Functional Anatomy of Spatial Mental Imagery Generated from Verbal Instructions (original) (raw)

Visual and mental exploration of visuo-spatial configurations: Behavioral and neuroimaging approaches

Psychological Research-psychologische Forschung, 1999

Do mental imagery and perception involve common processing mechanisms? Imagery researchers have devoted a great deal of effort to establishing the functional and structural similarities between images and perceptual events. Recent studies have focused on the comparison of images that are reconstructions of previous perceptual experience and images constructed from verbal descriptions. This article reports the findings of a research program based on the mental scanning paradigm; they reveal the similarities and differences between the two kinds of mental images. Neuroimaging studies have also provided evidence that the parieto-occipital cortex is involved in the processing of visual images, whether they are based on perceptual experience or constructed from linguistic inputs. However, the PET studies conducted by our research groups provide no evidence that the primary visual cortex is engaged in the generation of visual images. As there is contradictory evidence about this, further research is needed to clarify the role of the early visual areas in mental visual imagery.

A PET meta‐analysis of object and spatial mental imagery

European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 2004

Neuroimaging studies have described the functional neuroanatomy of mental imagery. Taken separately, specific studies vary in the nature of the task used and are limited by statistical power and sensitivity. We took advantage of a multistudy PET database of 54 subjects acquired in our laboratory to reveal the neural bases of spatial versus object mental imagery tasks. Our first goal was to evaluate to what extent the activated foci elicited by both object and spatial studies overlap. A second aim was to compare activations elicited by spatial imagery tasks to those elicited by object imagery tasks. We also explored applying regression analyses to the relationships between the scores on the Mental Rotations Test (MRT) and changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) during spatial and object imagery tasks. This meta-analysis yielded the following observations: (1) both spatial and object imagery tasks shared a common neural network composed of occipitotemporal (ventral pathway) and occipitoparietal (dorsal pathway) regions and also by a set of frontal regions (related to memory); (2) the superior parietal cortex was more strongly implicated during spatial imagery; (3) object imagery specifically engaged the anterior part of the ventral pathway, including the fusiform, parahippocampal, and hippocampal gyrus; (4) object imagery activated the early visual cortex, whereas spatial imagery induced a deactivation of the early visual cortex; (5) blood flow values in some of the regions noted above were positively correlated with scores on the MRT: the higher the subjects performed on the MRT, the more pronounced the rCBF was in these regions. These results may reconcile some of the apparent discrepancies among previous studies concerning the activation of early visual cortex in mental imagery. They also contribute to a better knowledge of the neural bases of object and spatial mental imagery.

Visual Mental Imagery Activates Topographically Organized Visual Cortex: PET Investigations

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1993

Cerebral blood flow was measured using positron emission tomography (PET) in three experiments while subjects performed mental imagery or analogous perceptual tasks. In Experiment 1, the subjects either visualized letters in grids and decided whether an X mark would have fallen on each letter if it were actually in the grid, or they saw letters in grids and decided whether an X mark fell on each letter. A region identified as part of area 17 by the Talairach and Tournoux (1988) atlas, in addition to other areas involved in vision, was activated more in the mental imagery task than in the perception task. In Experiment 2, the identical stimuli were presented in imagery and baseline conditions, but subjects were asked to form images only in the imagery condition; the portion of area 17 that was more active in the imagery condition of Experiment 1 was also more activated in imagery than in the baseline condition, as was part of area 18. Subjects also were tested with degraded perceptual stimuli, which caused visual cortex to be activated to the same degree in imagery and perception. In

