N-body simulations of collective effects in spiral and barred galaxies (original) (raw)

Density-Wave Induced Morphological Transformation of Galaxies along the Hubble Sequence


In the past two decades, secular evolution has emerged as an important new paradigm for the formation and evolution of the Hubble sequence of galaxies. A new dynamical mechanism was identified through which density waves in galaxies, in the forms of nonlinear and global spiral and bar modes, induce important collective dissipation effects previously unknown in traditional studies. These effects lead to the evolution of the basic state of the galactic disk, consistent with the gradual transformation of a typical galaxy's morphological type from a late to an early Hubble type. In this paper, we review the theoretical framework and highlight our recent result which showed that there are significant qualitative and quantitative differences between the secular evolution rates predicted by the new theory compared with those predicted by the classical approach of Lynden-Bell and Kalnajs. These differences are the outward manifestation of the dominant role played by collisionless shocks in disk galaxies hosting quasi-stationary, extremely non-linear density-wave modes.

Numerical simulations of galaxy evolution in cosmological context


Large volume cosmological simulations succeed in reproducing the large-scale structure of the Universe. However, they lack resolution and may not take into account all relevant physical processes to test if the detail properties of galaxies can be explained by the CDM paradigm. On the other hand, galaxy-scale simulations could resolve this in a robust way but do not usually include a realistic cosmological context.

The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies in a constrained hydrodynamical simulation: morphological evolution

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015

Aims. We study the two main constituent galaxies of a constrained simulation of the Local Group as candidates for the Milky Way (MW) and Andromeda (M31). We focus on the formation of the stellar discs and its relation to the formation of the group as a rich system with two massive galaxies, and investigate the effects of mergers and accretion as drivers of morphological transformations. We also assess the effects of varying the assumed feedback model on our results by running two different simulations, a first one where only supernova feedback is included and a second where we additionally model radiation pressure from stars. Methods. We use a state-of-the-art hydrodynamical code which includes star formation, feedback and chemical enrichment to carry out our study. We use our two simulations, where we include or neglect the effects of radiation pressure from stars, to investigate the impact of this process on the morphologies and star formation rates of the simulated galaxies. Results. We find that the simulated M31 and MW have different formation histories, even though both inhabit, at z = 0, the same environment. These differences directly translate into and explain variations in their star formation rates, in-situ fractions and final morphologies. The simulated M31 candidate has an active merger history, as a result of which its stellar disc is unable to survive unaffected until the present time. In contrast, the MW candidate has a smoother history with no major mergers at late times, and forms a disc that grows steadily; at z = 0 the simulated MW has an extended, rotationally-supported disc which is dominant over the bulge. Our two feedback implementations predict similar evolution of the galaxies and their discs, although some variations are detected, the most important of which is the formation time of the discs: in the model with weaker/stronger feedback the discs form earlier/later. In summary, by comparing the formation histories of the two simulated galaxies, we conclude that the particular merger/accretion history of a galaxy rather than its environment at the LG-scales is the main driver of the formation and subsequent growth or destruction of galaxy discs.

Secular Evolution of Galaxies

arXiv (Cornell University), 2005

In current ΛCDM galaxy formation scenarios, at least three physical phenomena could contribute to the mass assembly: monolithic collapse, hierarchical mergers and more quiescent external gas accretion, with secular evolution. The three processes are described, and their successes and problems are reviewed. It is shown that monolithic collapse is likely to be quite restricted to sub-components of galaxies, while the two main scenarii, hierarchical merging and secular evolution, might have comparable roles, depending on environment. Evidences are reviewed for the important role of gas accretion, followed by secular evolution. In particular the existence of thin and cold disks, the occurence of bars and spiral structure, the frequency of lopsided instabilities, and the history of star formation, all point towards large amounts of cold gas accretion. Some examples of N-body simulations are reviewed in support of secular evolution.

