The physiology of substance P in the rabbit retina (original) (raw)

Substance P-immunoreactive retinal ganglion cells and their central axon terminals in the rabbit

Nature, 1987

Retinal ganglion cells are the projection neurons that link the retina to the brain. Peptide immunoreactive cells in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) of the mammalian retina have been noted but their identity has not been determined 1-3. We now report that, in the rabbit, 25-35% of all retinal ganglion cells contain substance P-like (SP) immunoreactivity. They were identified by either retrograde transport of fluorescent tracers injected into the superior colliculus, or by retrograde degeneration after optic nerve section. SP immunoreactive cells are present in all parts of the retina and have medium to large cell bodies with dendrites that ramify extensively in the proximal inner plexiform layer. Their axons terminate in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, superior colliculus and accessory optic nuclei, and these terminals disappear completely after contralateral optic nerve section and/or eye enucleation. In the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus large, beaded, it immunoreactive axons and varicosities make up a narrow plexus just below the optic tract, where they define a new geniculate lamina. The varicosities make multiple synaptic contacts with dendrites of dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus projection neurons and presumptive interneurons in complex glomerular neuropil. This is direct evidence that some mammalian retinal ganglion cells contain substance P-like peptides and strongly suggests that, in the rabbit, substance P (or related tachykinins) may be a transmitter or modulator in a specific population or populations of retinal ganglion cells. New Zealand and Dutch Belted rabbits (not operated upon or surviving 3-143 days after unilateral optic nerve section or eye enucleation) were used. Most received an intraocular injection of colchicine, which is known to increase peptide levels in neuronal cell bodies 4. Some received a unilateral injection of Fast Blue 5 or rhodamine-labelled microspheres 6 into the superficial layers of the superior colliculus (SC) to label ganglion cells, all or most of

Substance P-immunoreactive neurons in the human retina

The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1995

Substance P (SP) is a neuropeptide that acts as a neurotransmitter or a neuromodulator in the retina. The aim of this study was to identify the type(s) and the distribution of the SP-immunoreactive (SP-IR) cells in the human retina. We have used an antiserum to SP to immunostain neurons in postmortem human retinae. Immunostained retinae were processed with the avidin-biotin complex (A B C) to visualize the cells either whole mounted in glycerol or embedded in plastic. Some retinae were also sectioned at 20 pm in order to obtain radial views of stained cells. SP-IR amacrine cells stain intensely and appear to be of a single type in the human retina. They are large-field cells with large cell bodies (16 pm diameter) lying in normal or displaced positions on either side of the inner plexiform layer (IPL). Their sturdy, spiny, and appendage-bearing dendrites stratify in stratum 3 6 3) of the IPL, where many overlapping, fine dendrites intermingle to form a plexus of stained processes. Either cell bodies or primary dendrites emit an "axon-like" process that, typically, divides into two long, fine processes, which run in opposite directions for hundreds of micrometers in 55 and S3 before disappearing as distinct entities in the stained plexus in S3. Long, fine dendrites also pass from the dendritic plexus to run in S5 and down to the nerve fiber layer to end as large varicosities a t blood vessel walls. In addition, fine processes are emitted from the dendritic plexus that runs in S1, and some pass up to the outer plexiform layer (OPL) to run therein for short distances. The SP-IR amacrine cell has many similarities to the thorny, type 2 amacrine cells described from Golgi studies. In addition to the SP-IR amacrine cells, a presumed ganglion cell type is faintly immunoreactive. Its 20-22 pm cell body gives rise to a radiate, sparsely branched, widespreading dendritic tree running in S3. Its dendrites and cell body become enveloped by the more intensely SP-IR processes and boutons from the SP-IR amacrine cell type. The SP-IR ganglion cell type most resembles G21 from a Golgi study.

