Strengthening Institutions Recipient of Compulsory Reporting Against the Prevalence of Drug Abusers in Lampung Province (original) (raw)
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Narcotics Abuse by College Students in Bandar Lampung In Criminology Perspectives
Background: Higher Education is a level of education after secondary education that includes diploma programs, undergraduate programs, master's programs, doctoral programs, professional programs and specialist programs, which are organized by universities based on Indonesian culture. Higher Education is an education unit that organizes higher education, both state universities organized by the government and private universities organized by the public. Higher education has the aim to develop students to become human beings who have faith and are devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, skilled, competent, and cultured for the benefit of the nation. Students who are pursuing tertiary education at tertiary institutions are called Students. Students with the highest status are referred to as one of the nation's next generation who are able to make a real contribution to the educational and social development of the community. (Article 1 Number 2, Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education).The number of cases of narcotics abuse by college students is currently increasing and decreasing every year, therefore the Lampung Police Directorate of Drug Investigation continues to strive to uncover cases of drug abuse by students. In 2013 narcotics cases which occurred as many as 52 cases decreased to 33 cases in 2014 and increased again in 2015 to 45 cases. In 2016 it increased dramatically to 68 cases and in 2017 it decreased to 37 cases, until June 2018 there was a decrease of 17 cases of drug abuse by students. Materials and Methods: the problem that will be discussed in this research is how the criminological analysis of narcotics abuse by students in Bandar Lampung and efforts to overcome narcotics abuse against students in Bandar Lampung. Results: In the end, the abolitionistic system that has been stated previously eliminates all factors that cause crime through law enforcement reform and socialization of the dangers of Narcotics, physical development and mental development. In all of that is carried out consistently, then the narcotics crime rate is expected to decrease, because the highest goal of criminology is indeed better to prevent the occurrence of crime than to crack down on the crime. The function of mental coaching that is part of the abolitionistic system in practice is an integral part of the moralistic system, namely the prevention of crime by strengthening religious values. Conclusion:In the number of Narcotics Abuse crime by Students in Bandar Lampung that are not optimal in its handling, the factors causing Narcotics crime in Bandar Lampung consists of two parts, namely the factor of the offender and the factor of law enforcement officers. Narcotics crime countermeasures efforts carried out against students are carried out through law enforcement reforms by providing action budgets that are proportional to their enforcement functions, socialization through physical guidance and mental development to every student about the dangers of Narcotics through formal and non-formal institutions.
This study aims to explain and analyze and discover the nature of law enforcement of narcotics abuse crimes for children, explain and analyze and find the effectiveness of law enforcement against narcotics abuse for children and find factors that influence the effectiveness of narcotics abuse law enforcement among children in the province South Sulawesi. The type of this research is socio-juridical research or including descriptive research with a non-doctrinal approach, which views the law as socio-empirical symptoms observed in experience. For this reason, law is not only examined from its normative aspects, but also by law as in reality, the method used is descriptive research with the type of merging between normative legal research and sociological legal research related to the implementation of law enforcement of narcotics misuse on children.
Jurnal Yustika: Media Hukum dan Keadilan, 2019
This article reviews criminal justice process in deterring drug abuse case, discussing rehabilitation as a part of criminal sanction and the implementation or existence without court ruling or decision. Several rules and regulations discussed in resolving this matter include Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics and Government Regulation Number 25 of 2011 concerning Mandatory Implementation of Narcotics Addict Report. The article was a part of bachelor's degree thesis, conducted using normative legal study with case approach method. The case discussed is about rehabilitation of drug abuser Without Court's order. The research finding is investigator do not have authority to place the drug abuser under rehabilitation. It is supposedly by court's order.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2019
In the present study, the research problems proposed are: 1) What is the basic consideration of the judges in imposing the criminal and rehabilitation sanction on the perpetrators of narcotics abuse? 2) How is the proof of a case whose verdict is a criminal sanction? and 3) How is the implementation of imprisonment and rehabilitation sanction verdicts? In answering the research problems, juridical empirical approach is chosen to obtain primary data directly from informants and secondary data from primary of law materials including secondary and tertiary law materials. As a result, it can be concluded that there is a chance for a judge to impose imprisonment sanction and sanction for actions in a form of rehabilitation to perpetrators of narcotics abuse, but, in fact, it is challenging because of some reasons; one of which is the existence of various perceptions of law enforcement officers on the implementation of the laws, specifically on the Law number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcoti...
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Implementation of War on Drugs Program in One of the Municipalities of Ifugao Province
Humaniora, 2021
The research aimed to explore the implementation of the war on drugs program in the municipality of Alfonso Lista, Ifugao. The research utilized descriptive qualitative research design to determine the interrelated factors affecting the implementation of the war on drugs program, setbacks encountered by the implementers thereof, the mechanism employed to counter the challenges in its implementation, and the suggestions for efficient implementation. Thematic analysis was used to determine the themes derived from the interview. The barangay chairmen, community members, church and educational officers, Philippine National Police (PNP) personnel, and Local Government Units (LGU) officials served as the key informants through purposive sampling technique. In addition, the researchers wanted to venture on the binding foundation program or a localized war on drugs program, which would significantly predict support for the anti-crime and anti-drug campaign as encountered by the police offic...
Technium Social Sciences Journal, 2023
Indonesia as a good market and good price, meaning that Indonesia is considered a good market and also has good business prospects for the circulation of these prohibited goods. Drug cases during the COVID-19 pandemic have increased significantly. Drug dealers take advantage of the momentum of the COVID-19 pandemic by distributing drugs in Indonesia. Innovation is needed in the current narcotics problem. This research aims to describe the situation and conditions of drug abuse in Indonesia during the COVID Pandemic, the criminalization of drug abuse in the perspective of neurocriminology and the prevention of drug abuse in the inherent supervision of the community. The writing method uses a qualitative method with a literature study model. The results show that neurocriminology can be used in sentencing drug abusers for rehabilitation while social control theory can be used in prevention efforts involving the community.