The Significance of Modern Writers of Turkey and Their Influence on Contemporary English Novel (original) (raw)
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YENİ TÜRK EDEBİYATI ARAŞTIRMALARI Modern Turkish Literature Researches
The mythical narratives which represent collective consciousness harbour various images. The myth of Icarus is one of them, shedding light on the images of flight and fall, light and darkness. In the story, the hero desires to escape the darkness of the labyrinth he is confined in and to reach the sun with his wings. As these images have an ontological root, they appear in different cultures’ literature even in different times. The similar mythical elements are also embedded in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man in which Dedalus’s spiritual enlightenment or elevation is followed by deflation. Likewise, in The Candle and the Moth (Şem’ü Pervane), which is one of the products of Eastern literature and is written by Feridüddin Attar as well, the candle and the butterfly motif provides an insight into the image of light and darkness. In this respect, the myth of Icarus, James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and The Candle and the Moth have shared image...
Routledge Handbook on Turkish Literature, 2023
This Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of Turkish literature within both a local and global context. Across eight thematic sections a collection of subject experts use close readings of literature materials to provide a critical survey of the main issues and topics within the literature. The chapters provide analysis on a wide range of genres and text types, including novels, poetry, religious texts, and drama, with works studied ranging from the fourteenth century right up to the present day. Using such a historic scope allows the volume to be read across cultures and time, while simultaneously contextualizing and investigating how modern Turkish literature interacts with world literature, and finds its place within it. Collectively, the authors challenge the national literary historiography by replacing the Ottoman Turkish literature in the Anatolian civilizations with its plurality of cultures. They also seek to overcome the institutional and theoretical shortcomings within current study of such works, suggesting new approaches and methods for the study of Turkish literature. The Routledge Handbook on Turkish Literature marks a new departure in the reading and studying of Turkish literature. It will be a vital resource for those studying literature, Middle East studies, Turkish and Ottoman history, social sciences, and political science. Didem Havlioğlu is a literary historian working on women and gender in the Ottoman intellectual culture. She has published several articles both in Turkish and English. Her book Mihrî Hatun: Performance, Gender-Bending, and Subversion in Early Modern Ottoman Intellectual History (2017) introduces Mihrî Hatun (ca. 1460-1515), the first woman writer in Ottoman history whose work survived in manuscript copies, and contextualizes her work in the early modern intellectual culture. She is currently an associate professor of the practice, teaching in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University. Zeynep Uysal is an associate professor of modern Turkish literature at Boğaziçi University. As a visiting scholar, she taught modern Turkish literature and gave public lectures in the Oriental Institute at the University of Oxford between 2001 and 2003. She published a book titled Olağanüstü Masaldan Çağdaş Anlatıya: Muhayyelât-ı Aziz Efendi [From Marvelous Tales to Modern Narratives: Aziz Efendi's Imaginations] in 2006. She edited a book, titled Edebiyatın Omzundaki Melek: Edebiyatın Tarihle İlişkisi Üzerine Yazılar, about the relationship between history and literature in 2011. Her recent book, Metruk Ev, on the leading modern Turkish writer Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil, was published in 2014. She has also written extensively on various issues in modern Turkish literature, including the relationship between literature and space, literature and history, and literature and nationalism in leading academic journals.
Turkish World and Literary Relations of the East
International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2020
All Turkic literature has a common cultural framework. A substantial confirmation of this fact comes from the national spiritual heritage, which has become the basis for the further development and flourishing of the verbal art of Turkic peoples. First of all, these are Китабы Деде Коркут of the Oghuz, the Kyrgyz heroic epos Манас (Manas), Идегей (Idegei) – the variants of which were widespread among the Kazakhs and the Tatars, the famous Чура батыр (Chura Batyr) among the Tatars, etc. The works such as A Thousand Nights and a Night (Мың бір түн), Shakhname or Shakh-Name (Шахнама), Kalila and Dimna (К;лила мен Димна), Leili and Majnun (Л;йлі-М;жнүн), Zhusip-Zylikha (Жүсіп-Зылиха), Takhir-Zukhra, Farkhad-Shyryn or Khosrov-Shyryn (Хұсрау-Шырын) have exerted a significant influence on the development of literature. The article concludes that, despite the national differences of the Turkic peoples, they are united by common literary background, common goals, and interests, moral, spiritual, and cultural values. It is proved out again that the literature of the Turkic peoples is abundant in authors and works, characterized by a variety of genres and poetic forms, ideological and thematic wealth, and a high artistic level. Emphasis is also put on the fact that in the eastern tradition, there are many samples of word-of-mouth literature of the general plot and cultural heritage of the Turkic peoples who had inhabited the eastern lands since ancient centuries.
