FCC-ee Dynamic Aperture Studies and Frequency Map Analysis (original) (raw)
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The European Physical Journal Plus, 2022
The beam aperture of a particle accelerator defines the clearance available for the circulating beams and is a parameter of paramount importance for the accelerator performance. At the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the knowledge and control of the available aperture is crucial because the nominal proton beams carry an energy of 362 MJ stored in a superconducting environment. Even a tiny fraction of beam losses could quench the superconducting magnets or cause severe material damage. Furthermore, in a circular collider, the performance in terms of peak luminosity depends to a large extent on the aperture of the inner triplet quadrupoles, which are used to focus the beams at the interaction points. In the LHC, this aperture represents the smallest aperture at top-energy with squeezed beams and determines the maximum potential reach of the peak luminosity. Beam-based aperture measurements in these conditions are difficult and challenging. In this paper, we present different methods...
Dynamic aperture performance for different collision optics scenarios for the LHC luminosity upgrade
The ATS optics solution for the HL-LHC offers the possibility of different collision optics, with a β∗ as small as 10 cm in both transverse planes, or with a β∗ aspect ratio of up to 4 pushing β∗ to even smaller value (5 cm) in the parallel separation plane while relaxing it (20 cm) in the crossing plane. The latter configuration features two possible options for alternative orientations of the crossing plane in the two high luminosity insertions, both considered in this study. In this paper we study the impact of a few selected field imperfection models of the new magnets foreseen for the upgrade through tracking simulations and scaling laws.
Beam-beam effects on the luminosity measurement at FCC-ee
Journal of High Energy Physics
The first part of the physics programme of the integrated FCC (Future Circular Colliders) proposal includes measurements of Standard Model processes in e + e − collisions (FCC-ee) with an unprecedented precision. In particular, the potential precision of the Z lineshape determination calls for a very precise measurement of the absolute luminosity, at the level of 10 −4 , and the precision on the relative luminosity between energy scan points around the Z pole should be an order of magnitude better. The luminosity is principally determined from the rate of low-angle Bhabha interactions, e + e − → e + e − , where the final state electrons and positrons are detected in dedicated calorimeters covering small angles from the outgoing beam directions. Electromagnetic effects caused by the very large charge density of the beam bunches affect the effective acceptance of these luminometers in a nontrivial way. If not corrected for, these effects would lead, at the Z pole, to a systematic bias of the measured luminosity that is more than one order of magnitude larger than the desired precision. In this note, these effects are studied in detail, and methods to measure and correct for them are proposed.
Measuring and optimizing the momentum aperture in a particle accelerator
Physical Review E, 2002
Particle motion in storage rings is confined by various aperture limits, the size of which restricts the performance of the ring in terms of injection efficiency, lifetime, etc. Intrabeam scattering makes particles sweep a large portion of the phase space, where their motion may eventually be resonantly or chaotically excited to large amplitudes leading to collision with the vacuum chamber. We report here the studies performed at the Advanced Light Source ͑ALS͒ on the on-and off-momentum particle motion that provides a good understanding of these limitations. Using off-momentum simulations and experiments together with frequency map analysis, we could precisely correlate beam loss areas with resonance locations. The very good agreement between simulations and experiments allowed us to provide guidance for avoiding these dangerous areas. This analysis results in predictive improvements of the momentum aperture, which actually led to a lifetime increase of 25% at the ALS for very high bunch charge.
First beam-based aperture measurements in the arcs of the CERN Large Hadron Collider
The LHC injection tests performed in August and early September 2008 in preparation for the circulating beam operation provided the first opportunity to measure with beam the mechanical aperture in two LHC sectors (2-3 and 7-8). The aperture was probed by exciting free oscillations and local orbit bumps of the injected beam trajectories. Intensities of a few 10 9 protons were used to remain safely below the quench limit of superconducting magnets in case of beam losses. The methods used to measure the mechanical aperture, the available on-line tools, and beam measurements for both sectors are presented. Detailed comparisons with the expected results from the as-built aperture models are also presented. It is shown that the measurements results are in good agreement with the LHC design aperture.
