided by the hospitals to the in-patient departments, therefore, this shows significant impact on overall patients' satisfaction. The strengths of the healthcare organizations as highlighted by patients must be continuing. However, some services need more care and focus when overall planning & strategies' will be made for planning & managing the health care system.
World Applied Sciences Journal, (Iran), 2011
Abstract: Madina Teaching Hospital is attached Teaching Hospital of university Medical and Dental College, University of Faisalabad, which provides free of cost medical treatment of the patients. Quality care of patients means as patients who have the opinion that they are satisfied with the health services. This study explores how much the patients are satisfied with facilities given by the hospital as sample for the country. As health facilities, food, nutrition, sanitations and clean drinking water are the factors of Human Resource ...
One of the useful tools with which we can measure a health professional’s performance is the extent to which the patients are satisfied with their treatment or attitude. The modern world has realized and implemented the concept of customer care and customer satisfaction. This has been reflected in the medical world as well. With modern evidence-based medicine and patient care as its two cornerstones, patient care involves a patient-centric approach, in which patient satisfaction from medical care plays an important role [1]. All of these factors account for a change in the paradigm shift in the orthodox manner with which patients are treated and cared for. Emphasis has been placed not only on curing the patient but more on a generalized basis in which other aspects of medical care, for example, patient satisfaction, are as important as the actual cure.
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Authors Dr Chhaya Rajguru, Dr Mukund Paithankar, Dr Nikhil Nishant, Dr Lalit Sankhe Department of Community Medicine, Grant Government Medical College, Mumbai400008 Corresponding Author Dr Lalit Sankhe Email:, Phone no: 09324637080 Abstract Background: Patient satisfaction is considered as one of the desired outcomes of health care and a significant indicator of the health care quality. It is directly related to the utilization of health services. There are many factors which have an impact on patient satisfaction and its knowledge provides the necessary information for designing and implementing programs to satisfy patients. Other industries have been paying attention to customer satisfaction for years. “Health care is the only industry that for years has left the customer out of it. To ignore the customer’s desires is not living with reality” Objectives: The purpose is to study the satisfaction level of patients regarding various services provided in a terti...
A Study on Patient Satisfaction at Out Patient Department in a Private Hospital, Karachi.
ABSTRACT: Patient Satisfaction has emerged as an increasingly important health outcome and it measure all aspects of care provided in a hospital. The real benefit of Patient satisfaction survey is that it provides information about hospital performance. It serves as an indicator, and if the indicator is below the average level, it is signal as well as an opportunity to review practices and determine whether there is a need to make adjustments in current health care practices. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in a hospital setting for the primary purpose of identifying patient satisfaction at various outpatient departments in a private Hospital, Karachi. During the survey period, a total of 140 patients /respondents (after obtaining their consent), were consecutively selected through a pre-tested questionnaire to evaluate their satisfaction with hospital services. Inclusion criteria were patients above 18 years, who returned to OPD after first check –up and visited as follow up treatment. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used for data collection. The methodology was participants’ questionnaire and observation. The sampling was done by convenience sampling method. Data were analyzed on Excel 2007 and interpreted by using frequency distribution (percentage method). The results of this study revealed that majority of the respondents were satisfied with the existing services provided by the outpatient department. Although only a small proportion of patients expressed dissatisfaction with services and care they received. Though, it also reported that there are certain areas which need to be improved like waiting time, the procedure for obtaining or recovering medical records, and shortage of medicines in the pharmacy and cleanliness of washrooms. Further studies are being recommended to support this study.