Circuitry and role of substance P-immunoreactive neurons in the primate retina

The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1998

In this paper, we extend our previous light microscopic (LM) study of substance P (SP)-containing amacrine and ganglion cell types of the human retina J. to an electron microscopic (EM) and confocal-imaging study in order to reveal synaptic circuitry and putative input and output neurons. SP-immunoreactive (-IR) amacrine cells in primate retina are typically wide-field cells with large cell bodies occurring in normal or displaced positions relative to the inner plexiform layer (IPL). Their main dendrites bear many spines and are monostratified in stratum 3 (S3) of the IPL. Axon-like processes arise from dendrites close to the cell body and run for hundreds of microns at the same level as the dendrites, thus forming a relatively dense plexus in S3 of the IPL. SP-IR axon processes also climb to S1 to surround some amacrine cell bodies, and others pass into the outer plexiform layer (OPL). Still other axons run down to the ganglion cell layer, where they encircle SP-IR ganglion cells and pass on to end in the nerve fiber layer. The SP-IR ganglion cell types have large cell bodies (20-22 µm diameter) and dendrites that costratify in S3 among the SP-IR amacrine cell processes.

Substance P: a neurotransmitter of amacrine and ganglion cells in the vertebrate retina

Histology and histopathology, 1995

A short history and summary of the occurrence of substance P in the vertebrate body is presented. Substance P is now generally accepted to be a neurotransmitter and can be visualized by immunocytochemistry to occur in various nerve cells in the CNS. In the retina, substance P-immunoreactivity (SP-IR) occurs in amacrine cell populations in all the species so far studied. In some vertebrates retinas SP is also apparent in one or more ganglion cell types. Anatomical investigations have revealed the morphology and connectivity of SP-IR amacrine cells: they branch in several strata of the inner plexiform layer receiving input from bipolar and amacrine cells and making synapses upon bipolar and ganglion cells. Most commonly SP-IR amacrines emit axon-like process that pass to both the outer plexiform layer and the ganglion cell and nerve fiber layers. These processes often end upon the retinal vasculature. SP-IR ganglion cells have been described in turtle, rabbit and human retinas. In tur...

Light Signaling in Scotopic Conditions in the Rabbit, Mouse and Rat Retina: A Physiological and Anatomical Study

Journal of Neurophysiology, 2005

Light signaling in scotopic conditions in the rabbit, mouse and rat retina: a physiological and anatomical study. . In the dark, light signals are conventionally routed through the following circuit: rods synapse onto rod bipolar (RB) cells, which in turn contact AII amacrine cells. AII cells segregate the light signal into the ON and OFF pathways by making electrical synapses with ON cone bipolar (CB) cells and glycinergic inhibitory chemical synapses with OFF CB cells. These bipolar cells synapse onto their respective ganglion cells, which transfer ON and OFF signals to the visual centers of the brain. Two alternative pathways have recently been postulated for the signal transfer in scotopic conditions: 1) electrical coupling between rods and cones, and 2) a circuit independent of cone photoreceptors, implying direct contacts between rods and OFF CB cells. Anatomical evidence supports the existence of both these circuits. To investigate the contribution of these alternative pathways to scotopic vision in the mammalian retina, we have performed patch-clamp recordings from ganglion cells in the dark-adapted retina of the rabbit, mouse, and rat. Approximately one-half of the ganglion cells in the rabbit retina received OFF signals through a circuit that was independent of RB cells. This was shown by their persistence in the presence of the glutamate agonist 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (APB), which blocks rod3 RB cell signaling. Consistent with this result, strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist, was unable to abolish these OFF responses. In addition, we were able to show that some OFF cone bipolar dendrites terminate at rod spherules and make potential contacts. In the mouse retina, however, there seems to be a very low proportion of OFF signals carried by an APB-resistant pathway. No ganglion cells in the rat retina displayed APB-and strychnine-resistant responses. Our data support signaling through flat contacts between rods and OFF CB cells as the alternative route, but suggest that the significance of this pathway differs between species.