Reopening the Mental Imagery Debate: Lessons from Functional Anatomy

Neuroimage, 1998

Over the past few years, the neural bases of mental imagery have been both a topic of intense debate and a domain of extensive investigations using either PET or fMRI that have provided new insights into the cortical anatomy of this cognitive function. Several studies have in fact demonstrated that there exist types of mental imagery that do not rely on primary/early visual areas, whereas a consensus now exists on the validity of the dorsal/ventral-route model in the imagery domain. More importantly, these studies have provided evidence that, in addition to higher order visual areas, mental imagery shares common brain areas with other major cognitive functions, such as language, memory, and movement, depending on the nature of the imagery task. This body of recent results indicates that there is no unique mental imagery cortical network; rather, it reflects the high degree of interaction between mental imagery and other cognitive functions. 1998 Academic Press

Functional Anatomy of High-Resolution Visual Mental Imagery

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2000

This study had two purposes. First, in order to address the controversy regarding activation of the primary visual area (PVA) during visual mental imagery, regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was recorded while subjects performed a task that required high-resolution visual mental imagery. Second, in order to discover whether verbal descriptions can engage visual mechanisms during imagery in the same way as visual stimuli, subjects memori/ed 3D scenes that were visually presented or were based on a verbal description. Comparison of the results from the imagery conditions to a non-imagery baseline condition revealed no activation in PVA for imagery based on a verbal description and a significant decrease of rCBF in this region for imagery based on visual learning. The pattern of activation in other regions was very similar in the two conditions, including parietal, midbrain. cerebellar. prefrontal. left insular, and right inferior temporal regions. These results provide strong evidence that imagery based on verbal descriptions can recruit regions known to be engaged in highorder visual processing. H r J(MK) .\l<ts*(tchnsi'tts Insiiiiili' of Ti\'hn<il<w Journal o

Contributions of occipital and temporal brain regions to visual and acoustic imagery—A spect study

Neuropsychologia, 1991

Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was assessed by means of HMPAO-SPECT in two experimental groups. In a control condition both groups listened to abstract words, in the experimental condition they heard five names of objects. One group was advised to form visual images of the objects, the other group was advised to form acoustic images of the sounds made by these objects. Post-experimental questionnaires revealed that most of the subjects in the acoustic imagery condition had had visual images in addition to the acoustic ones. Both imagery conditions lead to approximately equal increases of rCBF in the left inferior occipital region and in the left thalamus. Flow increases in both hippocampal regions and the right inferior and superior temporal regions were larger in the acoustic than in the visual imagery condition. It is concluded that only the activation of left inferior occipital and left thalamic regions can be interpreted as being related to modality-specific visual aspects of imagery.

Occipito-parietal cortex activation during visuo-spatial imagery in early blind humans

NeuroImage, 2003

Using positron emission tomography, regional cerebral blood flow was studied in five early blind and five control volunteers during visuo-spatial imagery. Subjects were instructed to generate a mental representation of verbally provided bidimensional patterns that were placed in a grid and to assess pattern symmetry in relation to a grid axis. This condition was contrasted with a verbal memory task. Cerebral activation in both groups was similar during the visuo-spatial imagery task. It involved the precuneus (BA 7), superior parietal lobule (BA 7), and occipital gyrus (BA 19). These results are in accordance with previous studies conducted in sighted subjects that indicated that the same occipito-parietal areas are involved in visual perception as well as in mental imagery dealing with spatial components. The dorsal pathway seems to be involved in visuo-spatial imagery in early blind subjects, indicating that this pathway undergoes development in the absence of vision.

Brain areas underlying visual mental imagery and visual perception: an fMRI study

Cognitive Brain Research, 2004

We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to assess the maximal degree of shared neural processing in visual mental imagery and visual perception. Participants either visualized or saw faint drawings of simple objects, and then judged specific aspects of the drawings (which could only be evaluated properly if they used the correct stimulus). The results document that visual imagery and visual perception draw on most of the same neural machinery. However, although the vast majority of activated voxels were activated during both conditions, the spatial overlap was neither complete nor uniform; the overlap was much more pronounced in frontal and parietal regions than in temporal and occipital regions. This finding may indicate that cognitive control processes function comparably in both imagery and perception, whereas at least some sensory processes may be engaged differently by visual imagery and perception.