Abiotic Stresses in Wheat Unfolding the Challenges Edited by (original) (raw)
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Studies on Resistance to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Wheat
remain in my heart. I am deeply grateful to my co-supervisor Dr. Urmil Bansal for her incredible guidance and edifying training and suggestions during the course of the research. I am truly indebted to her detailed training and assistance in conducting the molecular research and for her constant advises and counselling during the course of my studentship. My deepest gratitude goes to associate-supervisor Assoc. Prof. Margaret Barbour for professional assistance and implausible training, guidance and support in conducting the physiology experiments. My thoughtful thanks also go to Dr. Peng Zhang for her professional help and guidance in molecular cytology. I also extend my gratefulness to National Agricultural Research Organisation of Uganda for awarding me the scholarship and Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) for funding part of my research. I am forever grateful to Dr. William Wagoire for believing in me and for strongly supporting my bid for further studies. I cherish your professional and parental guidance during the time we worked together and during the course of my PhD study. My special thanks to Emeritus Prof. Robert McIntosh for giving valuable time to discuss my results and suggesting valuable information during the study. My sincere appreciation goes to Profs. Robert Park and Peter Sharp for their advice when I was applying for my PhD program at University of Sydney. I express my cordial thanks to my fellow students and friends
Meta-analysis of common wheat physiological response to biotic stresses
Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), like other plants, has evolved a variety of ways to resist pathogens. However, there are some studies that reported different results at the phenotypic and physiological levels. Therefore, this meta-analysis was conducted to reveal common trends, address some controversy, and a source of heterogeneity in 19 wheat phenotypic indices. It was found that the overall response is a reduction in thousand kernel weight (TKW), kernel number, plant biomass, grain yield, relative water content (RWC), soil and plant analysis development (SPAD), and proline, and an increase in ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2), malondialdehyde (MDA), peroxidase (POX), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), flavonoids, putrescine (PUT), salicylic acid (SA), and spermidine (SPD). However, the model was not significant for TKW, H 2 O 2 , PUT, SA, and SPD (p ≥ 0.05). The moderator analysis revealed that the effect of "cultivar" was significant on the kernel number (p ≤ 0.035) and GST (p ≤ 0.008), and the effect of "type of biotic stress" was significant on the grain yield (p ≤ 0.001), APX (p ≤ 0.0001), CAT (p ≤ 0.0009), POX (p ≤ 0.0344), flavonoids (p ≤ 0.001), and SPAD (p ≤ 0.0201). For plant biomass, the intercept effect of "cultivar" and "type of biotic stress" was significant (p ≤ 0.0187). The mixed-effect analysis addressed a source of heterogeneity in studies used in our study. However, to address additional factors affecting these parameters, some consideration for future studies is needed.
Achieving tolerance to stress is one of the main objectives of wheat breeding, and genes or chromosomal regions with positive effects on tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses need to be identified. The interaction between defence signaling pathways mediated by several phythormones is an important mechanism for regulating defence responses against various types of pathogens and herbivories. The response of bread wheat, Triticum aestivum (2n=6x=42) to greenbug attack or to exogenous application of the stress-induced hormones ethylene (E), jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA) or ABA was analysed. In recent years, several components regulating the cross-talk between SA, JA and ET pathways have been identified. Treatment of plants with these hormones results in enhanced resistance to biotic challenge. However, the underlying physiological mechanisms are not well understood. Some of the main wheat physiological pathways affected by the cross-talk between biotic stress and stress-induced hormones are described below.
Effect of abiotic stresses and mitigation strategy associated with their tolerance in wheat
Journal of Cereal Research, 2021
Global warming influences environmental factors which directly and indirectly affects agricultural crop production by exposing to several new biotic and abiotic stresses. The abiotic stresses like heat, drought, moisture, salinity and pre harvest sprouting stresses are most common whose effect became more severe due to climate change.