Simulating the evolution of disc galaxies in a group environment - I. The influence of the global tidal field

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012

We present the results of a series of numerical simulations aimed to study the evolution of a disc galaxy within the global tidal field of a group environment. Both the disc galaxy and the group are modelled as multi-component, collision-less, N-body systems, composed by both dark matter and stars. In our simulations, the evolution of disc galaxies is followed after they are released from the group virial radius, and as their orbits sink towards the group centre, under the effect of dynamical friction. We explore a broad parameter space, covering several aspects of the galaxy-group interaction that are potentially relevant to galaxy evolution. Namely, prograde and retrograde orbits, orbital eccentricities, disc inclination, role of a central bulge in discs, internal disc kinematics, and galaxy-to-group mass ratios. We find that significant disc transformations occur only after the mean density of the group, measured within the orbit of the galaxy, exceeds ∼0.3-1 times the central mean density of the galaxy. The morphological evolution of discs is found to be strongly dependent on the initial inclination of the disc with respect to its orbital plane. That is, discs on face-on and retrograde orbits are shown to retain longer their disc structures and kinematics, in comparison to prograde discs. This suggests that after interacting with the global tidal field alone, a significant fraction of disc galaxies should be found in the central regions of groups. Prominent central bulges are not produced, and pre-existing bulges are not enhanced in discs after the interaction with the group. Assuming that most S0 are formed in group environments, this implies that prominent bulges should be formed mostly by young stars, created only after a galaxy has been accreted by a group. Finally, contrary to some current implementations of tidal stripping in semi-analytical models of galaxy evolution, we find that more massive galaxies suffer more tidal stripping. This is because dynamical friction brings them faster to the group centre, in comparison to their lower mass counterparts.

Secular Evolution in Galaxies

The Milky Way Galaxy, 1985

We have adapted the N-body code of Van Albada (1982) to study the secular evolution of a hot collisionless stellar component (E galaxy or galactic bulge) due to slow changes in another component of the same galaxy. Our equilibrium starting model is a non-rotating triaxial ellips oid with axial ratios 1.3:1.4:2.0; the effects of the "other component" are then simulated by various simple means.

Evolution of spiral galaxies in modified gravity

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2007

We compare N-body simulations of isolated galaxies performed in both frameworks of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) and Newtonian gravity with dark matter (DM). We have developed a multigrid code able to efficiently solve the modified Poisson equation derived from the Lagrangian formalism AQUAL. We take particular care of the boundary conditions that are a crucial point in MOND. The 3-dimensional dynamics of initially identical stellar discs is studied in both models. In Newtonian gravity the live DM halo is chosen to fit the rotation curve of the MOND galaxy. For the same value of the Toomre parameter (Q T), galactic discs in MOND develop a bar instability sooner than in the DM model. In a second phase the MOND bars weaken while the DM bars continue to grow by exchanging angular momentum with the halo. The bar pattern speed evolves quite differently in the two models: there is no dynamical friction on the MOND bars so they keep a constant pattern speed while the DM bars slow down significantly. This affects the position of resonance like the corotation and the peanut. The peanut lobes in the DM model move radially outward while they keep the same position in MOND. Simulations of (only stellar) galaxies of different types on the Hubble sequence lead to a statistical bar frequency that is closer to observations for the MOND than the DM model.

Balance among gravitational instability, star formation and accretion determines the structure and evolution of disc galaxies

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014

Over the past 10 Gyr, star-forming galaxies have changed dramatically, from clumpy and gas rich, to rather quiescent stellar-dominated disks with specific star formation rates lower by factors of a few tens. We present a general theoretical model for how this transition occurs, and what physical processes drive it, making use of 1D axisymmetric thin disk simulations with an improved version of the Gravitational Instability-Dominated Galaxy Evolution Tool (GIDGET) code. We show that at every radius galaxies tend to be in a slowly evolving equilibrium state wherein new accretion is balanced by star formation, galactic winds, and radial transport of gas through the disk by gravitational instability (GI) -driven torques. The gas surface density profile is determined by which of these terms are in balance at a given radius, -direct accretion is balanced by star formation and galactic winds near galactic centers, and by transport at larger radii. We predict that galaxies undergo a smooth transition from a violent disk instability phase to secular evolution. This model provides a natural explanation for the high velocity dispersions and large clumps in z ∼ 2 galaxies, the growth and subsequent quenching of bulges, and features of the neutral gas profiles of local spiral galaxies.