Experimental Interaction Region Optics for the High Energy LHC
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The High Energy LHC (HE-LHC) is one option for a next generation hadron collider explored in the FCC-hh program. The core concept of the HE-LHC is to install FCC-hh technology magnets in the LHC tunnel. The higher beam rigidity and the increased radiation debris, however, impose severe challenges on the design of the triplet for the low beta insertions. In order to achieve 25 cm β * optics and survive a lifetime integrated luminosity of 10 ab −1 a new longer triplet was designed that provides sufficient shielding and enough beam stay clear. This triplet has been designed using complimentary radiation studies to optimise the shielding that will also be presented. The optics for the rest of the interaction region had to be adjusted in order to host this more rigid beam and longer triplet whilst leaving enough room for crab cavities. Moreover, the effects non-linear errors in this triplet have on the dynamic aperture will be outlined.
Review of Linear Optics Measurements and Corrections in Accelerators
The measurement and correction of optics parameters has been a major concern since the advent of strong focusing synchrotron accelerators. Traditionally, colliders have led the development of methods for optics control based on turn-byturn centroid data, while lepton storage rings have focused on closed-orbit-response techniques. Recently considerable efforts are being invested in comparing these techniques in different light sources and colliders. An emerging class of less invasive optics control techniques based on the optimization of performance related observables is demonstrating a great potential. A review of the existing techniques is presented highlighting comparisons, merits and limitations. THE DAWN OF A NEW DISCIPLINE Perturbations from field imperfections and misalignments became a concern along with the conception of the strong focusing theory in 1957 [1]. However, the assumed approach was to specify design tolerances that would not impact machine performance. For examp...
The mechanical aperture of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a critical parameter for the operation of the machine due to the high stored beam intensities in the superconducting environment. Betatron and momentum apertures must be therefore precisely measured and optimised. In this paper, we present the results of beam-based measurements of the LHC aperture. The experimental results are compared with the expectations from the as-built model of the LHC aperture, taking into account the optics imperfections of the superconducting magnets. The impact of these measurements on various aspects of the LHC operation are also discussed.
Electron Lenses for the Large Hadron Collider
Electron lenses are pulsed, magnetically confined electronbeamswhosecurrent-densityprofileisshapedtoobtain the desired effect on the circulating beam. Electron lenses were used in the Fermilab Tevatron collider for bunch-bybunch compensation of long-range beam-beam tune shifts, for removal of uncaptured particles in the abort gap, for preliminaryexperimentsonhead-onbeam-beamcompensation, andforthedemonstrationofhaloscrapingwith hollow electron beams. Electron lenses for beam-beam compensation are being commissioned in RHIC at BNL. Within the US LHC Accelerator Research Program and the European HiLumi LHC Design Study, hollow electron beam collimationwasstudiedasanoptiontocomplementthecollimation system for the LHC upgrades. A conceptual design was recently completed, and the project is moving towards a technical design in 2014–2015 for construction in 2015–2017, if needed, after resuming LHC operations and re-assessing collimation needs and requirements at 6.5 TeV. Because of their ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2016
Setting up collisions in high energy circular colliders requires beam acceleration and "beta-squeeze". The latter produces small beam sizes, and hence, high luminosity by applying strong focusing with quadrupoles near the interaction points. At the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), these two processes, beam acceleration and beta-squeeze, have been performed simultaneously during recent years. In the past, beam optics correction at RHIC has only taken place at injection and at final energy, with interpolation of corrections partially into the acceleration cycle. Recent measurements of the beam optics during acceleration and squeeze have evidenced significant beta-beats that, if corrected, could minimize undesirable emittance dilutions and maximize the spin polarization of polarized proton beams by avoiding the high-order multipole fields sampled by particles within the bunch. We recently demonstrated beam optics corrections during acceleration at RHIC. As a valuable by-product, these corrections minimized the beta-beat at the profile monitors, so providing more accurate measurements of the evolution of the beam emittances during acceleration.