Sengkarut Pola Hubungan Lembaga Penyelenggara Pemilu di Daerah Otonomi Khusus (original) (raw)
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AbstactAs a national organization, political parties are considered to have failed in carrying out their roles and functions, especially in the implementation of regional autonomy. The existence of political parties that are only national in nature with structures centered in the center often makes the party's orientation ignore local interests. The neglect was due to the institutionalization of political parties so far as merely structuring relations. This pattern positions politicians in political parties in the region as subordinates of the same party politicians at the national level. The failure of political parties in the implementation of regional autonomy can be interpreted as necessary to regulate a new party system in Indonesia. One of them is by separating between national political parties and local political parties in the regions. This means that with the policy of regional autonomy, it must be accompanied by political autonomy through local political parties. Ther...
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This research compares the integrity of election officials in Central Java Province with those who are in Maluku Province on carrying out gubernatorial elections in 2013. The integrity of election officials is measured by basic principles of ethics and conduct as it is defined on Joint Regulation of General Election Commission, General Election Supervisory Agency, and Honorary Board of General Election Organizers Number 13, 11, 1 of 2012 on Code of Ethics For General Election Organizer. The study uses qualitative method of research. It examines documentary data and information related to code of ethics infringements reports conducted by General Election Commission or General Election Supervisory Agency which are connected to their work on carrying out gubernatorial elections in 2013. The research shows that there is no lack of integrity of election organizer in Central Java Province on carrying out gubernatorial elections in 2013. On the contrary, the study found that the election organizer in Maluku involved in some code of ethics infringements on their work.
Jurnal Media Hukum
The success of free and fair local elections is not only measured by the voting process, but also determined on how the settlement of the disputes follows it. In connection with that, the institutional dispute settlement of local elections in Indonesia has experienced ups and downs that have not been interminable. The issuance of the Act Number 10 of 2016 which mandates the establishment of special judicial body for settlement of regional head election disputes still leaves a 'homework' of the shape or design of that special judicial institution, its authorities and procedural law that must be established ahead of national simultaneous elections in 2027. This paper is the result of a normative research with statute, analytical, and case approaches regarding the background of the existence of special judicial body which is needed to be established to resolve regional head election disputes in Indonesia as an antithesis on the weaknesses and problems of institutional settlement of regional head election disputes that been there for years, namely: Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court. In order to provide an overview as well as an alternative institutional model of special court for regional head election disputes settlement to be formed onward.
Problematika Pembentukan Relawan Demokrasi Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemilu Serentak 2019
AbstrakPembentukan Relawan demokrasi adalah bagian dari strategi Komisi Pemilihan Umum untuk meningkatkan partisipasi masyakat dalam menyalurkan hak pilihnya. Hal ini mengingat bahwa pemilihan umum tahun 2019, adalah pemilihan serentak yang pertama kali dilangsungkan dalam sejarah pemilihan umum di Indonesia. Namun, pada tatanan regulasi terdapat disharmonisasi, khususnya pada aspek pembentukan dan kedudukan relawan demokrasi. Perlu dilakukan suatu kajian/penelitian yang komprehensif untuk menelusuri bentuk disharmonisasi tersebut dan implikasi yang ditimbulkan. Pada dasarnya metode yang digunakan didasarkan pada metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Menariknya, Surat Komisi Pemilihan Umum Nomor: 32/PP.08-SD/06/KPU/I/2019, tertanggal 9 Januari 2019, tidak dapat menjadi dasar dalam memberikan wewenang kepada KPU/KIP Kabupaten/Kota untuk membentuk relawan demokrasi. Hal tersebut menunjukkan adanya disharmonisasi, dan dianggap bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 7 tahun 2017 tentang ...
Koordinasipenyelenggara Pemilihan Umum Pada Pilkada 2015 Dikabupaten Majene
The purpose of this research is to know the coordination of election executors of 2015 election in Majene Regency. This research type is qualitative descriptive which involved six informants.' The data was collected by using instrument of observation, and interview. The results of this study indicate that the informant responses about the role of election executors in the 2015 election have been well managed but they still have to improve the less effective part of the election, one of them is the lack of legal firmness for election organizers whose led to the practice of money politics, the election excecutors which apply injuridil applicable, sociologically applicable, and philosophically applicable.
Penerapan Manajemen Strategik terhadap Kinerja Lembaga Penyelenggara Pemilu
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Sosial dan Teknologi (SNISTEK), 2019
KPU Kota Batam is a state institution that organizes public services in the electoral sector. In planning tasks and functions, KPU of Batam has compiled a strategic plan, a plan annual work and performance agreements. The implementation of strategic management is considered to affect the performance of the institution both in terms of financial performance and program performance. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with a correlational approach. The variables tested in this study are the application of strategic management as an independent variable and performance achievements as the dependent variable. This study uses secondary data consisting of institutional documents in the form of strategic planning documents, annual work plans, performance reports and budget realization. This study shows that there is a significant correlation (0.99) between the two variables. This study also shows that the realization of the budget is not yet optimal for goods and services expenditure accounts which show a weakness in the preparation of the budget and the inaction in implementing the program.
Hubungan Pemerintah Pusat Dan Pemerintah Daerah: Kajian Mengenai Otonomi Khusus DI Provinsi Aceh
Jurnal Community
The prolonged conflict in Aceh between the central government and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Aceh have added to the long list of dark history of the suffering of the Acehnese people. The peaceful decision agreed upon by the central government with the Aceh government which gave birth to special autonomy in Aceh provided fresh space for improving relations between the two governments. However, the space of freedom that is given is not fully able to control and build good relations easily, because there are still some differences in principles and political views between the central government and the Aceh government so that conflicts still arise. Therefore, this article aims to examine whether the provision of special autonomy will ensure the existence of Aceh remains within the NKRI?, how is the development of the Central Government's cooperation with the Aceh Government?, What are the impacts of special autonomy in Aceh?. This study ...