Modern Turkish Poetry And Epic.pdf
Sense of art of each language and culture bears traces of its past. Revealing itself in any period, sense of poetry is not the production of only a specific period. Modern Turkish poetry is of high quality poetry growing on the fertile lands of the past. Its high quality lands have the materials of pre-Islamic period and classical literature period. The power of our past makes our new poetry alive. Tradition reflects on our poetry as the richness in perception. Republican period poetry is now within the modern line of the line drawn from the past to the present. The perception of competing with the past improves today’s poetry and makes it modern. Although Modern Turkish poetry has been influenced by Western poets and Western sense of poetry, its real value and quality is the result of its own poetic tradition. It can be stated that the modernization of Turkish poetry did not occur as sharp as it did in the West but still the transformation occurred as a chain ring involving various periods. When Turkish poetry is in tendency to the modernization with Tanzimat Reform Era, it carries a different aspect that makes it different from the past sense of poetry. The fact that our poetry has become related to the society and world and the problems about these two notions is the indicator that a different turn has been taken. As its contemporary Western poetry, Turkish poetry also takes an epic turn that is away from individualism, and concerned with the problems of the society. Localness and individualism give their places to urbanity and collectivism. Urbanized poets are obliged to the responsibilities that the society gives them in relation to the society. These responsibilities force them to adopt a particular ‘attitude’. Modernization of our poetry includes various periods starting from Tanzimat literature, and the cornerstone poets of these periods. These poets have important roles in poetry’s tendency to the society and, as a natural result, to politicization. Tanzimat literature, Servet-i Fünun (Wealth of Sciences), and the line of Ahmet Haşim, Yahya Kemal, Necip Fazıl, Nazım Hikmet, and Orhan Veli have significantly contributed to the modernization of Turkish poetry; and finally, modern poetry has reached its peak with İkinci Yeni (Second New Poetry). Today’s poetry continues its existence through this main vein. In order to understand our epic poetry, it is necessary to address the poets who have come to the front since Tanzimat literature with their epic styles or the poets who have somehow developed today’s modern poetry from the aspect of being epic and modern. This study will address Turkish poetry and poets on the way of epic. Keywords: Turkish poetry, modernism, political criticism, epic poetry.
Routledge Handbook on Turkish Literature
Routledge Publication, 2023
This Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of Turkish literature within both a local and global context. Across eight thematic sections a collection of subject experts use close readings of literature materials to provide a critical survey of the main issues and topics within the literature. The chapters provide analysis on a wide range of genres and text types, including novels, poetry, religious texts, and drama, with works studied ranging from the fourteenth century right up to the present day. Using such a historic scope allows the volume to be read across cultures and time, while simultaneously contextualizing and investigating how modern Turkish literature interacts with world literature, and finds its place within it. Collectively, the authors challenge the national literary historiography by replacing the Ottoman Turkish literature in the Anatolian civilizations with its plurality of cultures. They also seek to overcome the institutional and theoretical shortcomings within current study of such works, suggesting new approaches and methods for the study of Turkish literature. The Routledge Handbook on Turkish Literature marks a new departure in the reading and studying of Turkish literature. It will be a vital resource for those studying literature, Middle East studies, Turkish and Ottoman history, social sciences, and political science. Didem Havlioğlu is a literary historian working on women and gender in the Ottoman intellectual culture. She has published several articles both in Turkish and English. Her book Mihrî Hatun: Performance, Gender-Bending, and Subversion in Early Modern Ottoman Intellectual History (2017) introduces Mihrî Hatun (ca. 1460-1515), the first woman writer in Ottoman history whose work survived in manuscript copies, and contextualizes her work in the early modern intellectual culture. She is currently an associate professor of the practice, teaching in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University. Zeynep Uysal is an associate professor of modern Turkish literature at Boğaziçi University. As a visiting scholar, she taught modern Turkish literature and gave public lectures in the Oriental Institute at the University of Oxford between 2001 and 2003. She published a book titled Olağanüstü Masaldan Çağdaş Anlatıya: Muhayyelât-ı Aziz Efendi [From Marvelous Tales to Modern Narratives: Aziz Efendi's Imaginations] in 2006. She edited a book, titled Edebiyatın Omzundaki Melek: Edebiyatın Tarihle İlişkisi Üzerine Yazılar, about the relationship between history and literature in 2011. Her recent book, Metruk Ev, on the leading modern Turkish writer Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil, was published in 2014. She has also written extensively on various issues in modern Turkish literature, including the relationship between literature and space, literature and history, and literature and nationalism in leading academic journals.
