e-Health and the Law (original) (raw)

2012 Article-Leveraging-ehealth-AHM-11.pdf

L'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé définit la cybersanté (eHealth) comme l'utilisation rentable et sécurisée des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) pour la santé et les secteurs connexes. Les TIC fournissent une gamme de technologies destinées à rassembler, stocker, récupérer, traiter, analyser, transmettre et recevoir des données et des informations. Elles comprennent la radio, la télévision, les téléphones portables, les ordinateurs, le matériel de réseau informatique et les logiciels, ainsi que les services et applications qui leur sont associés, y compris la vidéoconférence et l'apprentissage à distance. La cybersanté est un terme générique qui recouvre différents domaines tels que l'informatique de la santé, la santé numérique, la télésanté, la télémédecine, l'apprentissage à distance et la santé mobile. Le Comité régional de l'OMS pour l'Afrique a appelé les États Membres à adopter et à mettre en oeuvre des stratégies de cybersanté pour améliorer leurs systèmes de santé. Les Déclarations de Ouagadougou et d'Alger et le Cadre pour la mise en oeuvre de la Déclaration d'Alger soulignent également l'importance de la cybersanté dans les systèmes de santé. Ce document met en lumière certaines questions clés à traiter et propose des actions concrètes pour adopter des solutions de cybersanté, en tant qu' outils visant à renforcer les systèmes de santé afin d'accélérer les progrès en vue de la réalisation des objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement et de l'amélioration des résultats sanitaires dans la Région.

What is eHealth (4): a scoping exercise to map the field

Journal of Medical …, 2005

Background Lack of consensus on the meaning of eHealth has led to uncertainty among academics, policymakers, providers and consumers. This project was commissioned in light of the rising profile of eHealth on the international policy agenda and the emerging UK National Programme for Information Technology (now called Connecting for Health) and related developments in the UK National Health Service.Objectives To map the emergence and scope of eHealth as a topic and to identify its place within the wider health informatics field, as part of a larger review of research and expert analysis pertaining to current evidence, best practice and future trends.Methods Multiple databases of scientific abstracts were explored in a nonsystematic fashion to assess the presence of eHealth or conceptually related terms within their taxonomies, to identify journals in which articles explicitly referring to eHealth are contained and the topics covered, and to identify published definitions of the concept. The databases were Medline (PubMed), the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), the Science Citation Index (SCI), the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), the Cochrane Database (including Dare, Central, NHS Economic Evaluation Database [NHS EED], Health Technology Assessment [HTA] database, NHS EED bibliographic) and ISTP (now known as ISI proceedings).We used the search query, “Ehealth OR e-health OR e*health”. The timeframe searched was 1997-2003, although some analyses contain data emerging subsequent to this period. This was supplemented by iterative searches of Web-based sources, such as commercial and policy reports, research commissioning programmes and electronic news pages. Definitions extracted from both searches were thematically analyzed and compared in order to assess conceptual heterogeneity.Results The term eHealth only came into use in the year 2000, but has since become widely prevalent. The scope of the topic was not immediately discernable from that of the wider health informatics field, for which over 320000 publications are listed in Medline alone, and it is not explicitly represented within the existing Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) taxonomy. Applying eHealth as narrative search term to multiple databases yielded 387 relevant articles, distributed across 154 different journals, most commonly related to information technology and telemedicine, but extending to such areas as law. Most eHealth articles are represented on Medline. Definitions of eHealth vary with respect to the functions, stakeholders, contexts and theoretical issues targeted. Most encompass a broad range of medical informatics applications either specified (eg, decision support, consumer health information) or presented in more general terms (eg, to manage, arrange or deliver health care). However the majority emphasize the communicative functions of eHealth and specify the use of networked digital technologies, primarily the Internet, thus differentiating eHealth from the field of medical informatics. While some definitions explicitly target health professionals or patients, most encompass applications for all stakeholder groups. The nature of the scientific and broader literature pertaining to eHealth closely reflects these conceptualizations.ConclusionsWe surmise that the field – as it stands today – may be characterized by the global definitions suggested by Eysenbach and Eng.

