Postglacial expansion of the southern red-backed vole ( Clethrionomys gapperi ) in North America (original) (raw)

Molecular and morphological perspectives on post-glacial colonization of Clethrionomys rutilus and Clethrionomys gapperi in Southeast Alaska


Pleistocene events had a significant impact on the geographic distributions of high latitude organisms. Recently deglaciated, southeast Alaska has been colonized by two species of red-backed voles, Clethrionomys ru and C. gapper biogeographic histories, post-glacial colonization of C. rutilus and C. gapperi into this region would have occurred by different routes. Variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, the MYH2 nuclear intron, and the post palatal bridge were assessed to examine phylogeographic patterns of these two species, and a proposed contact zone in southeast Alaska. Low, but consistent, levels of sequence divergence of the cytochrome b gene were found among four endemic populations, which corresponded with the complex topography of southeast Alaska. Asymmetrical introgression of the mitochondrial genome diagnostic of C. rutilus was observed in gapperi. Post glacial contact resulting from the retreat of the Cordilleran and Laurentide ice sheets has apparently led to the formation of this hybrid zone.

Phylogeographic structure in long-tailed voles (Rodentia: Arvicolinae) belies the complex Pleistocene history of isolation, divergence, and recolonization of Northwest North America's fauna

Ecology and evolution, 2016

Quaternary climate fluctuations restructured biodiversity across North American high latitudes through repeated episodes of range contraction, population isolation and divergence, and subsequent expansion. Identifying how species responded to changing environmental conditions not only allows us to explore the mode and tempo of evolution in northern taxa, but also provides a basis for forecasting future biotic response across the highly variable topography of western North America. Using a multilocus approach under a Bayesian coalescent framework, we investigated the phylogeography of a wide-ranging mammal, the long-tailed vole, Microtus longicaudus. We focused on populations along the North Pacific Coast to refine our understanding of diversification by exploring the potentially compounding roles of multiple glacial refugia and more recent fragmentation of an extensive coastal archipelago. Through a combination of genetic data and species distribution models (SDMs), we found that hi...

Phylogeography of the narrow-headed vole Lasiopodomys (Stenocranius) gregalis (Cricetidae, Rodentia) inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences: an echo of Pleistocene prosperity

A species-wide phylogeographic study of the narrow-headed vole Lasiopodomys (Stenocranius) gregalis was performed using the mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome b gene. We examined 164 specimens from 50 localities throughout the species distribution range. Phylogeographic pattern clearly demonstrates the division into four major mtDNA lineages with further subdivision. The level of genetic differentiation between them was found to be extremely high even for the species level: about 6–11%. The most striking result of our study is extremely high mutation rate of cytb in L. gregalis. Our estimates suggested its value of 3.1 9 105 that is an order of magnitude higher than previous estimates for Microtus species. The mean estimated time of basal differentiation of the narrow-headed vole is about 0.8 Mya. This time estimate is congruent with the known paleontological record. The greatest mitochondrial diversity is found in Southern Siberia where all four lineages occur; therewith, three of them are distributed exclusively in that area. The lineage that is distributed in south-eastern Transbaikalia is the earliest derivate and exhibits the highest genetic divergence from all the others (11%). It is quite probable that with further research, this lineage will turn out to represent a cryptic species. Spatial patterns of genetic variation in populations of the narrow-headed vole within the largest mt lineage indicate the normal or stepping stone model of dispersal to the north and southwest from the Altay region in Middle Pleistocene. Both paleontological data and genetic diversity estimates suggest that this species was very successful during most of the Pleistocene, and we propose that climate humidification and wide advance of tree vegetation at the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary promoted range decrease and fragmentation fo

Holarctic phylogeography of the root vole (Microtus oeconomus): implications for late Quaternary biogeography of high latitudes

Molecular Ecology, 2003

A species-wide phylogeographical study of the root vole ( Microtus oeconomus ) was performed using the whole 1140 base pair mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome b gene. We examined 83 specimens from 52 localities resulting in 65 unique haplotypes. Our results demonstrate that the root vole is divided into four main mtDNA phylogenetic lineages that seem to have largely allopatric distributions. Net divergence estimates (2.0-3.5%) between phylogroups, as well as relatively high nucleotide diversity estimates within phylogroups, indicate that the distinct phylogeographical structure was initiated by historical events that predated the latest glaciation. European root voles are divided into a Northern and a Central mtDNA phylogroup. The mtDNA data in concert with fossil records imply that root voles remained north of the classical refugial areas in southern Europe during the last glacial period. The currently fragmented populations in central Europe belong to a single mtDNA phylogroup. The Central Asian and the North European lineages are separated by the Ural Mountains, a phylogeographical split also found in collared lemmings ( Dicrostonyx ) and the common vole ( M. arvalis ). The Beringian lineage occurs from eastern Russia through Alaska to northwestern Canada. This distribution is congruent with the traditional boundaries of the Beringian refugium and with phylogeographical work on other organisms. In conclusion, similarities between the phylogeographical patterns in the root vole and other rodents, such as Arctic and subarctic lemmings, as well as more temperate vole species, indicate that late Quaternary geological and climatic events played a strong role in structuring northern biotic communities.

