A micropillar for cavity optomechanics (original) (raw)
Related papers
Physical Review Letters, 2006
We experimentally demonstrate the high-sensitivity optical monitoring of a micro-mechanical resonator and its cooling by active control. Coating a low-loss mirror upon the resonator, we have built an optomechanical sensor based on a very high-finesse cavity (30 000). We have measured the thermal noise of the resonator with a quantum-limited sensitivity at the 10 −19 m/ √ Hz level, and cooled the resonator down to 5 K by a cold-damping technique. Applications of our setup range from quantum optics experiments to the experimental demonstration of the quantum ground state of a macroscopic mechanical resonator.
Cavity optomechanics with ultrahigh-Q crystalline microresonators
Physical Review A, 2010
We present the first observation of optomechanical coupling in ultra-high Q crystalline whisperinggallery-mode (WGM) resonators. The high purity of the crystalline material enables optical quality factors in excess of 10 10 and finesse exceeding 10 6 . Simultaneously, mechanical quality factors greater than 10 5 are obtained, still limited by clamping losses. Compared to previously demonstrated cylindrical resonators, the effective mass of the mechanical modes can be dramatically reduced by the fabrication of CaF2 microdisc resonators. Optical displacement monitoring at the 10 −18 m/ √ Hzlevel reveals mechanical radial modes at frequencies up to 20 MHz, corresponding to unprecedented sideband factors (> 100). Together with the weak intrinsic mechanical damping in crystalline materials, such high sindeband factors render crystalline WGM micro-resonators promising for backaction evading measurements, resolved sideband cooling or optomechanical normal mode splitting. Moreover, these resonators can operate in a regime where optomechanical Brillouin lasing can become accessible. PACS numbers: 42.65.Sf, 42.50.Wk
Beating quantum limits in an optomechanical sensor by cavity detuning
Physical Review A, 2006
We study the quantum limits in an optomechanical sensor based on a detuned high-finesse cavity with a movable mirror. We show that the radiation pressure exerted on the mirror by the light in the detuned cavity induces a modification of the mirror dynamics and makes the mirror motion sensitive to the signal. This leads to an amplification of the signal by the mirror dynamics, and to an improvement of the sensor sensitivity beyond the standard quantum limit, up to an ultimate quantum limit only related to the mechanical dissipation of the mirror. This improvement is somewhat similar to the one predicted in detuned signal-recycled gravitational-waves interferometers, and makes a high-finesse cavity a model system to test these quantum effects.
Observation of Quantum Motion of a Nanomechanical Resonator
Physical Review Letters, 2012
In this work we use resolved sideband laser cooling to cool a mesoscopic mechanical resonator to near its quantum ground state (phonon occupancy 2.6 ± 0.2), and observe the motional sidebands generated on a second probe laser. Asymmetry in the sideband amplitudes provides a direct measure of the displacement noise power associated with quantum zero-point fluctuations of the nanomechanical resonator, and allows for an intrinsic calibration of the phonon occupation number.
Measuring the quantum state of a nanomechanical oscillator
We propose a scheme to measure the quantum state of a nanomechanical oscillator cooled near its ground state of vibrational motion. This is an extension of the nonlinear atomic homodyning technique scheme first developed to measure the intracavity field in a micromaser. It involves the use of a detector-atom that is simultaneously coupled to the cantilever via a magnetic interaction and to (classical) optical fields via a Raman transition. We show that the probability for the atom to be found in the excited state is a direct measure of the Wigner characteristic function of the nanomechanical oscillator. We also investigate the backaction effect of this destructive measurement on the state of the cantilever.
Quantum Effects in Optomechanical Systems
Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol 57, 2009
The search for experimental demonstrations of the quantum behavior of macroscopic mechanical resonators is a fastly growing field of investigation and recent results suggest that the generation of quantum states of resonators with a mass at the microgram scale is within reach. In this chapter we give an overview of two important topics within this research field: cooling to the motional ground state, and the generation of entanglement involving mechanical, optical and atomic degrees of freedom. We focus on optomechanical systems where the resonator is coupled to one or more driven cavity modes by the radiation pressure interaction. We show that robust stationary entanglement between the mechanical resonator and the output fields of the cavity can be generated, and that this entanglement can be transferred to atomic ensembles placed within the cavity. These results show that optomechanical devices are interesting candidates for the realization of quantum memories and interfaces for continuous variable quantum communication networks.
Near-field cavity optomechanics with nanomechanical oscillators
Nature Physics, 2009
Cavity-enhanced radiation pressure coupling between optical and mechanical degrees of freedom allows quantum-limited position measurements and gives rise to dynamical backaction enabling amplification and cooling of mechanical motion. Here we demonstrate purely dispersive coupling of high Q nanomechanical oscillators to an ultra-high finesse optical microresonator via its evanescent field, extending cavity optomechanics to nanomechanical oscillators. Dynamical backaction mediated by the optical dipole force is observed, leading to laser-like coherent nanomechanical oscillations solely due to radiation pressure. Moreover, sub-fm/Hz 1/2 displacement sensitivity is achieved, with a measurement imprecision equal to the standard quantum limit (SQL), which coincides with the nanomechanical oscillator's zero-point fluctuations. The achievement of an imprecision at the SQL and radiation-pressure dynamical backaction for nanomechanical oscillators may have implications not only for detecting quantum phenomena in mechanical systems, but also for a variety of other precision experiments.