Proposal for an eHealth Based Ecosystem Serving National Healthcare

IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, 2018

The European Union (EU)'s keen concern about citizens' health and well-being protection and advancement has been expressed at all levels. It has been understood that at present, it can only be achieved through coordinated actions at the individual member states' level based on EU directives, as well as through promoting and funding quadruple helix R&D and expanding the use of eHealth technologies. Despite the diversities and particularities among member states, common values such as universal access to good quality healthcare, equity and solidarity have been widely accepted across EU. That demanded the adoption of policies and follow directives, which streamlined actions to bridge healthcare gaps, and facilitate cross-border healthcare. This paper articulates a framework for deriving a national healthcare system, based on interoperable Electronic Health Record (EHR) with safeguarding healthcare quality, enabling quadruple helix driven R&D and guided by a patient-centered...

”Because we can – eHealth encounters New Public Management”

Since November 2012 all citizens in Uppsala County in Sweden have access to their medical record on the internet sight “my health contacts”. This is the first step in a EU deployment- project where a total of 12 different eHealth services will be launched over time. The IT director of the county has engaged himself in the idea of medical records and other eHealth services since 1997 and has had several setbacks before the actual project was launched. He himself claims that the reason behind his interest to develop the service was mainly that the technique existed, inspired by the internet bank, and that it was possible, or as he puts it – because we can! In 2010 a national strategy for eHealth was launched by; the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, The Swedish Association of Health Professionals and Famna. According to the strategy eHealth services will increase the quality of care and patients involvement in the care p...

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Science Studies: The Shaping of Patient 2.0: Exploring Agencies, Technologies and Discourses in New Healthcare …

Healthcare systems in Western countries are undergoing profound changes in the organisation of services and patient treatment. A growing share of the aging population and an increase in chronic diseases are accompanied by a decrease of the workforce in the healthcare sector and a steady increase in spending. These challenging tendencies have spawned the need for substantial changes in the organisation of healthcare. Patient involvement and participation in treatment together with new information and communication technologies (ICTs) are considered as having huge potentials in meeting these challenges and provide better healthcare at lower costs.

Fifteen Challenges in Establishing a Multidisciplinary Research Program on eHealth Research in a University Setting: A Case Study

Journal of medical Internet research, 2017

U-CARE is a multidisciplinary eHealth research program that involves the disciplines of caring science, clinical psychology, health economics, information systems, and medical science. It was set up from scratch in a university setting in 2010, funded by a governmental initiative. While establishing the research program, many challenges were faced. Systematic documentation of experiences from establishing new research environments is scarce. The aim of this paper was to describe the challenges of establishing a publicly funded multidisciplinary eHealth research environment. Researchers involved in developing the research program U-CARE identified challenges in the formal documentation and by reflecting on their experience of developing the program. The authors discussed the content and organization of challenges into themes until consensus was reached. The authors identified 15 major challenges, some general to establishing a new research environment and some specific for multidisci...

Technical and architectural response to national challenges - The Triangle of eHealth Service Provision

Due to the strong economic efforts required for de veloping innovative solutions in new promising markets, such those rela ted to eHealth, the sustainability of investment becomes a key element for large and small companies.. Even if it can't guarantee market succe ss, following standards can help guaranteeing long-lasting solutions. Among all innovative sectors, eHealth represents one of the most challenging sectors from the standardization viewpoint as it combines different domains typical of medicin e with other issues such as security, safety, ethics or social guidelines. Most likely, this fragmentation of competences is a component of the difficult diffusi on of standards which undoubtedly characterizes eHealth and is a justific ation of the efforts carried out at an international level, in order to involve all its stakeholders. The aim of the present paper is describing how information on appl ied security and identity management standardization can be provided to users, a...