The Evolution of Central Group Galaxies in Hydrodynamical Simulations

The Astrophysical Journal, 2009

We trace the evolution of central galaxies in three 1013 M sun galaxy groups simulated at high resolution in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. In all three cases, the evolution in the group potential leads, at z = 0, to central galaxies that are massive, gas-poor early-type systems supported by stellar velocity dispersion and which resemble either elliptical or S0 galaxies. Their z 2-2.5 main progenitors are massive (M * (3-10) × 1010 M sun), star-forming (20-60 M sun yr-1) galaxies which host substantial reservoirs of cold gas (5 × 109 M sun) in extended gas disks. Our simulations thus show that star-forming galaxies observed at z 2 are likely the main progenitors of central galaxies in galaxy groups at z = 0. At z 2 the stellar component of all galaxies is compact, with a half-mass radius <1 kpc. The central stellar density stays approximatively constant from such early epochs down to z = 0. Instead, the galaxies grow inside out, by acquiring a stellar envelope outside the innermost 2 kpc. Consequently the density within the effective radius decreases by up to 2 orders of magnitude. Both major and minor mergers contribute to most (70+20-15%) of the mass accreted outside the effective radius and thus drive an episodical evolution of the half-mass radii, particularly below z = 1. In situ star formation and secular evolution processes contribute to 14+18-9% and 16+6-11%, respectively. Overall, the simulated galaxies grow by a factor 4-5 in mass and size since redshift z 2. The short cooling time in the center of groups can foster a "hot accretion" mode. In one of the three simulated groups this leads to a dramatic rejuvenation of the central group galaxy at z < 1, affecting its morphology, kinematics, and colors. This episode is eventually terminated by a group-group merger. Mergers also appear to be responsible for the suppression of cooling flows in the other two groups. Passive stellar evolution and minor galaxy mergers gradually restore the early-type character of the central galaxy in the cooling flow group on a timescale of 1-2 Gyr. Although the average properties of central galaxies may be set by their halo masses, our simulations demonstrate that the interplay between halo mass assembly, galaxy merging, and gas accretion has a substantial influence on the star formation histories and z = 0 morphologies of central galaxies in galaxy groups.

An analysis of the evolving comoving number density of galaxies in hydrodynamical simulations

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015

The cumulative comoving number-density of galaxies as a function of stellar mass or central velocity dispersion is commonly used to link galaxy populations across different epochs. By assuming that galaxies preserve their number-density in time, one can infer the evolution of their properties, such as masses, sizes, and morphologies. However, this assumption does not hold in the presence of galaxy mergers or when rank ordering is broken owing to variable stellar growth rates. We present an analysis of the evolving comoving number density of galaxy populations found in the Illustris cosmological hydrodynamical simulation focused on the redshift range 0 ≤ z ≤ 3. Our primary results are as follows: 1) The inferred average stellar mass evolution obtained via a constant comoving number density assumption is systematically biased compared to the merger tree results at the factor of ∼2(4) level when tracking galaxies from redshift z = 0 out to redshift z = 2(3); 2) The median number density evolution for galaxy populations tracked forward in time is shallower than for galaxy populations tracked backward in time; 3) A similar evolution in the median number density of tracked galaxy populations is found regardless of whether number density is assigned via stellar mass, stellar velocity dispersion, or dark matter halo mass; 4) Explicit tracking reveals a large diversity in galaxies' assembly histories that cannot be captured by constant number-density analyses; 5) The significant scatter in galaxy linking methods is only marginally reduced by considering a number of additional physical and observable galaxy properties as realized in our simulation. We provide fits for the forward and backward median evolution in stellar mass and number density for use with observational data and discuss the implications of our analysis for interpreting multi-epoch galaxy property observations as related to galaxy evolution.