Principles of Polish labour law in the multi-level legal framework (original) (raw)
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Fundamentals of Labor Law in Central Europe
In Poland, labor law is now an independent branch of law (within a uniform legal system). The employment relationship is a central concept in Polish labor law. This relationship has a specific legal character, which distinguishes it, e.g., from civil law, administrative law, and criminal law relationships. In the Polish legal order, employment does not must have an employee character (within the employment relationship). This chapter is devoted to Polish national regulations concerning employment contracts and collective labor agreements, with particular emphasis on their power to shape legal relationships. The content of the chapter shows the relationship between the individual and collective labor law. An analysis has been made of the compliance of Polish regulations on employment relationships with EU law. It also presents selected current regulatory issues of Polish labor law through the prism of issues concerning the formative power of an employment contract and a collective ag...
Collective Agreements in Poland in the Light of International Labour Standards
Studia z zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej
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Anna Musiała: On The Fundamental Human Rights Problems of a "Working Man" in Poland: Few Refections
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej, 2020
The following research goal is to compare the state of research and scientific findings concerning the human rights of a “working man” in Poland and in France, with the use of library search. After reviewing the French manuals on employment law it is known that the subject of the “working man’s” human rights is a subject which is common in the academic field there, subject to much attention (Dockes 2018). Even a cursory lecture of the legal bibliography entries confirms the weighty importance of the issue of human rights in labour law (Didry 2018, pp.241–264). Meanwhile in Poland the state of research is saddening. Not only there are no studies, but there is even no academic discussion in the field, moreover, it is even actively avoided. Of course one has to ask: why? What is the reason for this approach of the Polish legal science to the key subject of “working man’s” human rights in Poland? These are the questions that I try to answer herein.
Restatement of labour law in Europe. Volume I: The concept of employee
The Concept of ' Employee ' : The Position in Poland LESZEK MITRUS I. THE CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT AND THE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP A. The Contract of Employment: Basic Defi nition, Formal Requirements and the Effects of Invalidity of the Contract U NDER POLISH LAW, the defi nition of an employment relationship, as well as the content and form of an employment contract, are subject to statutory law. Article 22 § 1 of the Polish Labour Code of
The Impact of the Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages in the European Union on Polish Labour Law
The aim of the paper is to present potential legal consequences of the reception of the future directive on adequate minimum wages in Poland as well as the social, economic and political context of this process. The adoption and implementation of the future directive would require changes in Polish law. First of all, the mechanism of setting the statutory minimum wage, especially the reference criteria, would have to be amended. The necessary amendments include also the establishment of an advisory body. Finally, the directive can be seen as an impulse to revive social dialogue, which is undergoing a deep crisis. Due to the complexity of the regulations, it is difficult to clearly assess whether any modifications will be needed as regards the protection of minimum wages. Although the directive could be a chance to improve working and living conditions in Poland, there is no enthusiasm about the draft. The government raises doubts about the EU’s treaty competences to issue the direct...
The Labor Law issues constitute a subject of the numerous bilateral and multilateral treaties. They have an important role in the system of Labor the Law sources. In regard to the bilateral treaties, Treaties of Friendship and Cooperation (so called political treaties) play significant role, not only because they reflect the priorities of one state’s foreign policy through definition of its territorial scope of interest, but also they indicate the areas of the particular interests of the parties. Poland, after the transformations of 1989–1990, entered into this type of treaties with the former socialist republics of the Central and Southern Europe established after the USSR dissolution, and – what constituted a novelty in Polish treaty policy – with the Western European states (France, Spain, Germany and Italy), and also with the countries included in this group for the political, not geographical reason: Greece and Turkey. Analysis of these treaties shows that the most of the labor references were used in the political treaty with a neighboring state, Germany. What is more, this field of cooperation was given its adequate rank and significance. Favorable solutions have been included in the treaties with Greece, Spain and Italy. The least consideration for the labor issues was given in the treaty with Turkey, as it includes only one provision, similar to the treaties with the other states, that deals with supporting the direct contacts among the trade unions.
Powers of Trade Union Activists Engaged in Self-Employment – Assessment of Polish Legislation
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica, 2021
The objective of the foregoing article is an analysis of the rights which the Polish legislature granted to self-employed trade union activists after the extension of coalition rights to these persons. In this regard, the trade union law extended to self-employed persons working as sole traders protection, which until 2019 was reserved exclusively for employees. Pursuant to the amendment of July 5, 2018, self-employed trade union activists were granted – based on international standards – the right to non-discrimination on the basis of performing a trade union function, the right to paid leaves from work, both permanent and ad hoc in order to carry out ongoing activities resulting from the exercise of a trade union function, and the protection of the sustainability of civil law contracts which form the legal basis for the services provided. the exercise of a trade union function, and the protection of the sustainability of civil law contracts which form the legal basis for the servi...