Односи између Краљевине Југославије и Краљевине Румуније 1938-1940. (Relationships between Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Kingdom of Romania 1938–1940) (original) (raw)
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Jugoslovensko-poljski odnosi u XX veku, 2015
APSTRAKT: U radu se daje prikaz odnosa između jugoslovenske kraljevine i Republike Poljske u periodu između dva svjetska rata. Dvije nove države na evropskom tlu tražile su svoje mjesto na međunarodnoj diplomatskoj pozornici i u tom periodu često bile upućene jedna na drugu. Njihovi odnosi su bili prožeti srdačnošću, nad kojom je stajala sjenka panslavizma, ali i opreznošću. Ipak, fizička udaljenost, sličan karakter njihovih ekonomskih sistema, ali i drugačiji problemi sa kojima su se suočavali, doprinijeli su da njihovi odnosi, osim na riječima, ne postignu značajniju razinu. Članak je nastao na osnovu neobjavljenih dokumenata iz Arhiva Jugoslavije, objavljenih dokumenata, štampe i relevantne literature. KLJUČNE RIJEČI: Kraljevina Jugoslavija, Republika Poljska, Poljskojugoslovenska liga, Vojislav Marinković, Avgust Zaleski
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Рад на основу објављене и необјављене архивске грађе југословенског, британског, француског и немачког порекла, мемоаристике и релевантне домаће и иностране литературе реконструише мање познате детаље о обавештајној сарадњи Краљевине Југославије са савезницима до априлског рата 1941. године. Посебан акценат дат је на активности југословенског војног изасланика у Берлину пуковника Владимира Ваухника.
Istorijska tribina mladih saradnika Instituta za noviju istoriju Srbije, Beograd 2013, str. 11-29.
Крајем јануара 1920. у Београду је група српских интелектуалаца, предвођена Јашом Продановићем и Љубомиром Стојановићем, основала Републиканску странку и заложила се за републикански облик новоосноване државе југословенских народа. Рад настоји да прикаже процес организовања српских републиканаца током 1919. и резултате њиховог рада који су се огледали у чину формирања Републиканске странке/ This basically bourgeois party, founded in January 1920 by some prominent intellectuals of the Kingdom of Serbia, fought above else for the change of the state constitution of the SCS Kingdom/Yugoslavia. Its two leaders had been working for the spread of republican idea even before the official founding of the party, not only in Belgrade but in the whole SCS Kingdom, and particularly in Serbia. They expected the larger part of the Independent Radical Party to plump for the republican form of government and federalism – which didn’t happen. Larger and more pugnacious part of independent Radicals sided with the newly-organized Yugoslav Democratic Party of Ljubomir Davidović that opted for monarchy and cen- tralized unitary state. Although disappointed by such development, Ljuba Stojanović and Jaša Prodanović didn’t falter in their resolve to spread the republican idea. They continued republican activities in 1919 that eventually resulted in founding of the Yugoslav Republican Party in January 1920. Made up of small number of respect- able intellectuals and famous scholars who were above all strong personalities, the party whittled away over time, but it lived on and preached the Gospel of republican freedom and democracy, even under the conditions prevailing under g personalities, the party whittled away over time, but it lived on and preached the Gospel of republican freedom and democracy, even under the conditions prevailing under the dictator- ship imposed by King Alexander Karađorđević in January 1929.
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The firm and categorical position in condemning Russian aggression and supporting all EU sanctions packages against Russia, the strengthening of the strategic partnership with the USA and the activity shown for the implementation of NATO policy have made Romania, along with Poland, the strongest NATO ally on the eastern flank and primary partner of the US. Along with that, the active support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian refugees, the comprehensive assistance that Romania provided to the Republic of Moldova in dealing with the many crises that the country had to face in the course of the war, the firm support for the European perspective of the countries of the Eastern Neighbourhood, all that shapes the country’s profile as a regional leader and as a guarantor of regional security.