Genetic consequences of Pleistocene glaciations for the tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus) in Beringia

Molecular Ecology, 2004

Repeated glacial events during the Pleistocene fragmented and displaced populations throughout the northern continents. Different models of the effects of these climate-driven events predict distinct phylogeographic and population genetic outcomes for high-latitude faunas. The role of glaciations in (i) promoting intraspecific genetic differentiation and (ii) influencing genetic diversity was tested within a phylogeographic framework using the rodent Microtus oeconomus. The spatial focus for the study was Beringia, which spans eastern Siberia and northwestern North America, and was a continental crossroads and potential high arctic refugium during glaciations. Variation in mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b and control region; 214 individuals) and nuclear DNA (ALDH1 intron; 63 individuals) was investigated across the Beringian region. Close genetic relationships among populations on either side of the Bering Strait are consistent with a history of periodic land connections between North America and Asia. A genetic discontinuity observed in western Beringia between members of a Central Asian clade and a Beringian clade is geographically congruent with glacial advances and with phylogeographic discontinuities identified in other organisms. Divergent island populations in southern Alaska were probably initially isolated by glacial vicariance, but subsequent differentiation has resulted from insularity. Tests of the genetic effects of postglacial colonization were largely consistent with expansion accompanied by founder effect bottlenecking, which yields reduced diversity in populations from recently deglaciated areas. Evidence that populations in the Beringian clade share a history of expansion from a low-diversity ancestral population suggests that Beringia was colonized by a small founder population from central Asia, which subsequently expanded in isolation.

Historical biogeography at the crossroads of the northern continents: molecular phylogenetics of red-backed voles (Rodentia: Arvicolinae)

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2004

Evolutionary relationships of red-backed voles and their relatives were examined and used to test biogeographic hypotheses. Sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were obtained for 25 individuals representing Alticola macrotis, Clethrionomys californicus, C. gapperi, C. glareolus, C. rutilus, and C. rufocanus. These were combined with 21 partial sequences from GenBank for C. regulus, C. rex, C. rufocanus, C. rutilus, Eothenomys imaizumii, E. melanogaster, Phaulomys andersoni, and P. smithii. Complete sequences of three species of Microtus (M. montanus, M. oeconomus, and M. pennsylvanicus), representative species of other arvicoline genera (Myopus, Synaptomys, Arvicola, Ellobius, Ondatra, Lemmus, Dicrostonyx, and Phenacomys), and a sigmodontine representative (Peromyscus) were included as outgroups. We used maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, distance, and Bayesian based methods and conducted statistical tests on proposed hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic histories. A close relationship of species representing the genera Alticola, Clethrionomys, and Eothenomys was supported (Clethrionomyini); however, the genus Clethrionomys was paraphyletic with respect to both Alticola and Eothenomys. Three major clades were identified as Asian (Eothenomys andersoni, E. smithii, C. rex, C. regulus, and C. rufocanus), Trans-beringian (Alticola macrotis, C. californicus, C. gapperi, C. glarelolus, and C. rutilus), and Taiwanese (E. melanogaster). These results are consistent with the fossil record which indicates an initial diversification in Asia followed by colonization of the Nearctic on at least two occasions. The holarctic species, C. rutilus, appears to have either reinvaded Asia from North America or colonized North America more recently (late Pleistocene) than the two species of Clethrionomys (C. gapperi and C. californicus) that are endemic to North America (early to mid-Pleistocene). Finally, C. gapperi, appears to be comprised of an eastern and a western species, the former with affinities to the Asian C. glareolus and the latter more closely related to C. californicus.

Phylogeography of Southern Red-Backed Voles in North America


Climate change has altered species distributions and has lead to species forming as they I ive in isolated refugia. I propose to examine microsatl I ite alleles from the southern red-backed vole (Myodes gapperi) in order to test whether or not previously identified distinct I ineages of these voles can interbreed. If they are no longer interbreeding, this wi I I give us insight on how climate change can affect species distributions and contribute to speciation