1839 is an important turning point in Turkish Literature when Tanzimat “Reorganization period” decree was declared and when Turkish literature has started to turn its face to the West. This decree has started a new era in the Turkish Literature. After this period, the Turkish literary figures have become more wide open to the influences of the West. During this period, many Colleges were opened which were of western origin. At the same time, the travel of the literary figures and authors to the West became more frequent. Therefore, a group of intellectuals who recognize the Western literature closely grew up in this period. So, America has become one of the destinations of those literary figures. During the same period, America opened up Colleges in the Ottoman Territory. As a result of this, those colleges caused the Turkish literary figures to become more familiar with the American literature. In this study, we will deal with the intellectuals who are familiar and knowledgeable with the American literature and who have had an effect on Turkish literature since Tanzimat up to now.
Poetry as a Representation of Turkish Identity
International Review of Humanities Studies
Poetry is one of the most important art expression in understanding Turkish identity. The aim of this paper is to show that the growth and development of Turkish poetry is in line with the dynamic identity of the Turkish nation. The period of Turkish poetry began with the growth of oral poetry which depicted the heroic of Turkish ancestors who are migrants from the Central Asia. The period continued with the emergence and development of Islam carrying the influence of Arabic and Persian languages which embedded in Turkish poems and replaced the role of poetry from being a folklore to become the elite literature. The next period is the modern poetry which showed the alteration of reference of Turkish poetry from the East to the West. Thus, poetry reflects Turkish people’s rhythm of expression.
R u m e l i D E D i l v e E d e b i y a t A r a ş t ı r m a l a r ı D e r g i s i, 2019
Her yazara özgü ayırt edici bir kişisel edebî üslup, bir edebî esere edebî niteliğini veren en önde gelen özelliktir. Her üslup bir yazarın edebî kimliğini açıkça ortaya koyan sözdizimsel ve anlamsal bileşenlerin bir birleşimidir. Çeviribilimde üslup, çevirmenlere kaynak metin ile çevirisi arasında bir eşdeğerlik kurulması konusunda büyük bir zorluk çıkaran unsurdur. Bir metni hem orijinal dilinden hem de çevirisinden okuyabilen okurlar, orijinal metnin üslup özelliklerinin çevrili halinde ne dereceye kadar kayba uğradığını gördükleri için, bu gerçeğin farkındadırlar. Bu nedenle, üsluba dair unsurların yanlış veya yetersiz aktarımı, orijinal edebî eserin lezzetinde bir azalmaya neden olur. Sorun bazen çeviri sürecinde, iki metin arasında makul bir üslup eşdeğerliği düzeyi elde etmeyi öncelikle amaçlamış olmayan çevirmenlerin, hep birlikte bir yazarın ayrıcalıklı üslubunu yaratan unsurların tamamına gerektiği gibi dikkat etmedikleri gerçeğinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Amerikalı yazar Ernest Miller Hemingway'in İhbar adlı bir kısa öyküsünün Türkçedeki iki çevirisi, orijinal metin ve kendi aralarında üslup eşdeğerliği düzeylerine göre karşılaştırılacaktır. Çeviri sürecinde orijinal edebî tadı korumak adına edebî bir metnin üslup özelliklerinin eşdeğer bir düzeyde aktarılmasının gerekliliğini vurgulamaya yönelik olarak, bu iki çeviri metin ile kaynak metin betimleyici bir üslup analizi yöntemi ile incelemeye tâbi tutulacaktır. A distinctive personal literary style, unique to every author, is the foremost characteristic that gives a literary work its literary quality. Each style is a composite of syntactic and semantic components that evidence the literary identity of an author. In Translation Studies, style is the element that poses a great difficulty to translators with regard to establishment of equivalence between the source text and its translation. Readers who are able to read a text both in its original language and its translation are well aware of this fact as they notice the degree of losses of the stylistic features of the original text in its translated version. Thus, inaccurate or inadequate transfer of stylistic elements leads to a decrease in the flavor of the original literary work. The problem arises from the fact that sometimes in the translation process, not all elements which altogether create the exclusive style of an author, are given the due attention by translators who do not primarily intend to achieve a reasonable level of stylistic equivalence between the two texts. In this study, two Turkish translations of a short story titled The Denunciation by the American author Ernest Miller Hemingway will be compared with the original text and with each other in respect to the level of stylistic equivalence. The two translations and the source-text will be subjected to a descriptive stylistic analysis to highlight the necessity of equivalent transfer of stylistic features of a literary text in the translation process in order to preserve the original literary savor.