Cyrillo-Methodian Papers (original) (raw)
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Bulgarian Cyrillo-Methodian Terminology
Zeszyty Cyrylo-Metodiańskie
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu BULGARIAN CYRILLO-METHODIAN TERMINOLOGY. The paper discusses some of the initial points, mainly in Bulgaria, of the scholarly interest in the achievements of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius. Firstly, the term kirilometodievistika ('Cyrillo-Methodian Studies') is discussed along with its scope and development in Bulgaria. Secondly, special attention is given to the usage of the terms kirilometodievistika, kirilometodievist(i) ('specialist(s) in Cyrillo-Methodian Studies'), Kirilo-Metodiev ('belonging to or associated with Cyril and Methodius'), kirilo-metodievski ('of or relating to the Cyrillo-Methodian Studies'), Kirilov ('belonging to or associated with Cyril'), kirilski ('Cyrillic; of or relating to the study of the life and work of Cyril'), Metodiev ('belonging to or associated with Methodius'), metodievski ('Methodian; of or relating to the study of the life and work of Methodius') and other terms linked to them. Clarification of philological terms and orthographic norms is closely connected to the stages of the establishing of Cyrillo-Methodian Studies as a branch of philology.
В статье рассматривается формирование славянской средневековой книж-ности в связи с Кирилло-Мефодиевским делом. Прослеживается путь славянского пись-менного слова: он начинается в Византии составлением первого славянского алфавита-глаголицы и переводом с греческого богослужебных книг, подготовленных для миссии славянских первоучителей Константина-Кирилла и Мефодия к западным славянам в Мо-равии и Паннонии; продолжается к южным славянам в Болгарии развертыванием бога-той книжной и просветительской деятельности учеников славянских апостолов; позднее расширяется к восточным славянам в Киевско-Новгородской Руси процессом перенесе-ния староболгарских книг. Указана роль Кирилло-Мефодиевского наследия и древнебол-гарской письменности в возникновении и развитии древнерусской литературы. Отмече-ны достижения литературы Slavia Orthodoxa, продолжившей и развившей традиции ви-зантийской культуры, а также создавшей оригинальные произведения. Божий промысел, духовное обновление славянства, разум и мудрость, просвещение как свет и семантический параллелизм пахота-сев-жатва-устойчивые метафоры в средневековой славянской письменности о Кирилле и Мефодии. Ключевые слова: Кирилл и Мефодий, славянская письменность, Византия, Моравия, Паннония, Болгария, Киевская Русь, влияние древнеболгарской литературы на древне-русскую, литературные топосы. The article considers the history of the Slav middle-age booklore formation in connection with the Cyril and Methodius case. The author follows the way of the Slav written word starting with the first Slav vocabulary construction (the Glagolitic alphabet) in Byzantium and translation from Greek of prayer or liturgical books prepared for the mission of the first teachers of Constantine-Cyril and Methodius to the Slav of the West in Moravia and Pannonia; and going on to the Slavs of the East in Kiev-Novgorod Rus by means of old-Bulgarian books translation. The author appreciates the role of Cyril and Methodius heritage and old-Bulgarian alphabetization in creation and development of the old-Russian literature. The author also points out the Slavia Orthodox a literature achievements, which not only continued and developed the traditions of Byzantine culture but created original literary works. Divine providence, spiritual renewal of Slavic, reason and wisdom, enlightenment as light and the semantic parallel plough – sow – harvest are firm metaphors of texts about Cyril and Methodius and Slavic written language in medieval literature of Slavs
Слово и образ. Вопросы изучения христианского литературного наследия
Статья, имеющая обзорный характер, кратко освещает деятельность Археографического кабинета, образованного на базе Библиотеки Московской духовной академии и кафедры филологии Академии, а также очерчивает задачи, поставленные перед его сотрудниками. Представлен макет описания одной из рукописей собрания Библиотеки. В соответствии с ним в обозримом будущем ожидается выпуск полного каталога Евангелий XV-XVII вв. The overview character of the article assumes a brief presentation of the activities of the Archaeographic Laboratory formed on the basis of the Moscow Theological Academy Library and the Department of Philology of the Academy. The article also touches upon the tasks assigned to the employees of the Laboratory. There will be a pilot model for the description of one manuscript from the Library collection. In accordance with this model, a complete Catalogue of the 15th-17th-centuries Gospels is expected to be published in the foreseeable future.
St. Paisius (Velichkovsky) and Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (in Russian)
An attempt to reject the popular scholarly myth that Starec Paisius of Neamţ in 1739 leaved Kyiv-Mohyla Academy due to its “masonic” curriculum. Analysis of his library in Neamţ helps to reassess the relations of St. Paisius with his Alma Mater. Dozens of interesting manuscripts with the works (or commemorations) of St. Demetrius (Tuptalo) of Rostov, St. Arsenios (Maceevych), St. Theodosius of Chernihiv and other alumni of the Academy prove sincere respect of "scuola paisiana" towards the sound theological traditions of Kyiv.
A SERMON ABOUT SS CYRIL AND METHODIUS (To the Point of the Latin Cyrillo-Methodiana in Poland) The article publishes a Latin sermon about SS Cyril and Methodius from a homiletic miscellany of the Bavarian State Library - Munich: Clm 17234, 15th c, ascribed to the famous magister Sczekna from the Jagiellonian University. The author traces out the kinship of this text to the Cyrillo-Methodian legend, named Quemadmodum and defines it as a Quemadmodum short version. She specifies also the need to study other miscellanies of sermons, for instance, those of Nikolai Vaigang and of Nicholas of Bloni, which could result in the discovery of new works dedicated to the Slav Apostles.