2023, Journal of Security and Safety

Under EU Council Directive 2008/114 for the protection of critical infrastructure (CI), in Brčko in the District of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BD BiH) in 2018, the "Integrated Model" was established protection of CI" in three phases: 1. Phase-preparation of preventive documentation, 2. Phasedimplementation of technical systems of monitoring and early warning and Phase 3strengthening response capacity. The 1st phase includes the creation of a threat assessment and protection and rescue plans. They are identified as natural, technical-technological, and anthropogenic risks, which have an impact on people, property, environment, critical infrastructure (CI), and public and cultural facilities. Risk matrices were created, which analyzed the probabilities and impacts on people, economy/environment, and social/political community, and priorities and measures for their protection have been determined. Representative risks are defined that threaten CIs and modeled as the most likely and worst possible scenarios and impacts in the event her interruptions. The action plan provides measures and technical solutions for the establishment of an efficient protection and rescue system. By implementing a monitoring and early warning system all technical risk monitoring systems are integrated at CI (sensor monitoring system for natural disasters, early warning and evacuation system, access control system, system video surveillance, fire and gas detection, and alarm system, active extinguishing system, georeferenced information system (GIS), IT protection system, intelligent management model objects (BIM), etc. They are connected to each other through the reporting operation center (DOC). into a model of integrated management and supervision in the wider space and facilities of the CI, which can be used for later maintenance of all protection and rescue systems. 3. The phase has established a system of response services that can effectively respond to crises and plans to strengthen its capacity. Working procedures and control over the correctness of the system in case of threats to CI. A system of training, skill development, and verification through annual examinations is also being established in field exercises. The integrated protection model established in this way represents the most effective way of risk management on critical infrastructure.