The synergetic modulation of the excitability of central gray matter by a neuropeptide: two protocols using excitation waves in chick retina

Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias, 2009

The isolated chick retina provides an in vitro tissue model, in which two protocols were developed to verify the efficacy of a peptide in the excitability control of the central gray matter. In the first, extra-cellular potassium homeostasis is challenged at long intervals and in the second, a wave is trapped in a ring of tissue causing the system to be under self-sustained challenge. Within the neuropil, the extra-cellular potassium transient observed in the first protocol was affected from the initial rising phase to the final concentration at the end of the five-minute pulse. There was no change in the concomitants of excitation waves elicited by the extra-cellular rise of potassium. However, there was an increase on the elicited waves latency and/or a rise in the threshold potassium concentration for these waves to appear. In the second protocol, the wave concomitants and the propagation velocity were affected by the peptide. The results suggest a synergetic action of the peptide on glial and synaptic membranes: by accelerating the glial Na/KATPase and changing the kinetics of the glial potassium channels, with glia tending to accumulate KCl. At the same time, there is an increase in potassium currents through nerve terminals.

Pharmacological analysis of directionally sensitive rabbit retinal ganglion cells

The Journal of physiology, 1982

1. Cholinergic drugs were infused into the retinal circulation of the rabbit while we analysed the receptive field properties of directionally sensitive retinal ganglion cells. Physostigmine eliminated the trigger feature, directional specificity, of both types (on-centre and on-off) of these cells. In this respect the action of physostigmine (an ACh potentiator) was very like that of picrotoxin (a GABA antagonist). Therefore, a detailed analysis of the receptive field properties of directionally sensitive ganglion cells was made to analyse the effects of physostigmine and picrotoxin.2. Size specificity and radial grating inhibition were not abolished by physostigmine, but were often affected by picrotoxin. The optimal velocity in the preferred direction (as measured by maximum firing frequency) was not much changed by physostigmine, but was higher during infusion of picrotoxin. Infusion of nicotine, a depolarizing ACh agonist which increases the activity of retinal ganglion cells, ...

Effects of ? 2 -Adrenergic Agonists and Antagonists on Photoreceptor Membrane Currents

Journal of Neurochemistry, 1987

ABSTRACT Type B photoreceptors of the nudibranch mollusc Hermissenda crassicornis receive excitatory synaptic potentials (EPSPs) whose frequency is controlled by potential changes of a neighboring cell known as the S optic ganglion cell which is thought to be electrically coupled to the presyn-aptic source of these EPSPs, the E optic ganglion cell. The frequency of the EPSPs increases when a conditioned stimulus (light) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (rotation) during acquisition of a Pavlovian conditioned response. The results of the present study are consistent with an adrenergic origin for these EPSPs. Noradrenergic agonists (≥ 100 μM), norepinephrine and clonidine, only slightly depolarize the type B cell but clearly prolong its depolarizing response to light. Serotonin, by contrast, causes hyperpolarization of the type B cell's resting potential as well as after a light step. Clonidine reduces voltage-dependent outward K+ currents (IA, an early current, Ica2+-K+, a late Ca2+-dependent current) that control the type B cell's excitability (and thus its light response and membrane potential). These effects of clonidine are reduced or blocked by the α2-receptor antagonist, yohimbine (0.5 μM), but not the α1-blocker, prazosin. The same yohimbine concentration also blocked depolarizing synaptic excitation of the type B cell in response to depolarization of a simultaneously impaled S optic ganglion cell. Histochemical techniques (both the glyoxylic acid method of de la Torre and Surgeon and the formaldehyde-induced fluorescence or Falck-Hillarp method) demonstrated the presence of a biogenic amine(s) within a single neuron in each optic ganglion as well as three or four cells within the vicinity of previously identified visual interneurons. No serotonergic neurons were found within the optic ganglion or in proximity to visual interneurons. A clonidine-like synaptic effect on type B cells, therefore, could amplify conditioning-specific changes of membrane currents by increasing type B depolarization and possibly, as well, by elevating intracellular second messengers.