Shock Waves in a Hyperelastic Medium (original) (raw)
1972, ZAMM - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
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Shock waves in a mixture of linear elastic materials
Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di Palermo, 1972
Summary This work concerns the behavior of shock waves propagating in a mixture of an isotropic elastic solid and an elastic fluid. The displacement of each constituent are presumed to be small and the resulting field equations are linear. Contrary to the usual behavior of shocks predicted by linear theories, we find that the shock amplitudes are influenced by strain gradients behind the waves. Also, we find that the difference of the amplitude of the shock associated with the solid and that associated with the fluid are damped due to the presence of diffusion, but a certain weighted sum of the amplitudes is unaffected.
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