Resilience of physiological attributes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to abiotic stresses
Scientific Research and Essays, 2012
Water stress and high temperature variability are the major constraints for wheat crop productivity and food security in the context of climate change. Impact of high temperature and water stress at anthesis stage of spring wheat was studied through field experiments conducted during 2008 to 2009 and 2009 to 2010. Five wheat varieties of diverse origin namely Tatara, National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC)-2009, Sehar-2006, SKD-1 and F-Sarhad were sown in randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated four times. Physiological parameters that is, net photosynthesis (A n ), transpiration rate (E), SPAD chlorophyll contents and prolines were recorded at anthesis stage. The results indicated reduction of A n and increased E due to high temperature and moisture stresses. Among genotypes, maximum photosynthetic rate was recorded for Tatara (30.52 μ mole/m 2 /s) followed by NARC-2009. The E recorded maximum in Sehar-2006 (2.80 mole/m 2 /s) which had low photosynthetic activity whereas minimum E observed in Tatara (2.27 μ mole/m 2 /s) followed by NARC-2009. Maximum SPAD value observed in Tatara (53.17) followed by NARC-2009 (49.00) where as Sehar-2006 (37.17) depicted less chlorophyll contents and ultimately reduced photosynthesis and productivity. The highest proline contents were recorded in Tatara (59.69 µg g -1 ) followed by NARC-2009 (55.05 µg g -1 ) as compared to SKD-1 (46.27 µg g -1
Frontiers in Plant Science
Rapid global warming directly impacts agricultural productivity and poses a major challenge to the present-day agriculture. Recent climate change models predict severe losses in crop production worldwide due to the changing environment, and in wheat, this can be as large as 42 Mt/ • C rise in temperature. Although wheat occupies the largest total harvested area (38.8%) among the cereals including rice and maize, its total productivity remains the lowest. The major production losses in wheat are caused more by abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, and high temperature than by biotic insults. Thus, understanding the effects of these stresses becomes indispensable for wheat improvement programs which have depended mainly on the genetic variations present in the wheat genome through conventional breeding. Notably, recent biotechnological breakthroughs in the understanding of gene functions and access to whole genome sequences have opened new avenues for crop improvement. Despite the availability of such resources in wheat, progress is still limited to the understanding of the stress signaling mechanisms using model plants such as Arabidopsis, rice and Brachypodium and not directly using wheat as the model organism. This review presents an inclusive overview of the phenotypic and physiological changes in wheat due to various abiotic stresses followed by the current state of knowledge on the identified mechanisms of perception and signal transduction in wheat. Specifically, this review provides an indepth analysis of different hormonal interactions and signaling observed during abiotic stress signaling in wheat.
Increase in wheat production through management of abiotic stresses : A review
Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2015
About 9% of area on earth is under crops out of which 91% is under various stresses. On an average, about 50% yield losses are due to abiotic stresses mostly due to high temperature (20%), low temperature (7%), salinity (10%), drought (9%) and other abiotic stresses (4%). As there is no scope for increasing area under agriculture, the increased productivity from these stressed land is a must to meet the ever increasing demand. Further, the severity of abiotic stresses is likely to increase due to changing climate leading to adverse effect on crops. Therefore, abiotic stresses like drought, salinity, sodicity, acidity, water logging, heat, nutrient toxicities/ deficiencies etc need to be effectively addressed through adoption of management practices like tillage and planting options, residue management, sowing time, stress tolerant cultivars, irrigation scheduling and integrated nutrient management to conserve natural resources, mitigating their adverse effect and sustainable wheat p...
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
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Comparative Morpho-Biochemical Responses of Wheat Cultivars Sensitive and Tolerant to Water Stress
Water stress is likely the most important factor that adversely affects plant growth and development. In this study two wheat cultivars Gemmieza-7 (sensitive) and Sahel-1 (tolerant) were subjected to water stress and compared in terms of growth parameters (growth vigor of root and shoot), water relations (relative water content and saturation water deficit) and protein as well as nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) content in flag leaves of both cultivars. In general, water stress caused noticeable reduction in almost all growth criteria of root, shoot and flag leaf which was consistent with the progressive alteration in water relations, protein and nucleic acids content of both cultivars during grain filling. Furthermore, degree of leaf succulence and degree of leaf sclerophylly were severely affected by water stress in both wheat cultivars. In relation to wheat cultivar, the sensitive was more affected by water stress than the tolerant one. Generally, the application of salicylic acid, trehalose or their interaction induced marked increase in growth vigor of root and shoot, water relations and protein as well as nucleic acids in flag leaves of both wheat cultivars in compare with control and water stressed plants. In conclusion, Sahel-1 has suitable mechanisms to enable it to respond more effectively to water stress than Gemmieza-7.